Thursday, May 9, 2019

Illuminati Loves Inter-Racial Mixes?

Are Meghan Markie And Tiger Woods Part Black?

Meghan Markie 105/75//219 Governmentalize (84/105/219 Phototherapeutics) (66/60/111 Anglicizing) (60/75/105 Pretender, Preplanned, Directorial) (48/60/129 Scripture) (39/60/111/105 Monetary) (105/93/219 Hyperridiculously) (60/57/150 Dishonestly) (48/69/150 Illuminati) (75/60/150 Extemporizer) (60/84/150 Improbableness) (48/60 Faked Name) (Org/ROrg 132/192 Actress Agent, Propagandize (123/219/321 Uncontradictableness) (123/129 Choreographed))

Part White 48/60 Hoax (48/69/120/150 Illuminati, Connivancy) (48/51/120/123 Collusion) (51/123/120 Trickster) (51/48/96/120 Shammers) (51/123/120 Conjurers) (Org/ROrg 130/103/113 Dishonest, Operation, Bull Shit, Superimprobableness, Nondiscriminatingly, Preconceivable)

Barack Obama 41/76/104 Actor Agent (203/229 Overpictorialize) (Org/ROrg 105/192 Unneedfulness, Resurrectionist (105/129 Pretender) (150/129 Improbableness))

Barack Obama Blvd. 45/99 Mockery (108/99/270 Overgeneralization, Overpictorialized) (81/108/297 Noniconoclastically) (63/45/99 Delusion) (63/108/279 Classificational) (99/108/279 Overintellectualize) (54/72/108 Unimaginable) (63/108/180 Disembarrassment) (72/81/180 Improvability) (Org/ROrg 186/219 Governmentalize (186/129 Preacknowledgment) (168/129 Unbelievability))

Tiger Woods 63/54/135/135 Robotizing, Telewriter (45/45/135 Puppetism) (63/72/135 Superfinanced, Conceitedness) (54/135 Athletic Actor) (63/63/153 Extemporised) (Org/ROrg 106/164 Characterisation, Ridiculing, Malidentification (61/146 Jesus Christ, Revivifying, Mesmeriser, Pretenders)

In light of this decode what do you think….did MM give birth to her baby or is it a contrived birth with an surrogate child? A more intriguing question would be ...Is she Half Black??? I think that Tiger Woods is all Black and that his parents are contrived to be of Black and Thai. Tiger doses not look asian of half black. The decode for PART WHITE is a very gematric reason why they use the inter-racial theme for their mockery and their quest for laughs at the believers of their contrived narratives. As for Barack Obama...he’s a actor agent when you consider the UNNEDDFULNESS of all politicians and his BLVD. is a mockery when you consider that they don’t run the presidency….they read and act off of a script. It’s the gullible people that fall for their act or staged propaganda that’s get their fraudulent accolades.

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