Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Perfect Stooge To Find The FREETHINKERS?

What If Zachary K. Hubbard Was A Stooge?

A Thought...What If Zachary K Hubbard was a person that the Jesuits targeted and was fed ideas about Gematria from the very beginning but without his knowledge became a stooge for the Society Of Jesus. Zachary would spread the knowledge of Gematria and who better than him to spread it.

Along Zachary’s journey....he would encounter oppositions, threats and other whatnot’s on his epic journey to educate the people that can THINK. You do know that the people sitting above you don’t want people that can THINK as well as THEY can so what do you do to find these FREETHINKERS? You spread the knowledge that THEY use GEMATRIA among the THINKERS with the ultimate goal of FINDING them.

Zachary could have been a controlled person without his knowledge and he would spread the GEMATRIA knowledge but it would be on a THEIR directives. This thought had occurred to me when the Radio program GEMATRIA EFFECT on TFR was titled by the station and not by Zachary himself. I believe that Zachary would have wanted the word TRUTH in his radio program title but wasn’t given that choice.

The decodes of ZACHARY KEITH HUBBARD STOOGE (you do the calculations) gave me further alarm bells that Zachary was played by the Jesuits but without his knowledge. He would go about his daily routines and spread his Gematria knowledge. I often wondered why THEY haven’t shut him down when his superior sports gematria was catching on fire with the truthers. Then it came to me that THEY have a more sinister plot and that’s to gather them all at a common meeting place...TFR where truthers would call in to talk to Zachary or to listen in on their cell phone. A perfect method of FINDING truthers....all in one place.

So...Am I paranoid and truthers aren’t monitored so that you can call in to talk to Zachary and be free from worries that THEY don’t want to find the FREETHINKERS and THEY are the SAINTS of ANGELS and would leave you alone.

A quick scan of the Gematria YouTube channels and I would say that Zachary had done a Jesuit's job of getting the word GEMATRIA out into the open and just maybe that what the Society of Jesus wanted from the beginning and it worked. I KNOW NUMERBETICS!!!

Friday, October 29, 2021

THEY Want You CONTROLLED...Will You Submit???

Are Truthers Monitored???

Truthers are monitored 104/103/266/274 Controlled Opposition (266/274=133/137 Subunequal, Horoscopes, Government) (113/130 Dishonest, Operation) (113/211 Broadcasting) (113/157 Mainstream) (113/184 Reeducative) (131/166 Programming, Humiliation, Laughterful) (Org/ROrg 272/268=136/134 Monitoring, Surveiling, Tyrannized)

When Pounding Pavements, did any truthers think that they weren’t monitored?? There had to be some instincts that told you that somebody was watching you as you bullhorned the cars. Well if you didn’t know’ll really know now.

The same monitoring is done on GEMATRIA EFFECT radio show but you wouldn’t know it cuz Zachary is so informative that you forget that phone calls can be monitored. And maybe that why Zachary is the right stooge or shill to get the truthers to call in and inform THEM of your location. My advice is to not call in to TFR if you’re worried that THEY might be tracking your whereabouts. If you’re listening to RAMBO...the word HOROSCOPES should give truthers cautions that you may want to listen on the RADIO ONLY and not on the cell phones. All truthers….Listen to TFR ON THE RADIO and not on your PHONES and DON”T PHONE IN!! Let Zachary do a THREE Hour Monologue…he’s got the strength and stamina and most of all….GEMATRIA KNOWLEDGE.

Really F**ked-R-Us In Association With Americans Presents....


U=3  S=1  A=1      U=6  S=8  A=8

Shown above is the Reduced Numerbetic Values in Forward & Reverse

Add the two together reveals the True NUMBER OF THE BEAST which is....

                                       9 9 9

America...Really F**ked

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

F**ked-R-Us Presents THE AMERICANS---F**KED

U=3 S=1 A=1----What Has Americans Got Numerbetically??? 311=113

Are Americans F**ked??? The numbers don't lie but in my opinion...YUP...You're F**ked!!!

Flat Earthlings Are As Flat As A Cardboard With Brains To Match!!!

