Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Billions Delivered...Operation Pamphletized Or Where's The Truth?

From AGAINST To FROM.....The Jesuit Order

YOUR PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION 150/120 Illuminati (357/372=119/124 Society Of Jesus, Jesuitize, Duplicity) (Org/ROrg 352/377=325/377=25/29 Shit, Society Of Jesus)

TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO 104/112/248/265 Nonconversationally, Unargumentativeness (103/104/284 Propagandistically) (Org/ROrg 252/261 Interprofessionally, Unauthoritativeness (252/162 Noncomprehensiveness) (126/225 Overindividualistic) (225/261Superindividualism) (225/162 Incomprehensibility)

Pamphlets 47/52/110/133 Contrived (Org/ROrg 127/116 Narratives, Misinform (172/116 Masterfulness, Purposefulness, Painlessness) (161/217 Preidentifying)

I watched ZK Hubbard pound pavement and it was a painful experience. To have to speak into a megaphone in order to reach people that have already forgotten what transpired yet the effort is to be commended. It’s difficult because pounding pavement only has limited results.

I thought of a much better media to take advantage of Hubbard’s talent....a PAMPHLET. ZKH is a teacher so he should know how to reach his STUDENTS by communications in ways that only a teacher can communicate. I propose that the truth movement ditch the word GEMATRIA and use a STUDENT FRIENDLY word....some variation of words that will be resonant with the core audience.

Ditch TFR...the pamphlets process will demand full attention. Imagine....a SINGLE SHEET OF PAPER with graphics and infos that can be hand delivered and/or sent to MILLIONS maybe BILLIONS of home. A pamphlet that can be handed out to the passerbys when pounding pavement.

A single sheet of paper printed on both sides then folded into THREE sections with COMPREHENSIBLE graphical info for them to read or visually immersed story content, What better way to wake them up with the story of KOBE BRYANT and POPE FRANCIS at the Vatican doing GOD only knows.

Don’t lose sight on your core audience.....DEADHEADS that won’t read but will process thing visually

and use elementary language,,,something ZKH knows about being a teacher. This pamphlet is in favour of Hubbard’s talent....writing and communication....having written two books and another to follow. So....truthseekers ...what do you want ZK hubbard to do......????

The decode of pamphlet clearly reveals that a single double sided printed BOOK will inform with narratives meant to inform the intended audience with purpose can hope.

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