Friday, January 17, 2020

Top Geologist Warns Human Extinction IS REAL...ASK THE DINOSAURS.COM

Asteroidal Extinction Of The Dinosaurs???

Millions and Millions 99/117/225/288 Threedimensionality (99/117/171/288 Inconceivableness) (99/117/252 Microminiaturized, Overpictorialized) (99/81/180/171 Improvisation) (117/108/180/252 Disembarrassment) (81/180/225 Distractibility) (81/117/225 Conspiratorially, Deceivability, Superscandalously, Nonintelligently) (108/117/225 Improvisatorially, Noninterchangeability, Supergravitating) (99/117 Delusion, Hoodwink) (81/99/171 Proscriptively, Uncreditableness) (90/99 Mockery) (18/108 Faked) (117/108 Sensationalistic) (Org/ROrg 240/273 Unsophisticatedness (80/91 Corruptibility, Overimaginative, Scriptitiously))

Millions and Millions of years ago 166/176/446=88/83/223 Proportionality, Undexterousness, Redimensioning, Superexceeding, Hypermagically, Artificialize, Transplantable (139/185 Choreography) (139/158 Controlling, Undangerous, Moneymakers, Freemasonry, Implausibly) (148/176 Skepticizing) (167/184 Ungenuineness) (167/157 Conspirators) (176/175 Conspiratress) (158/166 Doubtfulness) (Org/ROrg 319/464=931/644=133/92 Its Not Real, Fictionalized, Choreographs, This is A Hoax, Deliberations)

Asteroid Dust 79/65/169/155 Does Not Exist, Novelisation (47/79/169 Nonsensible) (65/79/155/196 Misconception) (88/155 The Great Deceiver, Officialization) (65/88/155 Phantasmagorial, Perceivableness) (74/97/155 Theatricalising, Prophesied) (79/74/169 Pretendingness, Confabulator, Nonbelieving, Noninjuriousness) (Org/ROrg 145/179 Ununiqueness, Immortalized, Disingenious (197/154 Distrustingly) (145/197 Nonhereditariness, Questionableness)

Dinosaur 38/52/101/115 Bodyless (47/52/101/115 Diverter) (52/74/115 Masonic, Baloney, Schemingly) (52/74/151 Jesus Christ) (47/151 Dupability, Impossible) (38/52/101 Shameless) (101/115 Conceptualizations) (Org/ROrg 97/119 Noncensurableness, Theatricalising (79/119 Hoodwinkable, Star Of David, All Seeing Eye)

Geologist 46/44/109/134 Mockingly (46/53/109/134 Actorship) (44/55/134/109 Imposters) (53/109/143 Contrivances, Manipulative) (62/134/190 Programmatic) (53/46/134/109 Puppetize) (62/91/143 Falsifications) (Org/ROrg 73/170 Intentionally (17/73 Mason) (71/73 Programmatic, Contrivances, Manipulative, Purposefulness, Mythification, Masterminded) (73/107 Nonpracticableness, Unphotographable) (73/71/170 Enterprising))

How many recall how the dinosaurs died off on this planet Earth? The mainstream medias documentations of the event will have a ASTEROID enter Earth atmosphere and impact the ground causing an enormous explosion that produced a dust cloud that covered the Earth. The aftermath is a cloud that blocked off the Sun thus making the Earth inhabitable and the dinosaurs died off millions and millions of years ago. That’s the story of the extinction of the dinosaurs...believable???

The numbers rendered this story as a hoax. The ASTEROID dust that covered the Earth does not exist and the DINOSAURS are a BODYLESS entity which means that no dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. The Geologist that made their CLAIM TO FAME is a mockery and they imposters used as a prop to make the extinction drama more real. Moreover the phrase MILLIONS AND MILLIONS is a mockery and if people believe that the dinosaurs live at that period then they are a laughingstock to the perpetrators of this HOAX.

If the dinosaurs are real and they lived millions and millions of years ago then shouldn’t they be buried under millions and millions of years of ROCKS??? is it possible for the dinosaurs to be UNEARTHED????

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