Book Baby....Odd Name For Publishing Online Decoded
Book Baby dot com 62/143/235 Falsifications (143/235 Federal Reserve) (62/73/235 Condescending) (53/73/143 Contrivances, Manipulative) (53/37/134 Puppetize) (Org/ROrg 166/212 Laughingstocks)
Book Baby 82/143 Federal Reserve (73/143 Contrivances, Manipulative, Superinfluenced) (44/134 Mockingly) (37/44/82 Concocted) (37/134 Puppetize) (Org/ROrg 113/103/31 Bull Shit (113/130 Dishonest, Operation (113/31 Bemock, Puppets)
Federal Reserve 143/235=143/253=13/23 (13/32 Taunt) (31/23 Puppet, Danger, Slave, Joker, Fraud, Faker, Lying) (103/230 Nonadvantageousness) (71/91/143/235 Falsifications) (103/203/310 Disacknowledgements) (28/71/100/143 Falseness) (71/82/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (80/100/143 Misdirect) (17/19 Lie) (71/109/107 Trickery) (71/109/107 Revenues) (Org/ROrg 175/203 Misinformation (230/175 Supersuspicious)
Federal Reserve decodes points out the obvious misinformation being played against the public. If the public were educated about what the Federal Reserve is and how it operates....probably nothing will happen because the public is so dependent on the money system that it would gladly go along with whatever the Federal Reserve concoct in the very near future. We are slaves to their money and nothing will change unless the world knows how the system operates and why prices keep rising and why we are paying MORE FOR LESS. Book Baby seem to be a dishonest operation influenced by the Federal Reserve. The decodes points out the puppets that take orders from their masters which do not want their PSYOPS revealed in any book being published as with the book written by truthseeking individuals such as Zachary K. Hubbard. Did anyone think that NUMBER GAMES would be sold on the open market given the sensitive material being exposed????
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