Monday, October 11, 2021

Would The Jesuits Choose 9/11 Or 7/11???

Building 7 And 2 Towers = 9/11 Ritual???

Building Seven 80/109/280 Commercialisation (28/62/143 Falseness, Contrivances, Manipulative) (Org/ROrg 182/169 Improvisatize (182/196 Daring Truthers) (128/169 Crookedness, Society Of Jesus))

Building Nine 78/204/201 Hypnotisability (66/78/204 Foundationless) (Org/ROrg 188/136 Fictionistic, Orchestrated, Ridiculousness)

Seven One One 56/79/191/133 Society Of Jesus (61/65/133/164 Intentional, This is A Hoax) (61/65/133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (61/47/133 Government) (Org/ROrg 126/171=117/126 Improvise)

Nine One One 56/52/110/160 Programmed (56/79/110/106, Society Of Jesus) (Org/ROrg 132/138 Operations, Controller, Preknowing , Terrorized)

Seven Eleven 56/79/128/106, Society Of Jesus (74/79/182/169 Improvisatize, Crookedness, Daring Truthers) (Org/ROrg 134/163 Crisis Actor (136/134 Surveiling, Monitoring, Tyrannized))

Nine Eleven 51/48/105/165 Preplanned, Directorial (48/51/120/150 Connivancy) (48/69/120/150 Illuminati (51/75/165 Manipulators, Conjurations) (Org/ROrg 103/140 Theatrics, Scallywag (104/103 Controlled Opposition, Hypersuggestibility) (41/31 Bemock, Rigged))

On Sept,11 THREE building fell reported by mainstream medias to be buildings 1,2 and 7. I the numbers were reported to deflect truthers from the actual numbers because it was building 7 that fell not building 9 so the real ritual numbers is 7/11 not 9/11. Coincidentally 999 equals 27 which look like 117 when break the 27 into all odd numbers. The same conclusion can be seen with 666 which is number 18 which is 2/9’s which breaks down to 119.

So which ritual numbers would the Society Of Jesus use...7/11 which coincidentally syncs with their Gematric numerical coding or 9/11? The answer is a no-brainer. You can know that the 7/11 codings is used in the 77 Pentagon ritual, the 7/7 London Bombing even Independence Day. Canada’s Day is July 1 which is Three Days Earlier than July 4 and 4 plus 3=7 which is a 77 coding which breaks down to 7/11. There are more Society Of Jesus 7/11 Gematric numerical coding through history and rituals.

An additional observation in the decode reveals that Building Nine and Nine Eleven is Illuminati-friendly but there was no building 9. I suspect that the Society Of Jesus are laughing that they deceived you into thinking that it was a 9/11 ritual but in actuality...the ritual is 7/11.

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