Zach Hubbard Endorses Pamphlets….Finally
Pamphlet handouts 67/77/193/239 (86/193/239 Superinfluencing) (50/67/113/184 Reeducative) (67/68 Teaching) (113/76 Kobe Bryant (Org/ROrg 226/206 Nonresistiveness, Nonprovocatively, Superconfidently
Pamphlet distributions 99/126/270/297 (72/99/216/270 Nonconversableness) (81/117/216/297 Distinguishableness) (90/99/243/270 Hyperintellectually) (72/81/216/189 Superpersonally) (72/99/153/279 Identifiableness) (Org/ROrg 306/261 (63//261 Adrenalectomies) (63/216 Nonponderable, Athletic Actor)
News Flash….Zachary K. Hubbard while driving home after a successful California road trip endorses pamphlet handouts and distributions. Zach shouts out the person that made the pamphlets and was handing them out during the Live gathering of Truthseekers pounding pavements.
Here’s a great idea that’ll make money for the person that made those pamphlets…print off 1000 copies of any truth-related messages and sell them for the ultimate goal of truthers worldwide distributions via door to door or any other delivery methods.
The decodes above relates to a very smart and wise idea to generate income while getting out the messages. The decodes sniffed out KOBE BRYANT and the fact that it’s a 666 endorsed venture meaning that it’s a moneymaker. If the right pamphlet was produced……….I’d want to buy the truth-related pamphlets and distribute them.
It takes an arrogant person like Zachary to process a brilliant idea first conceived on my blog to boil up to his non-thinking brain and come to the realization that’s the pamphlet making scheme is a viable method of truth message distributions. I’d be bold to suggest that his book would be better of being distributed as pamphlets of varying topics of NUNERBETICS. It’s cheaper to produce and nia