Monday, February 28, 2022

Francis Bacon And His Powerful CIPHER Reveals The Truth Behind... NewSCREW

From The Maker Of The Movie THEY LIVE...NewSCREW!

NEWSCREW FB 318 newSCREW FB 240 (42/138 Quibblers, Contested, Mindlessly, Messenger) (138/240 Manufacturable, Deliberateness) (42/183 Faked Name, Flatulentness) (129/195 Controllable) (159/102/192 Propagandists, Governability, Substanceless, Improbabilities, Illusionist) (138/159 Shamelessly, Gullibility, Deceptivity, Improvision, Hideousness) (195/183 Transcriptions) (102/195 Brainlessness) (210/195 Extemporization) (102/195 Destructibleness, Dumb Down Injection) (159/201 Predeceived) (204/201 Hypnotisability) (219/240 Phototherapeutics) (51/105/138 Pretender) (150/210 Historicocabbalistical)

NEWSCREW 38/43/110/106 Hoaxster, Follower (56/110/160 Programmed) (110/61 Hyperoxygenizing) (61/101 Craftiest, Misadvise, Fingerers, Invisible, Shameless) (Org/ROrg 87/129 Misguide, Scripture, Spuriousness, Controllable (87/192 Propagandize, Propagandists, Collaborativeness))

A famous truthseeking pave pounder made his way to cover a shooting in the state of Washington. As luck that would follow our brave and fearless reporter...he saw a TV network NEWSCREW that happened to be covering the same story and excitedly and without hesitation walked up to the NewSCREW and got screwed. They smashed his expensive video camera under a cloaking device which made the newscrew invisible because the cops standing only a few blocks away from the incident didn’t see the mishap.

AS THE TRUTH UNFOLDS...a Truth Inspiring DocuFLICK being filmed sometime in the near or distant future or not at all...discovers that the NewSCREW have invisible directions pasted on their news uniforms which instantly tells each crew member what to do. The directions are invisible but could be seen with the I CAN SEE THESE GLASSES. As luck would fall on the docuflick’s narrator and investigative one man reporter/film-person...he accidentally tripped over a pair of the revealing glasses and put them on. He saw with clarity what each newscrew directions were and thought that the world should see what he sees wearing these glasses. He saw that one crew member had a DESTRUCTIBLE label on his uniform which meant he was to destroy the camera. Has society goes so brainless that no body can act without seeing what they are to do....apparently so.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Francis Bacon And The Organic/R Organic Ciphers Reveals That NUKES Are A DUD???

Will IT EXPLODE....On A Green Screen...YES!!!

NucleaR WeapoN FB 252 NUCLEAR WEAPON FB 486 252/486=126/243=126/234 Improvisatorially (216/243 Overargumentative) (68/58/113/184 Green Screen) (68/58/86/184 Engineered) (Org/ROrg 148//203 Embarrassment, Fictionalizes, Misguidedness)

THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE 80/109/242/244 Supersecretiveness, Hyperspeculatively (Org/ROrg 243/243 Overoptimistically)

IT WILL NOT EXPLODE 89/100/215/271 Superenergetically (89/91/215/190 Improvisatorize) (Org/ROrg 216/216=216/162 Noninjuriously)

Radioactiveless 63/99/162/243 (Org/ROrg 145/260=145/206 Counterfeited)

Numerbectically...a nuclear weapon will not explode, injure and it’s greenscreened so it’s all a hoax and a joke on the public believers.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Specialized Francis Bacon Cipher Reveals Dastardly Plot To Starve Population???

 The Final Solution Is All About Starving You???

The Final Solution FB 278 (The final solution FB 226) 74/88/200/232 (97/200/232 Indoctrinization) (79/128/223/290 Wear Mask distraction) (Endless Easy Money 65/79/200/232) (92/115/281 Inflation to starve you) (Org/ROrg 204/228 Overinflationary)

In Francis Bacon the capitalizations yield 278/226=226/287 Mainstream Operation (226/278=113/131/139 Population, Starvation) (113/139 Vaccinations Deception)

Debt Market Crash FB 226 (Debt Market crash FB 200) 58/95/113/148/257 (41/58/148 Decaying) (59/58/184 Engineered) (59/76/113 Decarbonating) (67/95/257 Blood Sacrifice) (Org/ROrg 196/209 Sensationalists (196/92 Moneychanger) (169/92 Crookedness)