Rob Skiba & His ReRuns Equates To A NonVegetable

Rob Skiba 32/58/77/139 Damn Lies (58/77/139 Thinkableness) (58/59/139 Controlling) (58/50/139 Phantomship) (85/77/139 Choreographical, Deceptibility) (50/58 Nonvegetable) (Org/ROrg 101/115 Bodyless, Diverter, Overemphaticalness, Conceptualizations, Society Of Jesus (110/115 Superillustrating, Unbelievable))

EARTH Is Flat 56/79/191/187 Society Of Jesus (Org/ROrg 139/158 Controlling, Phantomship (158/193 Sublimination) (185/193 Quizzification))

Flat Planet 35/55/107/163 Nonfactual (55/107/163 Disneyland, Existibility) (55/107/136 Dimwitted) (55/53/136/107 Improviso) (35/55/136 Gullible) (Org/ROrg 122/148 Fraudulent)

I BELIEVE that this explanation will answer Flat Earthlings burning quest for the truth. They say that the Earth is a FLAT DISK similar to what viewed as a FLAT MOON and FLAT SUN. If this theory is to hold up then Flat Earthlings should be walking on their FLAT EARTH as A FLAT (REALLY FLAT AS A CARDBOARD) EARTHLING which they CAN’T undeniably comprehend. Even their masters and perpetrators of the FLAT EARTH THEORY is having a ball laughing at them. The decode below accurately revealed the key word THREEDIMENSIONALITY which a CARDBOARD person is not a 3D entity.

FLAT AS A CARDBOARD 54/36 Mockery (81/36/63/126 Heckles) (90/126 LIfelike) (45/81/126 Lifelikeness) (63/81/126/225 Deceivability) (90/108/225 Threedimensionality) (Org/ROrg 187/245 Society Of Jesus)

As for Rob Skiba...a nonperson manufactured by TFR to counter their GEMATRIA EFFECT radio program flagshipped by truthseekers. How can you kill a nonperson....same way you made Rob with a fatal scripted death so compelling that it’s BELIEVABLE to the REALLY FLAT EARTHLINGS.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Truthers Got Victimized...Move Forward

Pound Pavement...The Jesuit’s Plan Was Successful

Pound Pavement 58/68/166/185 Superconfused (77/85/185/166 Scriptwriting) (68/58/158/166 Followership) (59/58/131/166 Laughterful, Unrealistic, Programming, Humiliation) (59/58/104/166 Inventable) (58/77/166 Laughingstocks) (59/76/113 Decarbonating, Broadcasting) (59/67/113 Mainstream) (Su/RSu 996/1110=73/233 Superinfluenced, Overcomplacently) (Org/ROrg 195/156 Brainlessness, Regurgitating, Surpriseproof (159/165 Manipulators, Conjurations)

P/P=7/11 (Org/ROrg 24/3=24/30 Mocked, Con Man)

Three cheers (wonder who came up with that for the Jesuit Order for a brilliant and massive mainstream and psychological operation. Truthers should congratulate the Jesuits for being duped and humiliated and made a laughingstock among the perpetrators of the Pound Pavement PSYOP.

It would eventually grab you and program you to believe that Pounding Pavement would achieve the results THEY wanted which is an absolute non event knowing that their dumbdown slaves will not follow the truther’s narratives. Knowing that truther had to watch and read mainstream narrative Truthers succumbed to their Television programming with images of protests which may or may not be authentic….and it worked. As I always say when I make a mistake….I yield and say LIVE AND LEARN and hopefully I won’t make the same mistake again.

PP =7/11...The Society Of Jesus numerbetic signature numbers for all their large scale PSYOP’s coded into Pound Pavement and they did a number on the truthers.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Agent RAMBO Making Sleeper Truthers?

Rambo...Society Of Jesus Super Agent???

Astrology 42/48/132/111 (Org/ROrg 87/156)

Astrological signs 74/106/200/259 (FB 226=113) (Org/ROrg 157/302)

Rambo's Astrology 65/88/200/205 (Su/RSu 1200/1230=120/123) (Org/ROrg 156/249)

Rambo's Decodes 51/75/111/123/228 (Org/ROrg 136/215)

Rambo's Astrology Decodes 120/123/255/339 (Su/RSu 1530/2034) (FB 333=111) (Org/ROrg 223/371)

What are the odd that ASTROLOGY, RAMBO’S DECODES and RAMBO’S ASTROLOGY DECODES have the infamous 111 numerbetic codings which entails a massive Psychological Operation. The name RAMBO was used so that the number 111 would be coded and it worked. Even RAMBO’S ASTROLOGY is coded with the number 111. That many 111’s leads me to believe that Rambo is an agent with astrological knowledge and was sent in to waste truthers time with BULL SHIT.

