Super Model Jumps To Death After Seven Hour Ritual
Police and family spent seven hours trying to talk down 215/244 Supersalesmanship (242/217 Nonexpressiveness) (136/269 Breatheableness) (S 2203=223=48 Prime-HOAX) (Org/ROrg 603/639=201/231 Insubstantialize (120/123 Collusion, Conjurers, Tricksters))
seven hours 38/52/65/205 Faked Death (38/52/151 Uncroaked) (Org/ROrg 117/153 Deceptious (153/171 Extemporised))
seven hour 53/55/116/127 Misinform (Org/ROrg 111/132 Amusement, Woundless, Thwarters, Psychological Operation (111/213 Choregraphic))
Sam Sarpong 60/48/123/147 Duplifying, Conspiracy (Org/ROrg 108/162 Hoodwinked (81/162/216 Premanufacture))
jump to his death from bridge 266/382=133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs (131/130=113/103/130 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (113/157 Mainstream) (Org/ROrg 335/313=868/464=217/116=127/116 Mainstream Operation
The photograph is the definitive evidence that Sam Sarpong acted as if his life was going to end but in actuality, he’s just being a stooge going along with his scripted demise. The photo shows one person with 2 fingers and the other person with 3 fingers clearly and intentionally displayed for the photo opt. The two numbers when scripted together give you the number 23 which equated to the word DUPED.
So...did Sam Sarpong or whomever jump off the bridge as reported or was he a willing participant in a devilish plot to dupe his fans into thinking that he committed suicide and the mind-numbing seven hours spent trying not to laugh at his fan when they swallow his FAKED DEATH.
The callers that called into the live stream were IMPLANTS giving Zach a story of MURDER BY NUMBERS knowing that this was a mainstream operation designed to stir up emotions while in the background....THEY are having a ball mocking the existence of the truth community. In the words of GOMER PYLE.....FOR SHAME....FOR SHAME.....FOR SHAME.
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