Monday, February 20, 2017

Definitive Code Reveals THE HOLY BIBLE

Definitive Coding Of The Holy Bible

My previous attempts in decoding THE HOLY BIBLE didn't decode the infamous 666 code but using reverse reduction decoded the number as shown below. There's a lot coded into THE HOLY BIBLE as one can plainly see the 21 Hoax code appear in the tree words. Also note the Freemason codes 96 and 42 which should tell you who's behind the Bible's creation. Of note is the 123 and 51 Conspiracy codes that tells you that a group of very gifted Bible scripters or writers thought out the narratives of ld and New Testaments. My goal is to awaken the Bible Believers as to the coding of THE HOLY BIBLE and hopefully bring about changes to the title. Everybody that own THE HOLY BIBLE is giving the creators needless energy that they enjoy. Every time you believe what they've written, which are lies, they enjoy deceiving the people and get their energies off of your belief.

Some thing you can do to lessen the energy that you radiate is to CHANGE THE HOLY BIBLE TITLE which would severily damage their energy levels. If possible change the text by updating to contemporary language and word usage.

123/201 The Holy Bible 60/57..93..111x6=666

93/96 The Holy 39/24..42..60
90/153 Holy Bible 45/45..54..72
33/48 The 15/12..21..39
60/48 Holy 24/12..21
30/105 Bible 21/33..51

My previous decodes whereby I think that the creators of CHRIST used SATANIST as a code word to encode CHRIST would be clarified in the decodings below. Note the 40 code that appears in CHRIST and SATANIST and the 77 and 59 connection to the BOOK of REVELATION in which I began this decoding. There's a lot coded into the word CRUCIFIX...all coding doesn't connect to fact it's a hoax as anyone can plainly see.

151/146 Jesus Christ 43..52..61..70/74..92..101
74/61 Jesus 11..20..29/34..52
77/85 Christ 32..41/40..49

121/149 Revelation 49..67/59..77..95
103/113 Satanist 22..31..40/59
74/115 Lucifer 38/43..61
74/115 Messiah 29..38..47/43..61..70
74/61 Cross 20..29..38/34
93/123 Crucifix 48/51
131/166 Crucifixion 68/67

From what I can judge..there's is no connection between the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. They appear to a separate entity apart from the Bible so it is presumed by me to be a hoax.

170/289 The Dead Sea Scrolls 62..71..80..89/100..109..127..145..163
137/241 Dead Sea Scrolls 47..56..65..74/88..106..124
39/150 Dead Sea 21..30/42..60..78
33/48 The 15/12..21..39/
14/94 Dead 14/22..40
25/56 Sea 7..16/20..38
98/91 Scrolls 26..35..44/46

There's numerous activities that Christians can do to lessen the Bible's conspirators energy level as outlined above. I don't expect overnight results but if you are aware of the deception and can lessen their outcome then do so.

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