Four...Government’s Number To Tyrannize You?
Election every four years 133/137 Government, Its Not Real, Worshipped, Scriptured (133/164 Intentional, This is A Hoax, Ponzi Scheme) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (110/133 Marketers, Ears On You, Contrived) (83/133 Football) (83/115/218/241 Teletranscription) (115/128 Scripting) (Org/ROrg 246/348=123/174 Perpetuators, Nonauthenticated, Thinkless Vaccine (174/231 Superbelievably) (123/147 Mainstream Media Operation, Conspiracy, Duplifying))
Election in four year cycles 120/150 Illuminati, Nonrealism, Connivancy, Spellbound, Unshameful, Buffoonism (123/120 Conjurers, Collusion Trickster) (201/231/123 Unconvincibility, Foreshadowed, The Jesuit Order, Spellbinding) (204/201 Hypnotisability) (219/240 Phototherapeutics) (129/114 Scripture, Robotized) (129/195 Controllable) (132/192 Propagandize) (159/192 Propagandists, Governability, Unneedfulness) (102/114 Cheatableness) (114/120 Psychological Operation, Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 257/391=257/139 Nondemonstrability. Semigovernmentally)
Four 21/24/48/60 Hoax (60/48 Duplifying, Preknowing, Scripture, Faked Name, Boondoggler, Pretender) (60/84 Militarizes, Characterised, Sheephearted) (Org/ROrg 53/55 Satan, Tyrannized, Puppetries, Misinform, Farcical, Untalented, Deceiver, Bamboozling, Portrayer, Untruthful, Complicity, Controlled)
Government’s four year election intervals is no accident as the decodes clearly shows the puppets that are hired to dupe you into a fair election by the shadow government. All words describe what your elected officials do to deceive you that they are working as an elected member that you voted in.
You Voted in 48/69/120/150 Illuminati (60/48 Hoax) (51/48/105 Pretender) (51/57 Conspiracy, Followings) (51/57 Dishonestly) (51/75 Manipulators, Conjurations) (Org/ROrg 125/145 Complicity, Puppetries (154/251 Ritual Sacrifice)
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