Tuesday, January 7, 2020

WOUNDLESS IN IRAN - Coming To A War Theatre Near You

Iran–The Perfect Country Chosen To Start WORLD WAR III?

Quasem Soleimani 65/88/173/232 Unpragmatically (88/56/124/173 Nontalented) (65/88/173 Remote Control, Inauthentic) (88/74/173 Conspirative, Condescendingness) (65/97/137/241 Characteristic) (56/79/137/214 Collaboration) (74/88/137/241 Prefabrication) (88/137/223/317 Establismentarianism)
(88/65/137 Government) (Org/ROrg 123/282 Preidentification (123/228 Prefabricates, Choreographed) (231/228 Transformationist)

World War III 69/75/141/156 Militarizes, Tribulation, Hospitalism, Cripplingly (Org/ROrg 132/165 Mythicalism, Orchestrate)

World War 42/48/114/102 (Org/ROrg 105/111 Monetary, Illusion)

War 15/21/42/39 (Org/ROrg 33/48 Laughable, False Flag)

Iran 24/30/42/66 (Org/ROrg 58/50 Staged Event, Nonabusive, Phantomship)

Note when broken down to a single digit you get a 6/3/6/3 which is 36/36 Mockery, Heckles, Acting, Scam, Tyranny

Rearrange the single digits you get 3/3/6/6 which is 33/66 Woundless, Sublimable, Embarrass, Fakery, Laughable, False Flag , Shammers

The general that was airstriked and killed seems to have the numbers that says that he was part of a staged event. The video points out that Iran is a puppet nation which is under the controls of the Powers That Be and it is perfectly synced up with WAR which is synced up with WORLD WAR which is synced up with WORLD WAR III.

Note that WORLD WAR III rendered words such as MILITARIZES and HOSPITALISM so does that means we will see numerous crippled soldiers when the war begins? In my mind, by looking at the numbers, that if WWIII were to commence that it will be a staged controlled event to boost the stock market. War is only done to fuel the DEBT BASED ECONOMIC MODEL so they need war to produce the war machines and the manpower to carry our their agendas. Also WWIII is needed by the bankers to deflect blame from them and blame it on Iran and the war’s outcome.

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