Saturday, October 31, 2020

Breakdowns Of The Number 32

The Number 32 Isn’t Just O.J. Simpson’s Number

Why did the Society of Jesus aka the Society of Turd use the number 32 in the sun/smell symbol?

The thought occurred to me when the symbol used two shapes which further infers a mathematical sequence of numbers. Here’s my findings:

2x16=32 which looks suspiciously like 216 which is 6x6x6

1x32=32 and when rescrambled looks like 312 broken down to 3x12=36 which is 666 when you sum 1-36

1x32 when rescrambled =123 which is the CONSPIRACY number. Add 2+3 and join it with the number 1=51 which is the other CONSPIRACY number

32 is 4x8 which is 48 and 3x2=6, add a zero is 60 and 48/60 is the HOAX numerical pairings

48 can broken down to 2x8x3 which is 283 which is the 61 Prime which is the 18TH Prime which is 6+6+6

However the number 32 is broken down....the number 666 belongs to the Banksters which are the ultimate perpetrators of the COVID-19 scam. Without their approval...the vaccine would not be funded and the masks would not have been duped onto the public as it has been. The real intentions of this scamdemic was to generate money to fuel their debt based economic model as a world masked populace is the proof of their success. What sold at a store that you can buy 10 masks for $1.00 now sells indivdually for a $1.00 as mask producing companies cash in on the scam. People thinking that the vaccine will rid this virus should think....if the virus is made up then why take the vaccine. Sadly most of the masked populace will embrace Big Pharama for a cure to the COVID-19 scam. Top marks to the Banksters for duping the world.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Eclipses Are illuminati Approved?

Eclipses....Are They Gematrically Relevant???

Earth aligns with Sun 105/102/258/228 Superrighteousness (78/102/231/228 Nonfictitiousness) (84/150/228 Propagandising) (84/105/210/258 Precongratulating) (48/120/150 Illuminati) (114/120/258 Psychological Operation) (114/258/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (84/123/201 Foreshadowed) (105/123/228 Choreographed) (195/84/123/228 Prefabricates) (84/105/183/141 Superscripts) (Org/ROrg 229/257 Nondemonstrability, Overaggressiveness)

Earth aligns with Moon (see above) (102/96/201/231 Unconvincibility (132/138 Preknowing, Terrorized) (51/102/105/138 Pretender) (51/102/132/138 Operations, Controller) (102/132/219 Fear Mongering) (Org/ROrg 232/281=232/128 Depersonalised (223/182 Establismentarianism))

Eclipse Theme 69/120/150 Illuminati (42/66/123/120 Trickster) (96/201/231 Unconvincibility) (78/102/204/201 Hypnotisability) (60/57/123/201 Foreshadowed) 42/66/69/201 Fabricated) (120/96/210 Precongratulating) (Org/ROrg 195/129 Spuriousness (159/192 Immortalisim, Perfectionist, Counterfeiter, Governability, Propagandists))

I watched Derek’s video and thought if there was nything relevant that relates to Gematria. The answer is in the decode when all three decodes are in sync with the number 201 and 102. So...keep up this eclipse theme....I’m interested in what the Society Of Turd has up their sleeves in 2024 or when the next eclipse occur.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


The Colour Orange And The Donald

Orange skin makeup 81/90/180/252 Nonqualification, Semitheatrically (72/108/180/252 Disembarrassment) (99/99/207/252 Overpictorialized) (81/99/207/225 Supergravitating) (81/81/207/225 Non intelligently) (99/135/108 Puppetism) (72/90/135/216 Archpretender) (72/81/135 Ridicule) (72/90/135/216 Superfinanced) (90/99 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 177/255 Premeditatedness (59/85 Conspiratress, Fraudulency, Dumbfounding, Provocation) (58/59 Brainpower))

Female Sex 36/45/90/99 Mockery (45/45/135/108 Puppetism) (63/54/135 Robotizing) (63/72/135 Superfinanced) (45/54/81/135 Ridicule) (Org/ROrg 87/156 Perceivability, Exemplificator (78/165 Charlatan, Transformism, Orchestration, Nefariousness)

I never thought of this decode until I saw a closeup photo of the POTUS and it seems to me that he/she is intentionally being applied with orange makeup. If this decode is accurate then THE DONALD should be THE DONELLA and it was intentional because of the ridicule and mockery it provides for the public so that they can laugh even harder at the duped populace.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Don't Publish Truth With BOOK BABY

Book Baby....Odd Name For Publishing Online Decoded

Book Baby dot com 62/143/235 Falsifications (143/235 Federal Reserve) (62/73/235 Condescending) (53/73/143 Contrivances, Manipulative) (53/37/134 Puppetize) (Org/ROrg 166/212 Laughingstocks)

Book Baby 82/143 Federal Reserve (73/143 Contrivances, Manipulative, Superinfluenced) (44/134 Mockingly) (37/44/82 Concocted) (37/134 Puppetize) (Org/ROrg 113/103/31 Bull Shit (113/130 Dishonest, Operation (113/31 Bemock, Puppets)

