Friday, November 24, 2023

The TUB That Killed The STARS???

It Was The TUB…The TUB Murdered Your STARS!!

TUB 7/20/43/38 (34/38/83 Murder) (70/83/200 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters, Improbability, Theatricality) (38/34/43 Minion, Obedient, Laughing, Hoaxster, Dupable) (34/83 Dupers) (83/304 False Flag Operation) (Org/ROrg 53/28 (28/53/82 Doubtable) (35/82/28 Pretend. Devise)

Tub Drowning 57/60/147/150 (51/57/147 Conspiracy) (51/57/75/150/147 Dishonestly, Transformer, Improvisate) (51/57/75/147 Fairylike, Characters, Concocter) (57/174/150 Perpetuators, Scripturally) (174/105 Superbelievably) (Org/ROrg 178/119 Superficial, Star Of David, Overexaggerating (187/119 Sensationalising, Characteristically (187/191 Impersonations, Society Of Jesus, Enterprisingly)

Tub Drowning Actor 78/93/204/228 (87/111/228 Transformationist) (78/93/228 Choreographed) (Org/ROrg 226/206 Superconfidently (116/226 Mainstream Operation) (226/260 Contradistinctions) (113/103/130 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation, Forgerys, Superbelievableness, Multimillionaires) (113/31 Bemock, Puppets, Undead))

Tub Drowning Singer 93/102/96/114/219/240 (69/93/219 Faked Injuries) (96/93/240/219 Hyperridiculously) (93/114/219/240 Indestructibility( (114/129 Robotized, Scripture, P sychological Operation) (114/93/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 253/206 Contradictoriness, Unauthenticalness) (253/62 Deceivableness) (62/235 Condescending, Falsifications Questionableness))

Conclusive evidence points to the TUB that is responsible for Matt Perry’s and Whitney Houston’s deaths. It was the TUB and not the HOT TUB or the BATHTUB that ultimately murdered the victims.

A massive mainstream media operation has made your beloved Hollywood actors and musicians cut short their scripted careers and died to laugh at their fans that grieved and cried for them. Don’t be a heel and fall for their deceptions and lies.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Numerbetically...JFK and Jimmy Carter Is A Decever and Con/Crisis Artist!

Is JFK and Jimmy Carter...The Same Person???

JFK Is Jimmy 44/62/64/125/145 (55/53/145/125 Puppetries, Complicity) (53/73/125 Masterminded, Deceivableness) (46/53/125 Conspires, Foolproof) (Org/ROrg 128/142/412 Mainstream Media Deception, Tricksters (182/124 Bullets Not Fired, False Flag Operation))

John Is Jimmy 55/64/62/71/145/152 (Org/ROrg 143/154 Federal Reserve) (413/154 Media Created Propaganda))

Same person 44/62/55/100/125/145 (Org/ROrg 110/160 Mainstream Media Deception, Predeterminability, Programmed (110/106 Hoaxster) (110/61 Godplaying, Contrived) (101/61 Fearnaught, Shameless) (101/106 Deliberativeness)

My very first blog if it is still online dealt with the question: Is JFK and Jimmy Carter the same person? I had seen websites dedicated to revealing that JFK was a stooge working for the Jesuits and he was going to do whatever his masters tell him to do. The planned and staged assassination was executed successfully but doubts lingers among the conspiracy world that JFK did not die and was resurrected as Jimmy Carter.

This decode really illuminate the fact that JFK and Jimmy Carter are indeed the same person. The Organic/Reverse Organic cyphers actually made this decode UNDENIABLE. With words/phrases such as Hoaxster, Mainstream Media Deception, Bullets Not Fired...the staged act carried out by actors who sold their soul to the devil for the greater good and deceived the world and America.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Holocaust Crisis Actors/Actresses Convinced YOU Of The GREAT HOLOCAUST???

The Great HOLOCAUST Decode???

Holocaust 33/48/114/129 (114/129 Psychological Operation) (114/192 Mainstream Media Operation) (48/60/129/114 Scripture) (48/129/141 Questioned) (Org/ROrg 76/167 Conspirators, Newsworthiness, Sympathizing (76/176 Contrivable, Skepticizing))

Holocaust Survivor 78/102/258/201 (114/111/258 Psychological Operation) (114/201/258 Mainstream Media Operation) (111/213 Choregraphic) (111/132 Amusement, Woundless) (201/231 Insubstantialize) (201/312 Nonautobiographical) (69/201 Fabricated) (96/201 Fabricative, Predeceived, Disbelieved, Fictionable, Glorifiable) (96/120 Shammers) (123/120 Conjurers) (87/102/258 Superrighteousness) (96/210/258 Precongratulating) (Org/ROrg 181/278 Misclassification, Amphitheatrically (118/287 Mainstream Operation)

When the Mainstream Media Operation is coded three times and the Psychological Operation is coded twice then there can be no denying that the word Holocaust was the correct word to partake in this massive hoax.

In the mind of the mainstream medias, Jews die during the Holocaust but in actual fact no Jews were harmed, stamped with numbers and dehumanized as reported. Many conspirators were used as wounded Jews to garner sympathy as coded above.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Jesus Christ....Scripted To SELL?

It’s Christmas...Which Would You Worship…. SUN Or SON

Worship the Sun 69/8766/111/195/156 (48/87/156/195 Brainlessness) (69/75/195/156 Supereternity) (87/93/195/210 Resurrectioning) (69/75/195/156 Revolutionary) (57/78/165/159 Transformism) (51/66/159/165 Fraudulently) (69/48/159/165 Mythologized) (57/69/138/159 Gullibility, Deceptivity) (51/75/159/165 Manipulators) (60/66/159/165 Wordsmanship, Superendorse) (48/69/111/159 This Is A Lie) (60/66/159/192 Nonvegetative) (Org/ROrg 176/175 Conspiratress, Ritualization (167/157 Improvisedly, Conspirators))

Worship the Son 72/90/63/108/189/162 (36/90/99 Mockery) (63/81/81 Ritual) (54/63/81/189 Incredible) (63/54/189 Pamphletized) (72/72/162/189 Preconspiracy) (72/81/216/189 Superpersonally) (90/81/189/216 Word Recognition) (72/90/198/207 Questionability) (63/90/198/180 Superabsurdity) (81/90/207/198 Unextraordinary) (54/63/198/126 Untruthfully) (63/90/198/207 Incredulousness) (72/99/162 Script Character) (54/45/108/162 Hoodwinked) (72/90/216 Nonvegetativeness) (72/81/135/216 Characterizer) (Org/ROrg 170/181 Extemporizing, Intentionally, Media Created Propaganda (71/118 Scaremonger, Conspires, Not Real Name))

Coded into the two phrases are one compelling reason for Christians not to believe and think what they have done to the Christians. The word SCAREMONGER is definite a term to describe Christians with their belief that if no one believes in Jesus then they are sinned and blah...blah...blah. It’s encoded that the son and sun of god is a nonvegtable meaning that it isn’t alive or with a life as in a human or an animal.

The story of Jesus was created to sell a lie with the greatest story ever told and to make money in the name of Jesus Christ…The SON OF GOD. It was no accident that SUN and SON is spelled differently but pronounced the same.