Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Rapper Jumps For The Glory Of Money?

Capital STEEZ Jumps To Death From Rooftop?

Capital STEEZ 56/52/65 Faked Death (70/65/137 Its Not Real) (70/65/187/137 Preposterous) (137/178 Overexaggerating, Metaphoricalness) (Org/ROrg 123/201 Foreshadowed (123/120 Conjurers, Trickster)

jumped off the rooftop of the Cinematic Music Group building 585/792=195/264 Nonsufferableness 72/216/162 Noninjuriously (126/216/270 Overgeneralization) (72/72/135/216 Archpretender) (63/72/216 Coachability) (63/162/216 Premanufacture) (Org/ROrg 651/726=165/267 Unimaginableness (156/276 Practicabilities))

rooftop of the Cinematic Music Group building 456/597=152/199 Mythification, Truthlessness (125/199 Overbragging, Masterminded) (123/210 Resurrectioning) (204/201 Hypnotisability) (219/240 Phototherapeutics, Hyperridiculously) (123/120 Conjurers, Trickster) (42/123 Invented) (123/237 Nonexistentialism) (Org/ROrg 473/580=374/508=187/254=187/245 Sensationalising (178/254 Overexaggerating, Metaphoricalness)

Cinematic Music Group 129/114 Scripture, Robotized (129/141 Questioned) (93/123 Invented, Prefabricates) (102/141 Divinized, Superscripts) (123/120 Conjurers) (102/213/192 Resurrectionist) (102/213 Choregraphic) (Org/ROrg 191/322=119/223 Overmystification, Conceptualizations)

tweeted The end 57/60/150 Deathless (60/57/132/138 Preknowing, Dishonesty) (60/75/159/138 Illusionist) (60/57/105/138 Pretender) (57/78/183/141 Superscripts) (69/57/114/183 Performance, Choreograph) (Org/ROrg 186/165 Orchestration, Nefariousness (168/156 Fictitiously))

mental disorder that got to him 133/137 Its Not Real (133/164 This is A Hoax) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (133/218 Deliberations) (124/146 Skepticism, Illusional) (Org/ROrg 344/358=172/179=127/197 Manufactured) (127/197 Laughability)


Capital STEEZ....The rapper that jumped noinjuriously from a rooftop of a cardboard cutout and hyped his final tweet were he says GOODBYE WORLD by texting THE END. The world mourns the tragic lost of another rapper whose mental disorder was so great and painful that he hired script writers to finally push him to the edge of the rooftop of the Cinematic Music Group building where he met his demise and fell the thickness of the cardboard to a final rendezvous with his fellow rappers.

If you believe that this rapper committed suicide then his scripted death may have sold more albums for his masters. It’s all about money which is why the world mourns a dead rapper to sell his last and most memorable album which is debatable.

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