Federal Reserve 143/235=143/253=13/23 (13/32 Taunt) (31/23 Puppet, Danger, Slave, Joker, Fraud, Faker, Lying) (103/230 Nonadvantageousness) (71/91/143/235 Falsifications) (103/203/310 Disacknowledgements) (28/71/100/143 Falseness) (71/82/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (80/100/143 Misdirect) (17/19 Lie) (71/109/107 Trickery) (71/109/107 Revenues) (Org/ROrg 175/203 Misinformation (230/175 Supersuspicious)

Federal Reserve decodes points out the obvious misinformation being played against the public. If the public were educated about what the Federal Reserve is and how it operates....probably nothing will happen because the public is so dependent on the money system that it would gladly go along with whatever the Federal Reserve concoct in the very near future. We are slaves to their money and nothing will change unless the world knows how the system operates and why prices keep rising and why we are paying MORE FOR LESS. Book Baby seem to be a dishonest operation influenced by the Federal Reserve. The decodes points out the puppets that take orders from their masters which do not want their PSYOPS revealed in any book being published as with the book written by truthseeking individuals such as Zachary K. Hubbard. Did anyone think that NUMBER GAMES would be sold on the open market given the sensitive material being exposed????

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Significance Of 30 Pages

First 30 Pages Of NUMBER GAMES On Decoded

First Thirty Pages 85/131/220 Imaginability, Inconvincible (59/103/113 Bull Shit) (59/58/113/130 Operation, Operation) (85/104/202 Propagandistically) (49/104/112 Conjurer) (58/59/112/131 Profiteer) (95/85/221 Hyperhilariously) (85/95/212 Improvisational, Deceptibility) (Org/ROrg 223/209=92/223/290 The Synagogue Of Satan, Artificialize (92/232 Indoctrinization, Depersonalised, Cabalistical)

First Three Zero Pages 105/102//237 Nonexistentialism, Unbelievability, Destructibleness (105/102/240/219 Hyperridiculously) (105/138/240 Manufacturable, Deliberateness) (105/111/240 Discreditable) (114/111 Psychological Operation) (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation) (102/201/231 Unconvincibility) (51/102/201 Disbelieved) (102/204/201 Hypnotisability) (102/123/201 Foreshadowed) (102/123 Fear propaganda) (51/123/120 Conjurers) (51/123/147 Conspiracy) (78/57/123 Choreographed) (Org/ROrg 235/278=532/278=266/139 Choreographical, Enlargeableness)

The Synagogue Of Satan 79/137/223/317 Establismentarianism (70/92/223/182 Overseriousness) (88/101/223 Overmystification) (Org/ROrg 195/318=65/106 Hoaxster, Ridiculing (56/106 Unsubstantiality) (56/160 Fake Name, Programmed, Entitlement, Exploitation))

he reason why Amazon released 30 pages of NUMBER GAME. Strongest hint is 223 the 48 Prime which equates to HOAX. Also the decodes are in sync with the 9/11 to Coronavirus agenda which is clearly coded as a scam and a hoax. This decodes made me wonder what is encoded into THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN and the decode is quite accurate…..They are HOAXSTERS and they are the mockers of the public and the unaware.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Proud Boys Are The Government?

You Wanted To Know Too!!

Proud Boys 45/45/135/108 Puppetism (45/54/81/135 Ridicule) (54/108 Acting) (54/45/108 Hoodwinked) (45/54/153 Deceptious, Purpose Plan) (Org/ROrg 124/119 Con Artist, Wrongdoer, Urinative, Insidious, Duplicity (124/191 Theatricalization))

Forty Seven 49/50/121/149 Staged Prop (59/121/149 Brainpower) (50/49/149/121 Purposeful) (76/211/194 Transcriptively) (68/94/194 Condescensiveness) (49/59/112 Fraudster) (49/77/112 Shammer) (Org/ROrg 137/133 Government, It’s Not Real (173/133 Misinformative, Condescendingness)

The PROUD BOYS are CON ARTISTS as this decode undeniably indicates. The number 47 is often referred to by government as this decode clearly shows that 47 is the government. It also shows that the puppets have no brains so they are fed scripts to mouth off over the television clown show. 

Titanic Struggle Between NUMBER And LETTER....Which Wins?

Number Vs Letter…..Which Is Best???

Number 28/35/73/89 Crafty (53/73/98 Fabrication) (44/73/89 Deceptive) (37/44/98 Shunners) (28/35/98 Devise) (28/44/98 Dubious) (53/37 Puppetize) (Org/ROrg 99/63 Mockery, Uncreditableness, Untrue (36/99 Delusion)

Letter 26/73/80 Satanical (62/82/208 Improvableness, Skulldugeries, Dramatizations) (37/26/55 Lie) (28/26/64 Bogus) (26/46/62 Mockable) (37/80/82 Pretend) (37/44/82 Concocted) (73/98//260 Overfavorableness) (Org/ROrg 87/75 Perceivability, Brainlessness, Superbelievably)

Based on the above decode….I would favor choosing the letter over the number as my last decode clearly showed why they would chose the letter over the number but they did not. Both decodes are worthy to be included into any coding but the letter would gain the most impact.