Saturday, April 30, 2022

AT and T Managed By The Federal Reserve?

Across The Street Stands The AT and T Building

Across The Street AT and T 93/177/255 Premeditatedness (75/123/255 Fear propaganda) FB 411 (Org/ROrg 253/314=143/235 Federal Reserve, Falsifications

Across The Street 69/93/201 The Jesuit Order, Spellbinding (69/201 Fabricated) (Su/RSu 1170/1260=117/126 Improvise, Rulership (171/261 Uncreditableness) (126/171 Deceptively, Demoralizer, Fearfulness, Destroyable, Counterfact, Hoaxability, Fictionally, Desperation, Preplanning (Org/ROrg 162/243=126/234 Superscandalously (216/243 Impersonalization) (216/234 Overpreoccupation)

AT and T 39/51/120 Collusion (51/120/150 Connivancy) (Su/RSu 360/216=36/126 Schemers, Heckles) (Org/ROrg 91/71 Deception, Counterfactually, Questionableness (91/170 Mainstream Operation) (71/91/170 Conspiratorial)

Numerbetically the AT and T across the street is coded with the Francis Bacon numeric value of 411 which is mentioned in the video narrated by Zach Hubbard. It’s no accident that the AT and T is across the street from the Hoaxed Assassination of JFK. They have to place the mockery in the public’s mind but without their knowledge. If you kbow what the numbers mean then you can see thru their deception and lies.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Is There 201 or 102 Spaces Displayed At The DEALEY PLAZA Memorial?

Did THEY Mock The Truthers/Pound Pavers?

Two Zero One Spaces 129/132 John transforms into Jimmy (57/123 Conspiracy) (114/129 Psychological Operation) (114/192/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (39/105 Illusion) (48/69 Laughable, False Flag) (78/75/123 Fear Propaganda) (75/78/213 Choregraphic) (93/105/219/213 Superpatriotism) (75/96/219/213 Unsuggestibility, Unsystematically) (96/84/231 Photodecomposition) (93/96/231 Superorganization) (84/96/201/231 Unconvincibility) (75/87/231 Superbelievably) (87/129/231 Transformationist) (78/75/123/201 Spellbinding) (78/57/123/201 Foreshadowed) (75/78/132 Terrorized) (39/123/120 News Hound) (39/78/132 News Sucker) (69/84/141/291 Feeblemindedness) (69/84/141 Theatricalized) (48/78/129/114 Scripture) (Org/ROrg 153/279 Classificational, Identifiableness)

Two Hundred One Spaces 95/113/130 Jackie becomes Rosaline (41/58/122 Staged Event) (103/130/113 Bull SHIT, Dishonest, Operation, Illusions) (85/113/229/284 Superimprobableness) (31/113/76 Puppets) (41/85/113 Mainstream, Hypnotizes) (59/85/131/ Illusionable) (58/59/131 Fraudster) (130/167 Gullability, Fraudulency) (59/85/167 Conspirators, Newsworthiness) (85/104/284 Propagandistically) (95/103/248 Oversuspiciously) (85/113/248 Supercriticalness) (85/95/130/248 Preconceivable) (58/95 Transformers) (58/59/122 Scripted) (Org/ROrg 236/277 Overinstructiveness, Oversentimentalized)

Youtube’s decision to air the Dealey Plaza’s demonstration and not the Oklahoma demonstration got me wondering...why??? Then when the truthers were pound paving at the Dealey Plaza’s Memorial...I felt there was something there that THEY wanted to be aired. If they fussed over the number of windows in the White House then they’ll want attention drawn towards their Psychological/Mainstream Media Operation.

The JFK assassination was one staged event that placed fear into the minds of the masses and it is immortalized in the Dealey Plaza’s memorial and it would be the perfect place to code that symbolic site with numerbetics in the form of visual/numeric codes....the code that THEY only know. With that knowledge of coding a memorial with codes, they can laugh at the truthers that were demonstrating without the truther’s knowledge. You’d have to be as smart as THEY are to see the mockery that’s been perpetrated on the public whom walk pass and are sadden that they loss a President willing to fight for Americans and willing to end the Federal Reserve’s monetary system only to be meet with a scripted demise.