The name Rambo has no connection to the number 111 but when used in conjunction other coded words reveals the number 111. Rambo or whoever it is may be....a guy with impeccable astrological knowledge sent in to waste truthers time for a price.....a price Rambo couldn’t refuse. This decode and opinion is mine and you may draw your own conclusions.

Will You Boost Your Immune System???

How Many Booster Shots Will You Get?

Covid Booster Shots 75/111/96/228/231 Unsympatheticness (78/57/123/228 Choreographed) (69/102/123/282 Miscarriageable) (Org/ROrg 190/269 Nonscientifically, Maladministrative, Nonmethodicalness,, Behavioristically, Irrecoverableness (190/296 Establishmentarian, Nonpracticableness))

Booster Shots 49/68/175/149 Controllably, Corporational (76/68/157/194 Pretendership) (Org/ROrg 135/189 Superabsurdity, Preknowledge, Buffooneries, Preconspiracy (153/198 Nonconnective))

Boosters 32/49/113/103 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (Org/ROrg 88/128 Artificialize, Tricksters (88/182 Artificial,182 Deceivingly, Preconceive, Overseriousness, Uninnocuousness))

I was trucking along when I saw this How Many Booster Shots Will You Get? spray painted on the parking lot. It interested me and I was surprised at the decode which leads me to believe that it’s all BULL SHIT manufactured by the corporations to give an excuse for the Federal Reserve to print more money with the ultimate goal... FUEL THE DEBT BASE ECONOMIC MODEL with printed money.

Friday, October 22, 2021

There May Be A JESUS Among You!!!


Jesus 11/34/74/61 (Org/ROrg 42/93)

Satan 10/35/55/80 (Org/ROrg 54/81)

Betty 18/27/72/63 (Org/ROrg 82/53)

Ping 28/17/46/62 (Org/ROrg 66/42)

Three Fold 48/42/93/150 (Org/ROrg 132/111)

Henceforth GEMATRIA will be summoned as NUMERBETIC since THEY probably named GEMATRIA cuz it sums to 74. Numerbeticallly I was searching for a relationship between Jesus Christ and Satan Anti-Christ and it was right in front off my eyes. Add the ciphers and see if they match. Check your name numerbetics and you may be related to Jesus or Satan. name, Ping, numerbetically isn’t a match but Betty is. All females rejoice...There’s a feminine Jesus name so that you can act like Jesus and can walk on water. BEING JESUS....IT ALL I EVER WANTED

Of All The numbers 1-9....THREE has the 666/999 number coded into the word. So if it is possible to fold a sheet of paper with THREE FOLD’s and isn’t it amazing that it’s the Number Three.....The SOCIETY OF JESUS much flogged number. You hear or read it in movies and other medias if you pay attention.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Billions Delivered...Operation Pamphletized Or Where's The Truth?

From AGAINST To FROM.....The Jesuit Order

YOUR PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION 150/120 Illuminati (357/372=119/124 Society Of Jesus, Jesuitize, Duplicity) (Org/ROrg 352/377=325/377=25/29 Shit, Society Of Jesus)

TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO 104/112/248/265 Nonconversationally, Unargumentativeness (103/104/284 Propagandistically) (Org/ROrg 252/261 Interprofessionally, Unauthoritativeness (252/162 Noncomprehensiveness) (126/225 Overindividualistic) (225/261Superindividualism) (225/162 Incomprehensibility)

Pamphlets 47/52/110/133 Contrived (Org/ROrg 127/116 Narratives, Misinform (172/116 Masterfulness, Purposefulness, Painlessness) (161/217 Preidentifying)

I watched ZK Hubbard pound pavement and it was a painful experience. To have to speak into a megaphone in order to reach people that have already forgotten what transpired yet the effort is to be commended. It’s difficult because pounding pavement only has limited results.

I thought of a much better media to take advantage of Hubbard’s talent....a PAMPHLET. ZKH is a teacher so he should know how to reach his STUDENTS by communications in ways that only a teacher can communicate. I propose that the truth movement ditch the word GEMATRIA and use a STUDENT FRIENDLY word....some variation of words that will be resonant with the core audience.

Ditch TFR...the pamphlets process will demand full attention. Imagine....a SINGLE SHEET OF PAPER with graphics and infos that can be hand delivered and/or sent to MILLIONS maybe BILLIONS of home. A pamphlet that can be handed out to the passerbys when pounding pavement.

