Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Overacting And Proud Of It Too

Kary Mullis....Obedient Researcher....Dead???

Kary Mullis 66/60/129/114 Scripture, Questioned, Robotized (60/66/105/192 Mockingbird) (66/60/129/141 Parentless) (60/129/114 Characterised, Performance) (51/66/114 Overacting) (51/66/141 Hospitalism) (66/141 Fictionizing) (Org/ROrg 112/158 Delusional (112/185 Imagination, Implausibilities, Manipulatability, Corporationism)

Polymerase Chain Reaction 114/129 Scripture (249/372=83/124 Inauthentic (38/124 Laughter) (83/142 Fakeries)) (123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying) (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation) (123/210 Precongratulating) (201/231 Unconvincibility) (Org/ROrg 251/370=152/73 Mythification, Nonviability (125/73 Brainwashing, Masterminded))

Pfizer Vaccine 74/88/137/241 Prefabrication (79/137/214 Collaboration) (47/61/137/160 Entitlement, Reinventing) (70/74/151/173 Conspirative, Compromising) (70/173/124 Injuriously, Inauthentic) (74/88/173 Condescendingness) (Org/ROrg 160/191 Hydrofluoride, Virologically (106/191 Society Of Jesus)

Obedient Slave 74/79/191 Society Of Jesus (52/47/133 Government) (61/83/133/218 Deliberations) (38/61/110/133 Marketers) (52/74/128 Surveiled) (25/38/61/128 Dupable) (Org/ROrg 160/191 Hydrofluoride, Virologically (106/191 Society Of Jesus) (61/119 Dupability, Hoodwinkable)


The PFIZER VACCINE decode yielded two words that relates to the agenda being set up by the Cabal. Spiking the vaccine with fluoride will further enslave the already herds of sheeples. The vaccine canbe further spiked with viruses that are released over the life of the sheeples. Having experienced an injection of flu vaccine and feeling sick for a few days...I will not consent to the lab rat experiment.

What are the odds that the Pfizer Vaccine syncs with the OBEDIENT SLAVE decode and the words HYDROFLUORIDE and VIOLOGICALLY. Two word synonymous with the DUMBINGDOWN of the public and making them obedient slaves.

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