Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ted Bundy...Code Named By Mainstream Intentionally???

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Ted Bundy Serial Killer 226/314=113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual (71/82/152/226 Propagandistic) (71/91/170 Conspiratorial, Sensationalism, Conceptualistic) (89/100/197 Pictorialization) (91/179/226 Programmability) (109/134 Actorship, Imposters, Puppetize, Mockingly) (100/170 Connivance) (71/100/215 Supersalesmanship) (109/107 Trickery) (71/91/161 Nonconfinement) (161/109 Untruthful) (Org/ROrg 277/263=772/632=193/158 Uninfluential (185/193 Quizzification) (139/158 Undangerous, Moneymakers, Freemasonry, Ungodliness) (139/185 Choreography))

crowbar 35/64/80 Satanical, Gullible (35/46/80/109 Creator) (46/80 Conceived, Truthlessness) (64/80 Fictionistic) (80/109 Fictioneering, Fictionization, Demasculinisation, Commercialisation, Unbiographical) (Org/ROrg 85/104 Not Real, Propagandistically, Choreographical (41/85 Falsehood) ( 41/58/104 Inventable))

crowbars 36/54/99 Mockery (45/45/99/117 Hoodwink) (54/54/117 Improvise) (63/99/171 Superdubiously) (Org/ROrg 91/125 Masterminded, Deceivableness (91/152 Deception, Bamboozle, Flimflams) (91/215/190 Improvisatorize)

Thirteen 45/54/99/90 Mockery (Org/ROrg 126/90 Deceivability, Shockproof, Heckles, Schemers
(162/90 Noninjuriously, Masterminds, Regurgitative) (90/162/216 Premanufacture)

This movie:Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile is the true life story of Ted Bundy but as you can see by the 113 codiing...it is a mainstream media creation. They used TED BUNDY as the name because the name codes to the gematric value of 226. I found it curious that they would use the crowbar as Ted’s weapon of mass decapitation and it codes to be a satanical ritual. Note when you make “crowbar” plural...it codes to a mockery and a concocted deception that’s really believable when you watch the movie.

The THIRTEEN decode is a mockery also which disguised in the closing credit but I’ll let you discover why it’s a double mockery.

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