Friday, July 28, 2023

Will The Real Person REVEAL The Truth...NOT!!!

Was it Sinead O’Connor Or Just The Mainstream Report That Died?

Sinead O'Connor 65/70/146/205 (65/70/205 Hoodwinkable, Preconceived, All Seeing Eye) (74/70/205 Metamorphosing) (65/88/205 Postsynaptically) (70/65/205 Faked Death) (70/205/146 Taunt Truthers) (Org/ROrg 153/198 Numericalness, Nonconnective (135/189 Preknowledge, Buffooneries, Sensationalistic)

Magda Davitt 39/69/102/195 (48/69/102/195 Correctable) (Su/RSu 612/1170=117/126 Improvise) (171/261 Uncreditableness) (126/171 Deceptively, Demoralizer, Hoaxability, Fictionally)) ((Org/ROrg 136/161 Counterfeit, Trickstress (163/161 Impersonator, Existibility)

after years of mental health 105/129/258/390 (114/147/258/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (114/129/258 Psychological Operation) (93/105/147/258 Incredibilities, Predeterminable) (105/93/219 Faked Injuries) (51/147 Conspiracy) (Org/ROrg 297/351=153/279 Identifiableness, Classificational (99/117 Hoodwink, Deceptious) (99/171 Deceptively, Demoralizer, Hoaxability, Fictionally, Improvisation, Proscriptively))

I’m willing to bet that the real person that portrayed Sinead O’Connor doesn’t know what the mainstream media operation in regards to her death was and she couldn’t care less. Her time as Sinead O’Connor is done with her faked death and the real person is either relaxing on Celebrity Island or living iit up as her real persona whomever that is.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Oppenheimer-The Movie That PROVES...WE HAVE THE BOMB And We're AFRAID To Use IT!!

Robert Oppenheimer:Father Of The A-Bomb Or The NO-Bomb???

Robert Oppenheimer 103/86/202/257 (103/130/113 Dishonest, Bull Shit, Operation) (31/113 Bemock, Danger) (139/113 Population) (86/103/185/220 Impossibilities) (8103/104/202 Propagandistically) (41/103/68/202 Deceivable) (Org/ROrg 250/209=250/92 Theatricalising (205/92 Nonexplosiveness) (52/92 Transcribable) (25/29 No Bomb))

Televised Explosion 86/94/230/256 (86/94/203/256 Nonauthentication) (86/148/203 Fictionalizes) (Org/ROrg 211/275 Supergratification, Six Hundred Sixty Six (121/257 Nonimpressionableness), Hypersuggestibility

Nuclear Explosion 77/85/203/229 (95/94/203/229 Overpictorialize) (86/85/203 Hyperridiculous) (49/77/121/203 Umbrellalike) (85/77/203 Fictionalizes0 (Org/ROrg 185/247 Manipulatability (158/247 Misrepresentations) (158/274 Controlled Opposition)

The movie is meant to keep the braindead masses fearful that their ULTIMATE weapon will wipe out humanity as we know it. I’d say…PROVE IT!!!

The decode of ROBERT OPPENHEIMER has the 113 coding in his name but the Organic/Reverse Organic cipher is encoded with the word NONEXPOSIVENESS and NO BOMB which is more proof that the A-Bomb is a joke of a hoax so if they want set one off…GO AHEAD and DO IT. They’d have one hell of a time explaining why they can’t do it.

Monday, July 17, 2023

A Radiation Cloud In The Shape Of A Mushroom...Viewed As HUMAN EXTINCTION?

Cloudy With Intentional Lies???

Mushroom 41/40/122/94 (40/50/94/122 Scripted) (41/40/122 Untruth) (41/94/122 Staged Event) (49/122/212 Unsuccessfulness) (94/221 Ultrabelieving) (85/113/221 Overillustratively) (Org/ROrg 85/131 Orgasmic, Unrealistic, Imaginability (58/131 Programming, Fraudster) (85/113 Mainstream, Broadcasting, Superbelievableness, Hypnotizes) (58/113 Green Screen, Operation, Population, Not True, Not Factual, Dishonest)

Cloud 19/26/55/80 (19/26/55 Lie) (55/62/206 Confident Man) (55/80 Scaremonger, Fictionize) (Org/ROrg 51/84 Fabricative, Fictionable (48/51 Propaganda, Illusion, Shammers, Engineers, Mocked) (51/48/150 Deathless))

Mushroom Cloud 60/66/177/174 (48/96/174/177 Noiselessness) (60/57/147 Conspiracy) (75/69/174/177 Extemporising) (60/66/96/147 Engineers) (66/96/174 Sublimable) (57/60/147/177 Nonexistence) (57/69/174 Perpetuators) (48/60/177 Propaganda, Misleading) (66/60/177 Fictionized) (Org/ROrg 136/215 Indoctrinated (215/163 Scriptitiously) (136/152 Painlessness) (136/125 Deceivableness)

Nuclear Blast 38/79/128/196 (83/97/182 False Flag Operation) (47/79/128/169 Crookedness) (Org/ROrg 147/177 (see Mushroom Cloud)

I was watching the movie ASTEROID CITY when a nuclear explosion occurred then I wondered why THEY used the MUSHROOM to describe their iconic atomic blast tests during the 50’s. The answers are in the decodes so did they choose the right words to represent the nuclear blasts that scared the population with extinction and life ending radiation that’ll make the planet EARTH uninhabitable?

Monday, July 10, 2023

Is George Orwell A REAL Author??

Was George Orwell Correct In His Famous “WAR IS PEACE” Quote?

