Will THEY Create An Extinction Event???
Brainwashed population 99/126/243/324
Believes cyberattack is real 99/162/252/423
If THEY create this 9/11 3.0 or the cyberattack that will take down the power grids....the brainwashed population that’s duped by the COVID-19 psychological operation will lap up the propaganda. The real question is can THEY take down the power grid on a global scale.
Don’t you think that it’s really suspicious that the power grid get taking down globally. If that were to occur there would be a conspiracy from every power grid companies to shut down their power stations.
The decode of the cyberattack being real which syncs up with the brainwashed population is SCARY and THEY have them as their slaves/sheeps to do as THEY please. Will THEY pull the trigger and create a real event or is it just fearmongering??? My best guess scenario is that THEY will wait until the vaccines are rolled out and determine what the after effects are. If the desired results are that THEY dumb down the population to their satisfaction then 9/11 3.0 will either be an afterthought. I still think that THEY need the sheeps even more sheepier to buy their consumer goods as seen in the movie THEY LIVE. It much harder to create a global cyberattack than a re-named cold virus in my mind but THEY are welcome to try it.
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