A single sheet of paper printed on both sides then folded into THREE sections with COMPREHENSIBLE graphical info for them to read or visually immersed story content, What better way to wake them up with the story of KOBE BRYANT and POPE FRANCIS at the Vatican doing GOD only knows.

Don’t lose sight on your core audience.....DEADHEADS that won’t read but will process thing visually

and use elementary language,,,something ZKH knows about being a teacher. This pamphlet is in favour of Hubbard’s talent....writing and communication....having written two books and another to follow. So....truthseekers ...what do you want ZK hubbard to do......????

The decode of pamphlet clearly reveals that a single double sided printed BOOK will inform with narratives meant to inform the intended audience with purpose can hope.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Why Did Michael Jordan Wear The Number 23?

Watch and Listen For The Number 23

TWO THREE 48/102/114 Mystical (66/114/210 Demoniacally) (24/39/102 Made Up) (84/141/210 Revealability) (42/69/201 Fabricated) (66/114/201 Disbelieved, Predeceived) (33/48/120 Shammers) (84/204/201 Hypnotisability) (Org/ROrg 103/113 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest, Superimprobableness) (31/113 Bemock, Puppets, Undead) (103/131 Miseducative) (131/193/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous, Illusionable))

TWENTY THREE 53/55/107/163 Disneyland, Predevised (71/215/163 Scriptitiously) (53/134/163 Crisis Actor) (35/55/53/163 Farcical) (35/55/107/163 Nonfactual) (62/55/134/136 Monitoring) (55/62/136/134 Surveiling) (Org/ROrg 164/133 Intentional, This is A Hoax)

One Hundred One Three 99/90 Mockery (99/90/198/180 Superabsurdity, Supermentality) (90/99/171/288 Inconceivableness) (99/99/288 Noncomprehensiveness) (Org/ROrg 263/223 Conceptualizations (223/236 Overmystification) (263=56 Prime Society Of Jesus) (223=48 Prime Hoax, Synagogue Of Satan)

One Hundred Thirteen 99/90 Mockery (Org/ROrg 285/201=258/120 Psychological Operation (258/201 Mainstream Media Operation) (102/258 Superrighteousness, Thinkless Vaccine) (210/258 Precongratulating))

ONE ONE THREE 61/65/124/137 Society Of Jesus (56/61/137/160 Mind Control) (56/70/173/124 Injuriously) (137/241 Prefabrication) (65/137/160 Trifluoride) (56/137/214 Pharmaceutics) (47/61/128 Dupable) (61/142/128 Tricksters) (61/56/128 Surveiled) (61/92/124 Laughter) (61/47/133/137 Government) (Org/ROrg 137/160 Trifluoride, Mind Control (137/61 Its Not Real, Laughing) (173/160 Condescendingness) (173/61 Conspirative, Oneupmanship))

Wasn’t Michael Jordan that wore the number 23 and when he came back and wore the number 32...he protested??? If MJ did wear the number 23...this decode will explain why. MJ equals 113 and the TWO THREE decode accurately sniffed out the 113.

The 113 decodes are a mixture of MIND CONTROL induced by PHARMACEUTICS sprinkled with a bit of PSYOP’s and MAINSTREAM MEDIA programming. Is it any wonder why the DEADHEAD’s are walking with masks on. It’s a struggle to wake these sheeple out of that MIND CONTROL which is what the number 113 is most associated with.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

12 Zodiac Signs & 9 Planets = A Script?

A Simplified TFR Title Is Paramount?

Gematria 52/74/124 Brainwashees (52/47/142 Touchdowns) (43/83 Football) (43/56/124 Jesuitize) (38/52/124 No Brains) (47/70/124 Unscrupulous) (38/52/124 Laughter) (Org/ROrg 78/138 Misdirection, Spurious, Operations (78/183 Surveillance)

Gematria Effect 65/79/119/133 Society Of Jesus (70/65/133 Intentional) (79/65/133/191 Flimflammery, Responsivity) (Org/ROrg 153/225 Unsuspectingness (135/225 Deceivability) (135/252 Disembarrassment))

Gematria Effect News 36/90/99 Mockery (18/36/63 Fart) (Org/ROrg 200/286 Unaccomplishedness, Undeterminableness (100/143 Misdirect, Falseness, Supersalesmanship)

This blog would never have been read if Z.K. Hubbard had chosen his own title for the Jesuit Operated Radio Station...TFR. So...Why am I bashing GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS??? The word SURVEILLANCE is key to what THEY are doing...Listening in and keeping ears on the truthers.