When I saw online that John and Jimmy were the same person/actor as with his wife Jackie/Rosaline...I couldn’t prove their masquerades were real until now with their Dealey Plaza memorial decoding. The numbers do not lie and the words associated with them tells you that you’ve been duped by the super believable Psychological/Mainstream Media Operation. Nobody died on that day...only your freedom to speak out. One MOCKERY OF A MEMORIAL... IS IT NOT???

Monday, April 4, 2022

Three Stooges In One Man...Only In U.S.A.



Rotting and decomposing into the earth 178/506=187/56 Society Of Jesus (Su/RSu 2310/3036=123/336 Psychological Operation) (Org/ROrg 444/447=148/149 Provocation (95/148 Brainwash) (59/148 Decaying)

Three Stooges in One Man 79/191 Society of Jesus (97/119 Rotting/Decomposing) (79/101/223/263 Conceptualizations) (92/97/236/223 Psychotropic Drugs) (133/137 Extinction) (92/124 No Brains) (Org/ROrg 227/313=227/133 Overplentifulness, Superremuneration (151/227 Unintelligible))

Dinosaurs lived six five million years ago 441/531=144/153 Jesuit Order (144/234 Mark Of The Beast) (126/144 Sheepishly, Fraudfully) (72/144/180 Lifelessness, Nonauthentic, Exploitatory) (Org/ROrg 402/570=42/57 Freemason, Thwarters, Synthetic, Monetized, Invented, Concocter, Monetary) (42/75 Trickster) (24/57 Made Up, Man Made)

OPERATION THREE IN ONE 91/116/226/287 Mainstream Operation (Org/ROrg 250/263 Overspeculativeness, Superintellectually, Unimpressionability (250/236 Uncontributiveness, Extraterrestrially))

The TRUTH TROOPS made a breakthru in Vancouver, Canada. Within a week of OPERATION SUNSHINE....the community centres posted MASKS ARE WELCOME which is more friendlier than MASK ARE MANDATORY. a direct result of the posting, many members have opted not to wear the mask.

My intelligence gathering network of pigeons cooed me in on the latest situation in the U.S.A. (UNITED SHEEPLES of AMERICA). The USA have their THREE STOOGES IN ONE MAN...then I can have a network of Pigeon Intelligence Gathering (PIG’s).

Dispatched across the USA, the PIG’s often disguised themselves as ordinary sheeples and many farm and domestic animals to gather intels on the USA and it was depressing. They reported that OPERATION SUNSHINE was meet with resistance chiefly due to the DUMBDOWNINESS in which the USA couldn’t comprehend the meaning of the words SUN and SON. They offered some solutions listening to Youtubers rant about having the USA’s put under, rotting and decomposing in the soils. They watched the movie THE GOOD DINOSAUR whereby the dinosaurs lived because the asteroid missed planet Earth and they evolved having human like strengths and abilities and mankind were the animals. The PIG’s gathered all their intels and concluded that the USA needed a ICONIC MAMMAL in the form of the highly visible and BELIEVABLE DINOSAURS. They recommend waking the USA with the same as OPERATION SUNSHINE.

The PIG’s cooed me in on some fact that truthers might used to slap the USA out of it’s SHEEPLEDOM. One really obvious fact is that Dinosaur aren’t EMBALMERS so if they lived 65 millions years ago....there would be no trace of a dinosaur on planet Earth because of decomposition.

Another fact is if they lived 65 million years ago then they should be buried under 65 million years of rocks thus making it impossible to discover or dig up a Dinosaur Skeleton.

The U.S.A. will be a nation of Three Stooges in One Man if they can’t grasp the concept that Dinosaurs are a hoax as is COVID-19 and Jesus Christ. The decodes above points out that the THREE STOOGES IN ONE MAN needs to be depopulated because they are what they are...U.S.A.