Monday, July 24, 2023

Oppenheimer-The Movie That PROVES...WE HAVE THE BOMB And We're AFRAID To Use IT!!

Robert Oppenheimer:Father Of The A-Bomb Or The NO-Bomb???

Robert Oppenheimer 103/86/202/257 (103/130/113 Dishonest, Bull Shit, Operation) (31/113 Bemock, Danger) (139/113 Population) (86/103/185/220 Impossibilities) (8103/104/202 Propagandistically) (41/103/68/202 Deceivable) (Org/ROrg 250/209=250/92 Theatricalising (205/92 Nonexplosiveness) (52/92 Transcribable) (25/29 No Bomb))

Televised Explosion 86/94/230/256 (86/94/203/256 Nonauthentication) (86/148/203 Fictionalizes) (Org/ROrg 211/275 Supergratification, Six Hundred Sixty Six (121/257 Nonimpressionableness), Hypersuggestibility

Nuclear Explosion 77/85/203/229 (95/94/203/229 Overpictorialize) (86/85/203 Hyperridiculous) (49/77/121/203 Umbrellalike) (85/77/203 Fictionalizes0 (Org/ROrg 185/247 Manipulatability (158/247 Misrepresentations) (158/274 Controlled Opposition)

The movie is meant to keep the braindead masses fearful that their ULTIMATE weapon will wipe out humanity as we know it. I’d say…PROVE IT!!!

The decode of ROBERT OPPENHEIMER has the 113 coding in his name but the Organic/Reverse Organic cipher is encoded with the word NONEXPOSIVENESS and NO BOMB which is more proof that the A-Bomb is a joke of a hoax so if they want set one off…GO AHEAD and DO IT. They’d have one hell of a time explaining why they can’t do it.

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