If your Target is to reach and wake up the DEADBRAINS then why would you title your radio show with the word GEMATRIA and GEMATRIA EFFECT...words that don’t connect with the BRAINDEADS. Their shrivelled brain synapses would never comprehend the connection with number, letters and the practice of coding numbers into words. My suggestion is to ditch the title GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS and the radio station and start your own PODCAST on your social media platform. The setup is already there so start using your web site to its maximum. You could approach the TFR station manager about a change in the GEMATRIA EFFECT title.

It no accident that GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS is code with MOCKERY and FART cuz any societies that has SHIT embedded into its logo will love the smell of FARTS on the truthers. It another mocking of the truthers when UNACCOMPLISHEDNESS is coded into the phrase also meaning that they are laughing at their successful PSYOPS which hampers truthers true objective.

Some Title suggestions are:

Numbers Into Letters

Code1-26 Into ABC

Truth In Numbers

26 The GOD Code


A-1 TO Z-26


A simple title for the simple and awakened minds

Twelve Minus Nine 83/97/200 Unaccomplishedness (92/97/200 Indoctrinization) (83/88/200/205 Mischievousness) (88/110/205 Totalitarianizing) (110/70/205 Hyperoxygenizing) (79/101/205 Overemphaticalness) (Org/ROrg 201/204 Hypnotisability (42/201 Fabricated) (114/210 Sheephearted) (67/68 Lying, Duplicitous)

Unless NASA has found three new planets then why are there Twelve zodiac signs??? I’s all a script which is what astrology is....a script with concocted for the ritual of WASTED TIME AND BRAIN FUNCTION. The word UNACCOMPLISHEDNESS is the correct coded word for the astrology theme cuz it accomplishes nothing but that’s my’ll have yours. The other word is HYPNOTISABILITY which must be correct cuz people are mesmerized by the twelve zodiac signs.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Z.K. Hubbard Latest Best Seller ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED Endorsed By The Society Of Jesus...Get Yours When Available OR NOT!!!

77...The Society Of Jesus’s Illuminating Number

Seven Seven 103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (49/50/103/140 Treachery, Theatrics)(50/67/140 Mockingstock) (59/76/140 Scriptorial) (40/50/103/140 Scallywag) (59/67/104/166 Fictioneer, Falsifiers) (103/104/211 Inapprehensibility) (32/58/104/139 Dastardly, Dangerous) (50/49/104/112 Conjurer) (67/77/130/194 Misdirecting, Misleadingly) (49/68/130 Gullability, Fraudulency) (76/68/130/221 Crookfingered) (77/103/310 Disacknowledgements) (Org/ROrg 120/150 Illuminati, Connivancy (120/51 Trickster, Conjurers, Shammers) (51/102 Provoke, Divinized) (21/15 Hoax, Jesuit)

Seventy Seven Same as Above (59/76/149/175 Journalising) (59/67/113/157 Mainstream) (Org/ROrg 152/172 Instructible) (125/172 Filthifying))

The Number77 is associated with the Jesuits and the Illuminati. It also has the sweet fragrance SHIT...the Society Of Jesus’s flagship of Shovelled Manure at their subnormal populace. The number explicitly details most of the nefarious deeds done to humanity. With the light of the Illuminati...The Jesuits are a group that’ll capture the public’s attention....albeit with the aid of mainstream brainwashing programs and deceptions. They are caring and thought worthy society dedicated towards the progressive advancement of humanity.

The Society of Jesus are in association with the Illuminati as accurately decoded and with Z.K. Hubbard’s new book set to be released soon....the book ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED is sure to be a BEST SELLER and BEST SELLING BOOK.

Illuminati Confirmed (Org/ROrg 249/264=83/88 Society Of Jesus)

Z.K Hubbard’s planned second edition POPE FRANCIS AND KOBE BRYANT is titled to be Society Of Jesus friendly however any references to violence will be not be numerically compatible with the Illuminati.

Pope Francis and Kobe Bryant 110/187 Society Of Jesus (Org/ROrg 342/306=234/63 Superscandalously)

Embrace Being A Flat Earther And Be JESUS...F**K YAH!!!

