Sandy Hook Sacrificed A PHOTOGRAPH??
Adam Lanza 73/170 Sacrifice (73/107 Ritual Sacrifice) (73/179 Unphotographable) (71/73 Preposterously, Cognizability) (17/28 Kill) (53/73 Contrivances, Manipulative) (53/170/208 Sensationalism) (71/170/208 Conspiratorial) (28/53/82 Doubtable) (82/170/208 Fictionization) (Org/ROrg 95/148 Brainwash (59/148 Hoaxable, Fraudulent, Provocation) (59/184 Green Screen, Ungenuineness, Engineered, Scripturalness, Mockingstock))
Adam Lanza Shooter 61/74/151/173 Conspirative (65/97/173 Theatrical) (88/56/97/173 Inoperable) (52/65/173 Distracting, Inauthentic) (74/88/173 Condescendingness) (56/61/137/160 Mind Control) (61/65/137 Its Not Real) (74/88/137 Prefabrication) (65/97/137 Characteristic) (Org/ROrg 171/261 Uncreditableness (117/261 Unauthoritativeness) (117/216 Nonvegetativeness, Characterizer, Nonconversableness))
Weighed One One Two Pounds 123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying (132/111 Woundless, Amusement) (111/213 Choregraphic) (114/111 Psychological Operation) (114/147/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (93/114/183/276 Mischaracterizing) (93/114/192/267 Collaborativeness) (141/183 Fictionizing) (39/93/123 Invented) (93/123/201 Foreshadowed) (114/123 Fear propaganda) (129/141 Questioned) (Org/ROrg 265/329=256/392=128/196 Confabulator (128/169 Nonsensible, Crookedness) (182/196 Daring Truthers) (182/169 Improvisatize))
Weighed One Hundred Twelve Pounds 147/123 Conspiracy (114/156 Overacting, Exploitage) (156/195 Brainlessness, Regurgitating) (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation) (114/156/276 Practicabilities) (195/156 Surpriseproof) (Org/ROrg 399/384=133/128=133/218 Fictionalized, Deliberations, Teletranscription (133/281 Predeterminability))
Elementary School shoot out 71/91/215/163 Scriptitiously (118/152 Controlled) (118/125 Thwartman, Conspires, Mockfully, Hoaxproof) (71/136 Orchestrated) (107/163 Nonfactual, Predevised) (107/163) (71/163 Crisis Actor, Superendorsed) (107/190 Farcicality) (71/190 Programmatic) (109/107 Trickery) (71/91/190 Fictitiousness, Ridiculousness) (Org/ROrg 250/398=125/199 Masterminded, Brainwashing, Overbragging, Improvisations (152/199 Cognizability, Truthlessness))
Elementary School shooting 72/81/180/171 Improvisation (126/144 Excrements) (108/135 False Prop) (81/135 Ridicule) (81/135/216 Dreamlikeness) (135/135 Telewriter) (135/162 Outlaughing) (72/81/135/216 Characterizer) (135/216 Archpretender) (135/189 Buffooneries) (Org/ROrg 262/386=131/193131/193 Illusionable, Miseducative, Ostracizable (131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous, Motiveless) (113/130/103 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit, Superimprobableness))
Allowed Truthers Access To Gematria 360/477=120/159=129/195 Resurrectioning, Controllable (210/195 Exhaustlessness) (Org/ROrg 317/520=173/205 Metamorphosing (52/173 Arrogantness, Distracting)
The last decode is what THEY wanted when truthers became aware of THEIR Coded Language—GEMATRIA and it allowed the practice of coding numbers into words to be resurrected which made it a distraction among us truthseekers. I’d make a call to have truthers take a THREE WEEKS vacation from decoding and do SOMETHING ELSE.
The Sandy Hook Shooting was a mainstream media and psychological operation where they sacrificed a photoshopped photograph of an 112 pound patsy named Adam Lanza.
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