Saturday, November 28, 2020

Live Mocking With Faked Death Narrative?

Super Model Jumps To Death After Seven Hour Ritual

Police and family spent seven hours trying to talk down 215/244 Supersalesmanship (242/217 Nonexpressiveness) (136/269 Breatheableness) (S 2203=223=48 Prime-HOAX) (Org/ROrg 603/639=201/231 Insubstantialize (120/123 Collusion, Conjurers, Tricksters))

seven hours 38/52/65/205 Faked Death (38/52/151 Uncroaked) (Org/ROrg 117/153 Deceptious (153/171 Extemporised))

seven hour 53/55/116/127 Misinform (Org/ROrg 111/132 Amusement, Woundless, Thwarters, Psychological Operation (111/213 Choregraphic))

Sam Sarpong 60/48/123/147 Duplifying, Conspiracy (Org/ROrg 108/162 Hoodwinked (81/162/216 Premanufacture))

jump to his death from bridge 266/382=133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs (131/130=113/103/130 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (113/157 Mainstream) (Org/ROrg 335/313=868/464=217/116=127/116 Mainstream Operation

The photograph is the definitive evidence that Sam Sarpong acted as if his life was going to end but in actuality, he’s just being a stooge going along with his scripted demise. The photo shows one person with 2 fingers and the other person with 3 fingers clearly and intentionally displayed for the photo opt. The two numbers when scripted together give you the number 23 which equated to the word DUPED.

So...did Sam Sarpong or whomever jump off the bridge as reported or was he a willing participant in a devilish plot to dupe his fans into thinking that he committed suicide and the mind-numbing seven hours spent trying not to laugh at his fan when they swallow his FAKED DEATH.

The callers that called into the live stream were IMPLANTS giving Zach a story of MURDER BY NUMBERS knowing that this was a mainstream operation designed to stir up emotions while in the background....THEY are having a ball mocking the existence of the truth community. In the words of GOMER PYLE.....FOR SHAME....FOR SHAME.....FOR SHAME.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Can THEY Take Down The Power Grid Globally?

Will THEY Create An Extinction Event???

Brainwashed population 99/126/243/324

Believes cyberattack is real 99/162/252/423

If THEY create this 9/11 3.0 or the cyberattack that will take down the power grids....the brainwashed population that’s duped by the COVID-19 psychological operation will lap up the propaganda. The real question is can THEY take down the power grid on a global scale.

Don’t you think that it’s really suspicious that the power grid get taking down globally. If that were to occur there would be a conspiracy from every power grid companies to shut down their power stations.

The decode of the cyberattack being real which syncs up with the brainwashed population is SCARY and THEY have them as their slaves/sheeps to do as THEY please. Will THEY pull the trigger and create a real event or is it just fearmongering??? My best guess scenario is that THEY will wait until the vaccines are rolled out and determine what the after effects are. If the desired results are that THEY dumb down the population to their satisfaction then 9/11 3.0 will either be an afterthought. I still think that THEY need the sheeps even more sheepier to buy their consumer goods as seen in the movie THEY LIVE. It much harder to create a global cyberattack than a re-named cold virus in my mind but THEY are welcome to try it.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Caution Advised!!!!

Is Gematrinator Dot Com Tracking Your Usage??

Gematrinator dot com 85/104/211/275

Surveillance on internet 104/130/275/319

Online web site surveillance 113/148/293/382

It’s surveilling you 86/103/257/202

The decode of GEMATRINATOR DOT COM has 211 which is the 47th Prime and we know that 47 represents the government. Also very interesting is the 740 coded in the Jewish cypher which represents 74 – Gematria, Jesus, Cross, Parables, Jewish...etc. When you add 47+74 which equals 121 which syncs with the above phrases. A rather distrubing note is the single digit pairing of 211/275 which is 4/5 which could be the number 45 and the word OBSERVED equals 45.

What does it all mean??? It’s apparent to me that GEMATRINATOR DOT COM is spying on the users tracking and recording all user’s activities. I’d abandon the web site in favour of FREE TO FIND TRUTH’s online Gematria calculator or just use the Gematria Calculator APP. You’d be sure that nobody is monitoring your activities.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Will The COVID -19 Vaccine Hurt???

