From The Maker Of The Movie THEY LIVE...NewSCREW!
NEWSCREW FB 318 newSCREW FB 240 (42/138 Quibblers, Contested, Mindlessly, Messenger) (138/240 Manufacturable, Deliberateness) (42/183 Faked Name, Flatulentness) (129/195 Controllable) (159/102/192 Propagandists, Governability, Substanceless, Improbabilities, Illusionist) (138/159 Shamelessly, Gullibility, Deceptivity, Improvision, Hideousness) (195/183 Transcriptions) (102/195 Brainlessness) (210/195 Extemporization) (102/195 Destructibleness, Dumb Down Injection) (159/201 Predeceived) (204/201 Hypnotisability) (219/240 Phototherapeutics) (51/105/138 Pretender) (150/210 Historicocabbalistical)
NEWSCREW 38/43/110/106 Hoaxster, Follower (56/110/160 Programmed) (110/61 Hyperoxygenizing) (61/101 Craftiest, Misadvise, Fingerers, Invisible, Shameless) (Org/ROrg 87/129 Misguide, Scripture, Spuriousness, Controllable (87/192 Propagandize, Propagandists, Collaborativeness))
A famous truthseeking pave pounder made his way to cover a shooting in the state of Washington. As luck that would follow our brave and fearless reporter...he saw a TV network NEWSCREW that happened to be covering the same story and excitedly and without hesitation walked up to the NewSCREW and got screwed. They smashed his expensive video camera under a cloaking device which made the newscrew invisible because the cops standing only a few blocks away from the incident didn’t see the mishap.
AS THE TRUTH UNFOLDS...a Truth Inspiring DocuFLICK being filmed sometime in the near or distant future or not at all...discovers that the NewSCREW have invisible directions pasted on their news uniforms which instantly tells each crew member what to do. The directions are invisible but could be seen with the I CAN SEE THESE GLASSES. As luck would fall on the docuflick’s narrator and investigative one man reporter/film-person...he accidentally tripped over a pair of the revealing glasses and put them on. He saw with clarity what each newscrew directions were and thought that the world should see what he sees wearing these glasses. He saw that one crew member had a DESTRUCTIBLE label on his uniform which meant he was to destroy the camera. Has society goes so brainless that no body can act without seeing what they are to do....apparently so.
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