The Great Reset FB 229 (The great Reset FB 203) 61/74/151/200 (Org/ROrg 157/194 (175/194 Corporational) (157/131 Noninhabitancies) (113/175 Dematerialisation) (149/175 Controllably, Subliminally)

In Francis Bacon the capitalizations yield 229/203=229/230 Uncompetitiveness (146/115 Depression, Sufferings, Depersonalised (164/115 Ponzi Scheme)

I have one that can see FB 201 (I have ONE that can SEE FB 357) 76/175/113/311 Mainstream, Influenceabilities (103/130/113/311 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (Org/ROrg 191/295 (101/295 Malidentification) (119/259 Blankmindedness)

In Francis Bacon the capitalizations yield 201/357=210/735=42/147 Concocter (42/174 Sublimable, Laughable) (174/204 Contestability, Intentionalism)

If The Francis Bacon Cipher is accurate then the population will be reduced by people not able to get their next meals due to the inflationary food prices made by the Federal Reserve. The decode points out that the Masks and Vaccinations are a distraction from what their real, more sinister plot is...POPULATION STARVATION.

If you think that this decode is accurate then tell all your family and friends to prepare by buying 6 months to 1 year’s supply of during foods. It’s already happpening...the food prices have risen sharply and it’s going to get a lot worse. The perpetrators want you to think that the inflation is caused by the rise in energy cost and the Russia/Ukraine conflict but that’s to distract you from knowing who’s the real culprit is....THE FEDERAL RESERVE. Get yourself’s going to be a roller coaster ride and you do not want to be caught off guard.

The movie THEY LIVE has predictive programming that assert that THEY will be in control by 2525 so I decoded what’s seen above in Francis Bacon and it accurately points out SUBLIMABLE which is what the movie is about and the cipher surprisingly coded the number 201.

Another MARK Of The DECEIVING Family?

Mark Passio’s Photoshopped Wife & Lia Thomas Has Male COMPONENTS?

Mark Passio's Wife 103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest Operation (76/104 Photoshopped) (76/95/221 Indoctrinating, Ultrabelieving) (86/103/221 Unoriginativeness) (Org/ROrg 146/259 Noncensurableness, Dishonourableness, Nonimpressionable, Contradictiveness, Blankmindedness, Disagreeability)

Lia Thomas 55/53/145 Puppetries (53/64 Transgender) (44/64/154 Man In Dress) (44/145 Transvestism) (44/46/89/154 Deceptive) (Org/ROrg 86/157 Indoctrinating, Ultrabelieving, Falsifies, Misleader, Conspirators, Sympathizing (68/157 Scriptorial) (86/175 Transexualism)

Transgender Athletes 80/109/215/298 (Org/ROrg 254/259=245/295=49/59 Sympathetic, Television, Population, Purposeful, Fraudulency (94/95 Forgery, Condescensiveness) (94/59 Puppet, Scripted)

Unfair Competition 91/98/208/251 (Org/ROrg 220/239 Overrighteousness (220/293 Conceptualistically) (110/196=110/160 Predeterminations)

This decode points out that Mark Passio Wife Is a Mainstream deception and Lia Thomas Is really a Man disguised as a Female athletic swimmer. So if this decode is correct then Lia Thomas has a unfair advantage over the real female swimmers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Pharmaceutics Can't Duplicate Nature!!!

Two Pharmaceutics That Are Disguised As Good For YOU??

Renegeron110/142/412 Mainstream Media Deception (52/101/124 Debt Based Dollar) (56/52/101/142 Shameless) (43/101/142 Tricksters) (56/61/101/142 Assurance, Targeting) (56,/52/119/124 Duplicity) (56/70/124 Injuriously) (56/70/110 Disability, Programmed, Wonderland) (52/101/124 Brainwashees) (56/79/214 Pharmaceutics) (101/97/241 Unblameworthiness) (Org/ROrg 120/123 Synthetic, Conjurers, Trickster (123/201 Spellbinding, Predeceived) (210/123 Hyperexcitableness, Precongratulating, Sheephearted)

Covishield 61/56/164 Ponzi Scheme (61/65/106/164 Ridiculing) (61/74/160/164 Retrocession) (70/74/160 Virologically, Hydrofluoride, Trifluoride) (65/79/146 Depersonalised) (56/88/146 Blankmindedness) (52/83/205/146 Taunt Truthers) (56/61/160 Mind Control) (47/70/160 Disability, Programmed, Reinventing, Wonderland) (Org/ROrg 109/161 Untruthful, Bamboozler, Wrongheadedness (91/116 Operation)(116/190 Maladministrative, Irrecoverableness, Significativeness, Behavioristically) (62/91/190 Ridiculousness)

Two more pharmaceuticals to fuel the DEBT BASED ECONOMIC MODEL.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Mr. Rabbit Is BILL GATES???