Three Captions For The Society Of Jesus

Masks worn in public 102/105/219/240 Phototherapeutics, Hyperridiculously (105/84/204/201 Hypnotisability) (51/120 Virus Free) (105/75/219 Governmentalize, Fear Mongering) (120/150 Victimized, Illuminati) (Org/ROrg 216/234 Overpreoccupation (243/126 Brainwashed Population))

No Pharmaceuticals Consumed 120/150 Victimized, Illuminati (105/120 Reduction of purchases) (105/210/195 Extemporization, Exhaustlessness) (Org/ROrg 264/411=246/114 Irreproducibility)

Five hundred million population 339/417=113/139=131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous (Su/RSu 2034/2502=234/252=234/225 Improvisatorially) (105/201 Unconvincibility, Insubstantialize) (105/210 Extemporization) (150/120 Illuminati) (168/120 Unbelievability) (186/102 Manuscriptural) (Org/ROrg 399/357=133/119=133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs)

Georgia Guidestones 92/106/200/286 Unaccomplishedness, Undeterminableness (92/97/200 Indoctrinization) (92/151/200 Improbability) (101/97/200 Noncensurableness) (110/115/268 Indestructibleness) (61/92/151 Conspirative, Unfeasibleness) (29/97/101/142 Shameless) (61/101/142 Unworshipful) (110/133 Contrived) (110/115/209 Overcapitalisation) (61/92/115 Prophesied, Deceivingly, Preconceive) (Org/ROrg 170/316=71/136 Orchestrated, Monitoring (107/163 Predevised, Conceived, Disneyland) (71/163 Scriptitiously))

The mask is the correct prop to unleash onto the world as a mechanism of fear and control but will the effect backfire on the Society of Turd??? Will wearing a mask increase the likelihood of creating a more healthier population thus taking a big bite out of Big Pharma’s Pie Chart??? With people masked and not catching cold/ long until the sales of over the counter cold medications dwindle???

I would be glad to not catch someone’s cold germ while shopping and this scenario will accelerate thus making the Pharmaceuticals companies to act. Will the vaccine make up for the loss in revenues??? That remains to be seen but it is wise to not take the vaccine for a non-extistence, contrived virus named COVID-19. In Canada, we have universal health care so anyone wanting the new vaccine...get the shot by the government. It’s been said that this vaccine is the Bill Gate’s promoted vaccine ad some people are thinking that the vaccine will cull the population as Bill Gate ramps up the fear mongering.

Will a population as suggested in the Georgia Guidestones come to fruitation??? Not to the corporation’s profit margins because a vastly reduced population means less people buying on Amazon or any online retatilers and Big Box stores. So a reduced population isn’t going to happen, maybe a CONSUME-50 vaccine will further dupe the public into buying more as foretold in the movie THEY LIVE.

Will Trump Make Chaos Happen?

Mask versus Chaos....Which Will Prevail???

Mask versus Chaos 94/95/211/194 Transcriptively (31/50/103/113 Bull Shit) (50/49/113/130 Operation, Dishonest) (94/77/211 Newsworthiness) (95/94/211 Hyperhilariously) (58/59/121/149 Brainpower) (59/49/149/121 Purposeful) (86/130/194 Misleadingly) (68/94/194 Condescensiveness) (Org/ROrg 127/278 Amphitheatrically, Misunderstandable (127/287 Mainstream Operation)

Joe Biden 8/64/44 Mask (64/62/152 Reinvention) (46/80/152 Truthlessness) (46/44/152 Deception, Bamboozle) (46/53/152 Controlled, Flimflams) (37/64/80 Satanical) (44/64/125 Nonsensical) (Org/ROrg 112/104 Moonwalk, Conjurer, Controlled Opposition (112/41 Revered, Rigged)

They picked the appropiate name for the person that’s going to make mask an even larger agenda for the next four years. Joe Biden is the perfect character to make mask mandatory because he will follow whatever script that’s shoved up his ass.

No numbers relates to Chaos with Trump so I suspect that the Trump people will create short termed division amongst the RAD’s but it’s Joe Biden---the chosen puppet to make AMERICA....A BANANA REPUBLIC.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

BIDEN Wins 2020 US Selection

Contester Trump Vs Contestee Biden

Biden Versus Trump 98/100/226/206=49/50/113/103/130 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (91/116/226 Mainstream Operation) (82/116/226/260 Contradistinctions) (89/100/226 Uncorroboratively) (55/98/226/179 Distrustfulness) (Org/ROg 240/192=219/240 Phototherapeutics, Hyperridiculously (42/129 Misguide) (42/192 Substanceless, Actress Agent) (39/132 Contesters) (204/93 Contestability) (42/138 Contested)

Trump 25/47 Contester (38/52/205 Faked Death) (Org/ROg 87/48 Fixed, Provoke, Brainlessness)

Biden 34/47 Contestee (38/52/205 Faked Death) (Org/ROg 88/47 Trump, Transplantable, Cabalistical)

Based on this decode I predict that Biden will win the election and Trump will contest it and lose. Then while in office Biden will croak with a faked illness....can you say COVID-19 ushering the first female POTUS.