Wednesday, January 15, 2020

NORAD--The Non-Existence Air D'Fence System - TERRORISTS FRIENDLY?

Osama Bin Laden And The Mystical, Magical Mountain Of NORAD

North American Air Defense Command 288/522=144/261 Blindfoldedness (126/144 Excrements, Shockproof) (144/180 Lifelessness, Nonauthentic, Exploitatory, Nonhostility) (81/207/144 Extortionists) (153/144 Purpose Plan) (81/81/207/171 Proscriptively, Superdubiously) (171/234 Corporification) (108/207/252 Microminiaturized) (81/117/252 Unauthoritativeness) (108/180/252 Disembarrassment) (108/234/225 Improvisatorially) (180/225 Distractibility) (81/207/225 Conspiratorially) (108/198/207 Questionability) (144/180=72/90 Mockery) (81/135 Ridicule) (135/162 Outlaughing) (135/216 Superfinanced) (Org/ROrg 373/437= 337/473=1070/1090=107/109 Predevised, Trickery, Revenues (107/190 Farcicality, Nonpracticableness))

NORAD 25/38/61 Dupable (83/106 Theatricalization) (47/52/160 Wonderland) (52/83 Unfeasibleness) (38/92 Cabalistical) (47/92 Unbreachable) (38/92 Laughter) (52/92 Authenticatable) (38/92 Control) (38/52/205 Faked Death) (52/74 Does Not Exist, Artificial, This is A Hoax) (38/52/74 Gematria) (47/52 Diverter, Mythicism, Vaporware, Contrived, Duplicity) (29/52 Shameless) (38/52/74 Fakeries) (52/74/209 Deceitfulness) (Org/ROrg 74/61 Jesus, Conspirative (74/106 Hoaxster, Contradictiveness) (74/61/106 Ridiculing, Exploitation, Bloodlessness) (74/160 Programmed, Reinventing)

It occurred to me that if a man in a cave brought down the World Trade Center and NORAD was powerless to stop him then could it be possible that there’s no such DEFENSE SYSTEM that was present to stop the mad Osama Bin Laden??? The decode of the North American Air Defense Command has the 9/9 numerical coding which means that there mockery at play and the rest of the decodes renders this NORAD...a complete joke.

It seems possible for the mainstream medias to report that there a AIR DEFENSE COMMAND/SYSTEM without there ever being a real entity built to warn the American Civil Defense gang and ultimately...the American public. So I put the case....did Osama Bin Laden...from his cave...bring down the Twin Towers??? It seem likely to me given that there’s no NORAD to detect his planes from entering American Airspace and ultimately turn those buildings into dust.

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