Thursday, May 2, 2019

Alex Trebek....Will He Croak???

Alex Trebek In Jeopardy????

Alex Trebek 103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (77/103/167 Superartificial)
(49/68/130/167 Gullability, Fraudulency, Culpability) (40/59/103/140 Theatrics) (Org/ROrg 125/145 Complicity, Puppetries, Namelessness)

Feeling Good 63/63/99 Mockery (45/63/99 Hoodwink) (63/99/198/180 Superabsurdity) (63/81/198/180 Supermentality) (81/99/198 Unscrutinisingly) (54/63/198 Untruthfully)
(63/81/207 Superdubiously) (36/36/27/108 Faked) (Org/ROrg 122/175 Staged Event)

Black Red White 67/77/121/230 Characterized (59/58/95/121 Painless) (50/76/113/211 Semianimated) (67/77/211 Newsworthiness) (86/85/203 Hyperridiculous) (58/68/121/203 Programmable) (76/86/203 Misinformation) (59/58/122/121 Puppeteer) (59/121/122 Amusingly) (Org/ROrg 168/183 Flatulentness (138/186 Misdirection))

stage four 49/59/112/131 Fraudster, Hilarious (49/58/113 Dishonest, Operation) (50/49/113 Bemock) (59/49/112 Conjurer, Shammer, Delusional) (Org/ROrg 92/151 Malassociation, Impossible, Conspirative (29/92/115 Misname, Knifeproof) (115/209 Flimflamming))

The numbers are revealing that Alex Trebek is a character willing to do his master’s instructions which is to fake his cancer and if he dies on the date mentioned in the will be scripted. Note the word PAINLESS that is decoded in the picture and he’s wearing the colors of the Jesuits so he’s part of the hoax to gain sympathy for his phony illness which will be reflected in his hoax resume when he gets well and retuens to his usual job of game show host. What else is he going to do???

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