Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hollywood Ripper AKA The Unwoundable Manstabber

Hollywood Ripper Stabs Girl 47 Times

Hollywood ripper 94/95/211/194 Transcriptively (68/94/194 Condescensiveness) (77/94/194 Prepostorship) (77/94/194 Sensationalizing) (94/113 Mainstream) (68/49/113 Operation, Dishonest) (68/112/131 Profiteer) (68/49/95/121 Painless) (Org/ROrg 206/199

Actor Ashton Kutcher 220/266=110/133 Contrived (103/266 Controlled Opposition) (104/76/131/220 Inconvincible) (104/103/220 Impossibilities) (104/76/140/ Scriptorial) (Org/ROrg 210/276 Hyperexcitableness (105/138 Quibblers, Pretender))

Ashley Ellerin 64/71/145/206 Counterfeited (73/80/145/206 Suspicionable) (80/73/134 Fictioneering) (Org/ROrg 155/196 Misconception (155/169 The Great Deceiver, Novelisation))

stabbed Four Seven Times 127/197 Manufactured (Org/ROrg 271/296=172/296=86/148=86/184 Orchestrations)

stabbed Forty Seven Times 133/137 Its Not Real (133/164 Intentional, This is A Hoax) (133/218 Fictionalized) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (Org/ROrg 295/299=952/992=119/124 Duplicity, Con Artist, Quizzical

Details found in this video:

Stabbed 47 times decodes to a hoax with imaginary victims. The Hollywood ripper is coded as transcript related contrived story to full CNN vast wealth of hoaxes and fraudulent news reporting. A truly contrived narrative to script Actor Ashton Kutcher into the limelights for whatever reasons.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

U Wanted To Know...Why Plane Crashes?

Musicians Death By Plane Crashes Decoded

Plane Crash 43/65/97/173 Theatrical (25/38/97 Death) (29/34/65/97 Mocker) (74/70/173/205 Metamorphosing) (43/56/97 Fairy Tale, Absurd) (65/97/205 Superdubiousness) (74/97/137 Prefabrication) (65/79/250 Underhandedness, Accommodatingly) (Org/ROrg 122/148 Nonabusive, Fraudulent (122/184 Orchestrations) (212/148 Mischaracterization))

Fatal Plane Crash 56/97/137/268 Lackbrainedness (56/79/137/214 Collaboration) (88/65/137 Preposterous) (88/137/241 Prefabrication) (106/268 Theatricalization) (79/268 Preacknowledging) (88/56/124 Inceptions, Pretenders) (Org/ROrg 180/225 Distractibility (108/225 Improvisatorially) (81/225 Conspiratorially, Deceivability)

Gabriel Diniz 71/91/170/208 Conspiratorial, Sensationalism (116/91/208 Selfpreservatory) (71/73/116 Shameproof, Underacting, Condescending) (Org/ROrg 165/159 Transformism, Manipulators, Fraudulently Conjurations, Mythologized (156/195 Surpriseproof, Regurgitating, Supereternity)
Death By Plane Crash 27/81/81 Ritual (72/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (18/27/108 Faked) (90/108/162 Hoodwinked) (81/117/261 Unauthoritativeness) (90/117/(126 Improvise) (81/135 Ridicule) (135/162 Outlaughing) (72/90/153/171 Extemporised) (90/99 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 227/232 Overdescriptively)

Musicians die by plane crash 250/398=125/199 Overbragging, Brainwashing, Masterminded (106/164 Characterisation, Ridiculing) (106/200 Undeterminableness) (115/218 Indestructibleness) (124/146 Inceptions, Pretenders) (124/173 Nontalented, Inauthentic) (133/164 Intentional) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (133/164 This is A Hoax) (Org/ROrg 277/371=277/137 The Great Deceiver)

Death by plane crash is coded a mockery and if you think the last decode is true then the musicians that are dying seems to be non-talented and a character that worth the sacrifice. There’s no doubt that using plane crashes are used as a tool for rituals and mockery. The death of Gabriel Diniz is coded as a self-preservatory motive and he’s glad to be out of the limelights.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Walls Of China & Berlin...A Mockumentary

Great Wall Of China And Berlin Wall Decoded

Great Wall Of China 74/88/155/277 Adrenalectomized (88/155/277 The Great Deceiver) (47/88/155 Transplantable) (74/97/155 Theatricalising) (88/74/115/155 Epitomised) (47/79/155 Uneducatedness)
(74/88/155 Phantasmagorial) (65/79/155 Underhandedness) (61/74/151 Conspirative, Revivifying) (88/74/151 Improvising) (47/61/151 Dupability, Impossible) (Org/ROrg 177/255 Premeditatedness (59/85 Deceitful, Falsehood, Conspiratress) (58/95 Sensationalised, Forgery, Bamboozled) (85/95 Improvisational)

Great Wall 27/36/99/63 Untrue (36/63/99 Mockery) (99/99/207 Overpictorialized, Conspiratorially) (54/144/99 Impostors) (54/63/144 Nonauthentic) (72/99/144 Amphitheatrical, Adrenalectomies) (27/36/63 Heckles) (36/45/99 Delusion) (27/36/72 Scam) (Org/ROrg 96/147 Freemason, Transformance, Skeptical, Shunnable, Fairylike (69/147 Concocter, Improvisate, Duplifying) (69/174 Laughable, Perpetuators) (96/174 Facsimiles, Intentionalism, Superbelievably, Nonauthenticated, Boondoggle, Scripturally)

Great 24/30/51/84 Hosed (Su/RSu 306/504=36/54 Mockery) (51/48/84 Questioned, Pretender, Dishonesty, Manipulators, Conjurations, Fabricative, Mocked) (Org/ROrg 55/80 Satan)

Wall 21/24/48/60 Hoax (48/60 Freemason, Preknowing, Scripture, Misleading) (Org/ROrg 41/67 Inaccurate, Joke, Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Dishonest, DisInfo, Bamboozled, Doubtfulness)

Berlin Wall 63/45/108/162 Hoodwinked (45/63 Mockery) (63/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (63/81/126 Deceivability) (45/81/81 Ritual) (45/63/81 Deliberate, Ridicule) (Org/ROrg 143/127 Preprogram, Contrivances)

Berlin 33/39/60/102 Made Up (21/48/60 Hoax) (60/57/201 Foreshadowed) (39/33/102 Farce, Provoke) (60/57/201 Predeceived, Fabricative) (48/60/120 Nonrealism) (60/120 Fictionized, Shammers) (Org/ROrg 102/60 Con Man) (60/120 Connivancy) (60/201 Glorifiable, Fabricated)

The numbers decoded within the Great Wall Of China and the Berlin Wall is pure mockery and shaming the public. Was there any reasons to put up a wall in Berlin when the mainstream medias contrived the cold war only to garner headlines and advertising dollars. The Great Wall Of China, in my mind, was manufactured before Nixon Visit to China. I could make the assumption that the Great Wall is similar to that of making a tourist attraction to feed the Debt Based Economic Model.