Truthers Will Learn...The EARTH Is Flat

Flat Earth 44/91/152 Deception (37/53/91/152 Bamboozle, Flimflams, Dribblets) (53/152 Controlled) (53/82/152/172 Instructible) (Org/ROrg 124/119 Society Of Jesus)

Flat Earther 114/390 Mainstream Media Operation (114/111 Psychological Operation) (51/66/114 Exploitage, Robotized)(Org/ROrg 151/146 Jesus Christ, Improvising)

Flat Earthlings 71/91/152/226 Propagandistic (91/116/226 Mainstream Operation) (91/206/226 Predemonstration, Superconfidently) (82/116/226/260 Contradistinctions) (80/91/226 Programmability) (Org/ROrg 187/191 Society Of Jesus)

Truthers rejoice...The Gods of the Ninth Realm has named their loyal followers...FLAT EARTHLINGS...a title that you should walk proud with your head held high and say...I’m a FLAT EARTHER. Being a FLAT will become Jesus Christ and be able to do all things JESUSLIKE. Imagine being a SUN of GOD and be.....LIKE JESUS and be able to perform miracles and best of all...WALK ON WATER!!!

The Gods Of The Seventh Realm wants you display their latest slogan.....with FLAT EARTHLY pride






Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Jesuits Are Gods Of The Third Realm?

It’s A Perfect Scripting Of DOG and GOD

D 4 G 7

O 6 O 6                 764/4=191

G 7 D 4

D 5 G 2

O 3 O 3                   532/4=133

G 2 D 5

191/133 is the Society of Jesus

You’ll be surprised at why THEY coded DOG and GOD together. If you look at a dog’s life....what does it do??? The dog is subservient to their master and to survive it follows the master’s instructions. A domesticated dog will die without their master giving them foods while the independent cat knows how to hunt for food to survive. Does the dog have similar traits compared to a sheeple??? So...THEY think they are GODS and that’s why they coded DOG and GOD together.

They had to know which animal to code with GOD or to script the DOG by simple observation of the dog’s life. Clever and Insidious and that’s why they aren’t playing GOD.....THEY ARE GOD to the sheeples with the help of chemical poisoning and indoctrination of their minds.

S 1 S 8

H 8 H 1

I 9 I 9

T 2 T 7

In the SHIT decode do you see the 92/79 and 128/187 Society Of Jesus??? Clever and Brilliant coding method so what are you going to do??? Now...the question will to utilize this knowledge to truther’s advantage.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Covid Pills 82 Equals 28 Which Breaks Down To 118???

Merck’s Covid Pills---Good Or Bad???

Eighty two 39/51/111/132 Amusement (51/57/132 Mindlessly) (39/51/111/105 Monetary) (39/51/111 Mocked) (Org/ROrg 104/139 Dastardly, Criminalistic (41/104/139 Dangerous)

Eight Two 46/109/107 Trickery (44/55/107 Dimwitted) (37/44/109/107 Revenues) (107/190 Irrecoverableness, Significativeness, Behavioristically) (Org/ROrg 92/124 Society Of Jesus, No Brains, Laughter, Jesuitize (29/142 Shameless, Tricksters) (92/142/209 Deceitfulness)

Halves Risk 79/65/124 Society Of Jesus (38/52/92/124 No Brains) (38/43/92/124 Laughter) (43/65/124/146 Skepticism) (52/74/124 Brainwashees) (Org/ROrg 112/158 Delusional, Newsworthiness)

Based on this decode, I would warn anyone to not take the Covid pill. The numbers and words and alarmingly bad with words such as NO BRAINS, MINDLESSLY, DANGEROUS, AMUSEMENT and MONETARY...there’s nothing good about the pill. It’s surely coded as a money maker to fuel the debt based economic model which is getting worse. Why else would THEY roll out a pill.

Most noteworthy is the number 111 and it’s derivatives 666 and 999 which means that the number 82 is a scheme. To go further 28=118 which is death in Jewish so will we witness deaths as one take this Covid pill??? We shall see!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Would The Jesuits Choose 9/11 Or 7/11???

Building 7 And 2 Towers = 9/11 Ritual???