WAR IS PEACE 46/62/100/170 (62/46/170/100 Newsworthy) (Su/RSu 600/1020=60/201 Foreshadowed (60/102 Mystical, Divinized) (60/120 Conjurers) (Org/ROrg 86/184 Green Screen, Engineered, Orchestrations, Mockingstock (86/148 Fictionalizes) (68/148 Hoaxable))

War is a joke 40/68/112/158 (40/68/112/158 Delusional) (58/68/112/185 Imagination) (Org/ROrg 84/186 Orchestration (84/168 Fictitiously))

War is media 48/69/102/168 (66/87/210/168 Uproariousness) (Org/ROrg 99/171

No ammo used 39/51/120/150 (57/60/120/150 Victimized) (Su/RSu 720/900=72/90 Hoaxers, Schemers) (Org/ROrg 99/171 Resultlessness, Proscriptively, Deceptively, Improvisation) (99/117 Improvise, Delusion, Hoodwink))

GEORGE ORWELL 70/56/142/182 (110/142/412 Mainstream Media Deception) (70/56/128 Scripting) (65/128/182 Bullets Not Fired) (Org/ROrg 117/207 (207/171 Superdubiously, Proscriptively) (72/171 Bullshitting) (117/72 Tyranny))

I got to thinking about George Orwell’s famous quote WAR IS PEACE and wondered if there’s any truth to his saying. And when you combine his quote with the movie WAG THE DOG...I get the sense that THEY wanted you to know that war is all media driven and the numbers bear witness to THEIR deceptions and propagandas.

How accurate is the decode of GEORGE ORWELL when the numbers decoded him as a scripted person/writer that wrote the book 1984 about a tyrannical society where war is never ending. AS the numbers reveals that war is all green screen and not a single bullet is being fired.

Friday, July 7, 2023

What's A Sacrifice Without A Sacrific-ee?

Did CoCo Lee Commit The Crime???

Died Three Days Later 84/105/183/303 (105/183 Fictionalization) (138/132 News Sucker)(Org/ROrg 236/250 Nonargumentatively, Unsympathizability (250/263 Overspeculativeness) (142/236 Characterizing) (142/236/412 Mainstream Media Deception))

Died Later 42/57/78/165 (Org/ROrg 123/120 News Hound)

Three Days 42/48/105/138 (Org/ROrg 113/130)

CoCo Lee 31/32/58/131 (Org/ROrg 35/154 Mockable (53/154 Fictional, Deceptive, Untalented, Reinvented ) (154/251 Ritual Sacrifice) (53/145/125 Puppetries) (53/145 Deceiver))

The numbers in relation with the words tells a story of Mainstream Media Deception. I think CoCo Lee is a fictional character made up to have their ritual sacrifice. You can’t have a sacrifice without someone to sacrifice.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Was Adolph Hitler's Name Changed To Adolf Hitler For Its Numerbetic Significance?

Homophonic Names That Spells CONSPIRACY???

Adolph Hitler 65/61/128/196 (65/61/128/169 Crookedness) (70/128/196 Confabulator) (65/61/128/196 Moneychanger) (65/88/128 Characteriser) (61/56/128 Scripting) (38/61/128 Dupable) (65/74/128 Tricksters) (61/56/182 Deceivingly, Preconceive) (97/182/ False Flag Operation) (61/56/61/182 Fake Death) (70/128/169 Pretendingness) (79/182/169 Improvisatize) (65/88/182 Bullets Not Fired) (Org/ROrg 174/150 Perpetuators, Extemporizer, Scripturally, Mainstream Media Operation (51/174 Laughable, False Flag, Boondoggle) (174/105 Superbelievably) (147/51 Conspiracy, Freemason) (147/150 Transformer, Questioning, Dishonestly) (147/105 Unpensionable, Conceptualised, Nondemocratical))

Adolf Hitler 56/61/110/187 (56/79/187 Society Of Jesus, Brainwashers, Manipulating) (56/88/187 Villainousness, Superstatesman) (70/110/187 Impersonations, Superheroically) (70/101/178 Inauthenticity) (65/110/106 Hoaxster) (56/79/110 Characterise) (56/51/110 Contrived (110/187 Mainstream Media Deception) (Org/ROrg 145/152 Reinvention (125/145 Complicity, Puppetries))

Change f to ph 58/41/103/194 (58/77/130/194 Tyrannicidal, Misleadingly) (49/68/103/194 Doctrinable) (40/86/130 Attachableness) (58/77/103 Decidability, Premedicated) (58/59/103 Treachery) (Org/ROrg 147/150 Mainstream Media Operation, Improvisate (147/51 Conspiracy, Concocter, Dishonestly, Engineers, Characters) (174/150 Perpetuators, Extemporizer, Scripturally)

This is an intriguing decode when I spelled out ADOLPH and found out that the name was spelled ADOLF in the history books. When the conspiracy numbers appeared in the Organic/Reverse Organic ciphers, I began to think...what if I decoded CHANGE F TO PH as shown above and the conspiracy numbers appeared co-incidentally??? Then when the word TYRANNICIDAL made me think that they knew that changing the F to PH would make their PUPPET…a real tyrant that the world would hate when all the media exposures of their BOGEYMAN was concocted.

It was the media’s perception that made Adolf Hitler…the world’s most hated man and all he did was appear on camera and acted as a dictator with a definite agenda...WORLD WAR II. Did the war happen as it was written in the history books or was it a gigantic script with actors playing their roles to garner historical noteworthiness in the fabled HISTORY BOOKS???