Will He Declare Another PANDEMIC?

Bill Gates-Mr. Vaccine 85/113/175/311 Influenceabilities (175/311=157/113 Mainstream, Unmarried couple) (58/113/130/194 Pandemics R We) (85/149 Mister Pandemic) (76/176 Vaccines For YOU) (67/158 Chosen Spoke-man) (113/67/194/157 Prepostorship) (76/104/283/176 Untrustworthiness) (103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (49/131 Population) (103/95 Population Reduction) (76/113/238 Decarbonating, Germproof) (Org/ROrg 203/283 Noninheritableness (230/283 Incompassionateness) (302/238 Overintellectualized)

Gatekeeper Bill Gates is a minion doing as he is told. If THEY want an9ther pandemic...who are THEY going to call?? MR VACCINE.....That’s who!! The numbers and words reveal that Bill Gates...the name is the name to use for population reduction and THEY’ll do a good job of it with vaccines.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

WAR- Federal Reserve's FINAL SOLUTION?

Did The First Shot Fired In History Happened?

All Wars Are Banker's Wars 146/106/218/241 Nonpresentability, Teletranscription, Misrepresentative (128/79/218/214 Hypersuggestibly) (106/218/214 Miniaturizations) (88/137/214 Satanicalness, Theatricalize) (128/106/218 Nonexhibitionistic) (61/106/164 Ridiculing) (79/142/236 Characterizing) (97/236 Noninjuriousness) (97/128/263 Institutionalization) (92/142/263 Authenticatable) (142/128 Tricksters) (79/182 Bulletless War) (128/142/236/412 Mainstream Media Deception) (Org/ROrg 233/334 Antimaterialistically)

Printed Money Out Of Thin Air 134/127/314/334 (Org/ROrg 346/302= 173/151 Conspirative, Compromising, Oneupmanship) (115/137 Theatricalize)

Excuses To Print Money 91/98/280/233 (Org/ROrg 230/283 Incompassionateness (230/238=115/119 All Seeing Eye) (119/151 Dupability, Assmanship, Typescript)

Print Money To Finance Staged WAR 136/152/334/422 (Org/ROrg 367/389=376/398=188/199/190 Unpunishedness, Superambitious

Shot heard round the world 113/157 Mainstream (113/103 FB301 Bull Shit) (Org/ROrg 314/280=157/140 Scriptorial, Tyrannizing (143/82 Federal Reserve, Falseness) (134/82 Fictioneering, Boob Tube)

What are the odds that the first shot heard round the world would relate to the Federal Reserve. I thought it appropriate to decode the Federal Reserve’s catchphrase ALL WARS ARE BANKER’S WARS and it’s largely an excuse to print money as the decodes clearly shows.

I think that there’s not enough materials that can be produced to wage a war. Since the banksters have to print trillions of dollars just to keep their system running and the amount of materials are disproportional to their money printing then will not just print the money and report it on their balance sheets.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Hollywood Benefits From Shootings???

Sandy Hook Sacrificed A PHOTOGRAPH??

Adam Lanza 73/170 Sacrifice (73/107 Ritual Sacrifice) (73/179 Unphotographable) (71/73 Preposterously, Cognizability) (17/28 Kill) (53/73 Contrivances, Manipulative) (53/170/208 Sensationalism) (71/170/208 Conspiratorial) (28/53/82 Doubtable) (82/170/208 Fictionization) (Org/ROrg 95/148 Brainwash (59/148 Hoaxable, Fraudulent, Provocation) (59/184 Green Screen, Ungenuineness, Engineered, Scripturalness, Mockingstock))

Adam Lanza Shooter 61/74/151/173 Conspirative (65/97/173 Theatrical) (88/56/97/173 Inoperable) (52/65/173 Distracting, Inauthentic) (74/88/173 Condescendingness) (56/61/137/160 Mind Control) (61/65/137 Its Not Real) (74/88/137 Prefabrication) (65/97/137 Characteristic) (Org/ROrg 171/261 Uncreditableness (117/261 Unauthoritativeness) (117/216 Nonvegetativeness, Characterizer, Nonconversableness))