Building Seven 80/109/280 Commercialisation (28/62/143 Falseness, Contrivances, Manipulative) (Org/ROrg 182/169 Improvisatize (182/196 Daring Truthers) (128/169 Crookedness, Society Of Jesus))

Building Nine 78/204/201 Hypnotisability (66/78/204 Foundationless) (Org/ROrg 188/136 Fictionistic, Orchestrated, Ridiculousness)

Seven One One 56/79/191/133 Society Of Jesus (61/65/133/164 Intentional, This is A Hoax) (61/65/133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (61/47/133 Government) (Org/ROrg 126/171=117/126 Improvise)

Nine One One 56/52/110/160 Programmed (56/79/110/106, Society Of Jesus) (Org/ROrg 132/138 Operations, Controller, Preknowing , Terrorized)

Seven Eleven 56/79/128/106, Society Of Jesus (74/79/182/169 Improvisatize, Crookedness, Daring Truthers) (Org/ROrg 134/163 Crisis Actor (136/134 Surveiling, Monitoring, Tyrannized))

Nine Eleven 51/48/105/165 Preplanned, Directorial (48/51/120/150 Connivancy) (48/69/120/150 Illuminati (51/75/165 Manipulators, Conjurations) (Org/ROrg 103/140 Theatrics, Scallywag (104/103 Controlled Opposition, Hypersuggestibility) (41/31 Bemock, Rigged))

On Sept,11 THREE building fell reported by mainstream medias to be buildings 1,2 and 7. I the numbers were reported to deflect truthers from the actual numbers because it was building 7 that fell not building 9 so the real ritual numbers is 7/11 not 9/11. Coincidentally 999 equals 27 which look like 117 when break the 27 into all odd numbers. The same conclusion can be seen with 666 which is number 18 which is 2/9’s which breaks down to 119.

So which ritual numbers would the Society Of Jesus use...7/11 which coincidentally syncs with their Gematric numerical coding or 9/11? The answer is a no-brainer. You can know that the 7/11 codings is used in the 77 Pentagon ritual, the 7/7 London Bombing even Independence Day. Canada’s Day is July 1 which is Three Days Earlier than July 4 and 4 plus 3=7 which is a 77 coding which breaks down to 7/11. There are more Society Of Jesus 7/11 Gematric numerical coding through history and rituals.

An additional observation in the decode reveals that Building Nine and Nine Eleven is Illuminati-friendly but there was no building 9. I suspect that the Society Of Jesus are laughing that they deceived you into thinking that it was a 9/11 ritual but in actuality...the ritual is 7/11.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

I...Tearfully, Sobfully & Allchokedupfully BELIEVE And So Should You!!!

BELIEVE In The Jesuits...THEY’re Here To Excel Humanity!

Intentional word LIE in the middle 115/137/223/209 Unridiculousness, The Synagogue Of Satan (115/137/223/317 Establismentarianism) (115/137 Society Of Jesus) (Org/ROrg 412/371=124/137 Brainwashees (137/241 Prefabrication) (137/214 Satanicalness))

LIE coded in the middle of BELIEVE 106/128 Society Of Jesus (128/106/155 The Great Deceiver) (155/214 Creditability) (115/155 Prophesied, Dramatizer) (155/106 Novelisation) (142/128 Tricksters) (182/142 Unworshipful) (Org/ROrg 257/399=119/133 Society Of Jesus (191/133 Responsivity, Flimflammery) (51/57 Conspiracy))

LIE in between BE and VE 103/95/211 Transcriptively, Overstimulatively, Hyperhilariously (41/104/112 Conjurer) (68/121/176 Capitalizes) (Su/RSu 1056/2022=156/222 Suggestionable, Perceivability) (Org/ROrg 263/250=326/250=163/125=215/163 Scriptitiously (263=56 Prime Society Of Jesus))

This decode will have you believing and not thinking that the word BELIEVE is very real....real to the Society of Jesus....that is. Truthers will believe the word believe has compassion and thus truthers should use the word BELIEVE in their compassionate vocabulary and not think that there’s a LIE behind and in front of the word BELIEVE.

Truthers should adopt the word BELIEVE and display the word with bold conviction and bold compassion in their favourite media but heavy emphasis should be placed on the word LIE in the middle. After having seen the truth behind the word BELIEVE....truthers should BELIEVE with the belief that the Society Of Jesus are a BELIEVABLE group of angelic Jesus Loving, Bible Thumping people dedicated to helping out humanity to become what THEY want it to be.

The Society Of Jesus approved word...BELIEVE....a word that speaks the truth.

Society Of Jesus approved word...BELIEVE (Org/ROrg 380/511=83/115 Society Of Jesus)