Weighed One One Two Pounds 123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying (132/111 Woundless, Amusement) (111/213 Choregraphic) (114/111 Psychological Operation) (114/147/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (93/114/183/276 Mischaracterizing) (93/114/192/267 Collaborativeness) (141/183 Fictionizing) (39/93/123 Invented) (93/123/201 Foreshadowed) (114/123 Fear propaganda) (129/141 Questioned) (Org/ROrg 265/329=256/392=128/196 Confabulator (128/169 Nonsensible, Crookedness) (182/196 Daring Truthers) (182/169 Improvisatize))

Weighed One Hundred Twelve Pounds 147/123 Conspiracy (114/156 Overacting, Exploitage) (156/195 Brainlessness, Regurgitating) (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation) (114/156/276 Practicabilities) (195/156 Surpriseproof) (Org/ROrg 399/384=133/128=133/218 Fictionalized, Deliberations, Teletranscription (133/281 Predeterminability))

Elementary School shoot out 71/91/215/163 Scriptitiously (118/152 Controlled) (118/125 Thwartman, Conspires, Mockfully, Hoaxproof) (71/136 Orchestrated) (107/163 Nonfactual, Predevised) (107/163) (71/163 Crisis Actor, Superendorsed) (107/190 Farcicality) (71/190 Programmatic) (109/107 Trickery) (71/91/190 Fictitiousness, Ridiculousness) (Org/ROrg 250/398=125/199 Masterminded, Brainwashing, Overbragging, Improvisations (152/199 Cognizability, Truthlessness))

Elementary School shooting 72/81/180/171 Improvisation (126/144 Excrements) (108/135 False Prop) (81/135 Ridicule) (81/135/216 Dreamlikeness) (135/135 Telewriter) (135/162 Outlaughing) (72/81/135/216 Characterizer) (135/216 Archpretender) (135/189 Buffooneries) (Org/ROrg 262/386=131/193131/193 Illusionable, Miseducative, Ostracizable (131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous, Motiveless) (113/130/103 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit, Superimprobableness))

Allowed Truthers Access To Gematria 360/477=120/159=129/195 Resurrectioning, Controllable (210/195 Exhaustlessness) (Org/ROrg 317/520=173/205 Metamorphosing (52/173 Arrogantness, Distracting)

The last decode is what THEY wanted when truthers became aware of THEIR Coded Language—GEMATRIA and it allowed the practice of coding numbers into words to be resurrected which made it a distraction among us truthseekers. I’d make a call to have truthers take a THREE WEEKS vacation from decoding and do SOMETHING ELSE.

The Sandy Hook Shooting was a mainstream media and psychological operation where they sacrificed a photoshopped photograph of an 112 pound patsy named Adam Lanza.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Matched Super Bowl Teams SLUG IT OUT

Did They Flip The Script In Super Bowl LVI? 48/69/120/150 Illuminati, Connivancy, Spellbound (60/120/150 Victimized) (48/51/120 Collusion) (Su/RSu 720/900=144/180=144/81 Jesuit Order, Excrements) (Org/ROrg 118/152 Controlled (118/125 Conspires, Mockfully, Delusions))

Flip The Script on Decoders 119/124/263/358 (119/151 Typescript) (191/160 Scripturality) (133/137 Scriptured, Instructed) (Org/ROrg 314/307=143/73 Narratives, Misdirect, Falsifications, Contrivances, Manipulative (134/73 Actorship, Imposters, Tyrannized, Motivative, Awlessness) (37/134 Puppetize)

Flip The Script on Sports Decoders 145/161/370/413 (154/116 Shameproof, Reinvented) (116/181 Underacting) (197/154/181 Corruptionist, Corruptibility) (Org/ROrg 394/389=395/398=197/199=179/199 Fraudulentness, Suspectfulness, Improvisations)

Rams win Super Bowl LVI 91/116/143/271/242 (Org/ROrg 246/267=246/276=123/138 Shamelessly, Deceptivity. Deliberateness (138/132 Preknowing, Contesters, Mindlessly, Wrongdoers, Transcript, Dishonesty, Operations, Controller, Followings)

Bengals win Super Bowl LVI 100/127/125/280/314 (Org/ROrg 289/305=298/350=149/175 Pretendingly, Controllably, Subliminally, Journalising (157/194 Pretendership) (175/194 Corporational, Characteristicness))

Rams loses Super Bowl LVI 88/128/295/272 (Org/ROrg 235/332=532/332=266/166 Unexplainableness (233/253 Superplausibleness)

Bengals loses Super Bowl LVI 97/137/304/344 (Org/ROrg 278/370=139/185 Superstition, Choreography (139/158 Sympathetic, Controlling, Implausibly) (158/193 Sublimination) (185/193 Corporationism, Quizzification)

You couldn’t ask for two evenly numerbetically matched teams with the Rams and Bengals slugging it out for the top prize in rigged pro-sports....Super Bowl LVI. The decodes above points out that they chose the appropriate teams to go head to head with the team with the most descriptive rigged words to describe the winning and losing teams.

As one can plainly see the numbers 127/143 indicated that both team are in sync with the casinos to flip the script in their favor. If the casinos know that they are going to lose with the payouts on the winning team (Bengals) then they can order the Bengals to lose the game and rig the game for the Rams to win. In all circumstances...the casinos always wins and that’s true with all of their gambling games. Why do all these mental men and women spends their time trying to win at rigged casino games? Trying to win a load of money while losing more money that you don’t have is not very smart.

I wouldn’t be surprised if start censoring more users if the casinos deem the sports decoders a threat to their rigged schemes. is a Jesuit SHIT operated web site and thus it can do whatever it deemed necessary to protect their interests.

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Cabal Should Fear THE KINGS MAN

 The Kings Man Gives A Numerbetic Lesson 

A ridiculous look at an alternate historical account of WW I with a decoding scene fit for truthers.

Based on a comic book plot...this story and actions are fun and engaging as it is a British production.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Ritual Sacrifices R Us..Your Government

Four...Government’s Number To Tyrannize You?

Election every four years 133/137 Government, Its Not Real, Worshipped, Scriptured (133/164 Intentional, This is A Hoax, Ponzi Scheme) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (110/133 Marketers, Ears On You, Contrived) (83/133 Football) (83/115/218/241 Teletranscription) (115/128 Scripting) (Org/ROrg 246/348=123/174 Perpetuators, Nonauthenticated, Thinkless Vaccine (174/231 Superbelievably) (123/147 Mainstream Media Operation, Conspiracy, Duplifying))

Election in four year cycles 120/150 Illuminati, Nonrealism, Connivancy, Spellbound, Unshameful, Buffoonism (123/120 Conjurers, Collusion Trickster) (201/231/123 Unconvincibility, Foreshadowed, The Jesuit Order, Spellbinding) (204/201 Hypnotisability) (219/240 Phototherapeutics) (129/114 Scripture, Robotized) (129/195 Controllable) (132/192 Propagandize) (159/192 Propagandists, Governability, Unneedfulness) (102/114 Cheatableness) (114/120 Psychological Operation, Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 257/391=257/139 Nondemonstrability. Semigovernmentally)

Four 21/24/48/60 Hoax (60/48 Duplifying, Preknowing, Scripture, Faked Name, Boondoggler, Pretender) (60/84 Militarizes, Characterised, Sheephearted) (Org/ROrg 53/55 Satan, Tyrannized, Puppetries, Misinform, Farcical, Untalented, Deceiver, Bamboozling, Portrayer, Untruthful, Complicity, Controlled)

Government’s four year election intervals is no accident as the decodes clearly shows the puppets that are hired to dupe you into a fair election by the shadow government. All words describe what your elected officials do to deceive you that they are working as an elected member that you voted in.

You Voted in 48/69/120/150 Illuminati (60/48 Hoax) (51/48/105 Pretender) (51/57 Conspiracy, Followings) (51/57 Dishonestly) (51/75 Manipulators, Conjurations) (Org/ROrg 125/145 Complicity, Puppetries (154/251 Ritual Sacrifice)

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Can Football BE Popular On SONDAYS??


Worship on a Sonday 90/99 Mockery (81/81 Ritual) (81/90/216/243 Nonvegetativeness) (81/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (81/81/216 Characterizer, Archpretender, Conceitedness) (90/90/216 Overpreoccupation) (81/162/216 Distinguishableness) (Org/ROrg 191/241 Noncommunicative, Internationalizations (191/214 Ritualistically) (119/124 Mythicism, Vaporware, Jesuitize, Outlaughs, Duplicity, Debt Based Dollar)

Worship on a Sunday 78/102/222 Nonexistentialism (87/93/210 Resurrectioning) (78/84/210 Sheephearted) (78/84/201 Spellbinding) (84/96/201 Predeceived, Disbelieved, Fictionable) (39/42/111 Monetary) (84/78 Profit) (Org/ROrg 197/235 Pictorialization, Counterfactually, Questionableness (179/253 Recapitalization, Unphotographable, Dishonorableness))

Sonday 24/30/78/84 Profit (84/78 Scripture, Jesuit) (Org/ROrg 70/92 Society Of Jesus, Jesus Christ)

Sunday 21/33/84/78 Profit (84/78 Scripture, Jesuit) (Org/ROrg 76/86 Misinformation, Quizzification, Preconceptional (67/86 Fictionalizes, Nonhistorical, Ritualization, Overobedience, Brainwashed, Misdirecting) (67/68 Lying))

The numbers tells why THEY chose to use the word SUNDAY instead of SONDAY. The words associated with SONDAY are indicative of the ritual and mockery that is the worship of Jesus Christ.

The numbers and words associated with SUNDAY are related to the Mark Of The Beast and the number 666 which is used in numerous products. They chose Sunday for the monetary benefits that’s derived from the word.

If I were a Jesuit... I would chose SONDAY for its obvious connections to the SHIT Gang and the ritual and mockery that is coded into the word. However the profit margins are greater when WORSHIPPING ON A SUNDAY and so are the selling points which is why they chose SUNDAY and not SONDAY

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Fan Are Too Dumb To See The Obvious Rigging As Witnessed By The Attendance

The Jesuit Order(ed) The Rigged 2nd Half

Second half no scoring 105/111 Riggers Profits (69/111/132 Amusement) (39/111/105 Monetary) (96/111/231 Transformationist) (39/51/111 Mocked) (93/96/201 Fabricative, Predeceived) (93/96/120 Shammers) (69/93/123/201 Foreshadowed) (96/93/123 Choreographed) (84/96/210 Precongratulating) (93/123/219/321 Uncontradictableness) (69/93/123/201 Spellbinding) (96/120/309 Superdiabolicalness) (39/96/120 Dumb Down) (69/93/210 Sheephearted, Revealability, Uproariousness, Hyperexcitableness) (69/93/201 The Jesuit Order) (Su/RSu 1206/1872=603/936=63/36 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 224/289=224/208 Selfpreservatory (41/104/112 Rigged, Conjurer))

No Scoring 51/48/114/129 Robotized, Scripture (51/84/114 Cheatableness) (69/48/114 Choreograph, Performance, Overacting) (48/51/129/141 Questioned) (48/51/141 Retarded) (69/84/141/291 Feeblemindedness) (69/84/141 Superobedience) (60/84/141 Revealability) (60/105/192 Mockingbird) (Org/ROrg 103/140 Theatrics, Scallywag (104/103 Controlled Opposition) (130/140 Television) (130/194 Dumbfounding) (130/41 Dishonest))

Dropped pass 52/65/133/164 Intentional (61/65/106/164 Ridiculing) (29/52/83/133 Football) (65/70/133 Responsivity) (52/65/133 Instructed, Scriptured) (47/52/133 Contrived) (70/56/133 Choreographs) (61/83/133 Deliberations) (Org/ROrg 160/137 Entitlement, Trifluoride, Mind Control (61/173 Conspirative, Arrogantness, Distracting, Contrivance)

When deemed necessary I will treat the number nine as a zero cuz the word associated with the number is so compatible that it can be a zero.

The perpetrators of the rigged second half of the 49ers and Rams game have their words coded into the NO SCORING. Note all words that relate to the fans in which the scoring make them out to be a laughable bunch of brainless spectators. The words reveals that a team that engages in no scoring is a mockery towards the fans and the players are in collusion with the team’s overall scripting. The teams know with the games attendance thet they can get away with the scripting and it would not hurt their payer’s salaries. If...however if the attendance was effected by the fan’s knowledge of the rigging then the NFL would be forced to act. But that’s not going to happen if the dumb down sheep don’t wake up and see the NFL as a rigged football game.