Friday, December 22, 2023



Oval Office 49/50/94/176 (68/58/176 Nongovernment) (59/94/176 Conspiratress) (59/94/167, Bamboozle, Conspirators) (76/176 Untrustworthiness) (94/176 Militarization) (76/68/176, Flimflams Unsympathizing) (68/58/167 Sympathizing) (67/86/176 Ritualization, Spinelessness) (40/68/167,Propagandistic Distracted) (49/68/167 Gullability, Fraudulency, Culpability) (Org/ROrg 97/173 Theatrical, Conspirative, Misinformative, Condescendingness, Remote Control, Inoperable, Chosen Name, Arrogantness (97/137 Lackbrainedness (79/137 Laughing, Entitlement, Government, Brainwashers) (79/137/317 Establismentarianism)

Oval Shape 36/45/99/144 (36/45/99 Mockery) (45/36/144/99 Eyes On You) (54/81/144 Mark Of The Beast, Jesuit Order) (63/54/144 Minionship, Purpose Plan, Culpable) (72/99/144 Amphitheatrical, Blindfoldedness) (63/81/207/144 Extortionists) (3/63/180/144 Exploitatory) (Org/ROrg 91/152 Espionage, Truthlessness, Deception, Bamboozle, Flimflams, Dribblets, Propagandistic, Instructible, Cognizability, (109/125 Media Created Propaganda) (91/125 Puppetries, Brainwashing, Deceivablenes, Conspires, Delusions) (190/215 Treacherousness) 

Elliptical 45/63/90/99/171 (45/63/90/99 Mockery, Duncery, Duppies) (45/63/171 Numskullery, Fearfulness, Hoaxability) (54/72/171 Bullshitting) (36/117/72 Tyranny) (54/63/117 Rulership) (45/45/99/117 Hoodwink) (81/99/207 Conspiratorially) (45/36/90/99 Hoaxers) (90/99/216 Impersonalization) (45/36/99 Eyes On You) (99/108//306 Controlled Demolition) (Org/ROrg 116/154 Fictionize, Saturnalia, Shameproof, Man In Dress

Sit Wait For Relief 87/102/195/237=29/34/65/79 (29/34/65/97 Mocker) (56/43/79 A Non Event) (79/92/209 No Nuclear Event)

Expanding further from my previous blog about COMMODE-US the failed emperor of ROME, I watched the movie GLADIATOR and the central theme of the movie is ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED. The emperor Commodus thought to entertain his people with arena sacrifices with slaves facing off with the Roman Chariots of death. The slaves prevailed to fight on and to ultimately win their freedom.

One item of note is the shape of the COLISEUM which is the shape of an oval so I thought of the OVAL office in the White house and the decode is a theatrical bunch of entitled actors conspiring to dupe the American public that they are your government but the opposite is the truth. The decode points out that the nongovernment of the people and all the theatre behind the distraction to keep their power over the vaccineheads. 

The last decode is dedicated to all the rich well off people that have purchased a bomb shelter. The decode is fairly straightforward if you know arithmetics and is accurate. What are you doing in the bomb shelter….SIT WAIT FOR RELIEF is similar to sitting on a toilet bowl which is shaped like an OVAL. There’s your first mocking item and to sit and wait for the event to happen and waiting anxiously for it to occur is mockery number two. Note the word NUCLEAR and it non eventful eventuality. They wanted you rich fat cats to purchase a bomb shelter knowing that they have no nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. Think NASA went to the moon…..didn’t happen so that would mean no nations went into space which means that no nations has the means to deliver a sack of nukes to America or anywhere else. RICH FAT CATS….YOU’VE BEEN DUPED….WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT BEING MOCKED????

Friday, December 15, 2023


COMMODE-US – The Fallout Shelter Guaranteed TO Save Your BUTT!!

One ZERO One 60/39/132/138 (60/48 Hoax) (48/51/138/132 Dishonesty) (Org/ROrg 109/161 Untruthful, Bamboozler (91/116 Man In Dress, Mainstream Operation, Shameproof))

No Signal One ZERO One 97/83/223/263 (92/88/236/223 Psychotropic Drugs) (79/92/223/290 The Synagogue Of Satan) (Org/ROrg 201/285=210/258 Precongratulating)

Snow GOD 34/29/97/92 (83/97/182/304 False Flag Operation) (Org/ROrg 76/113 Mainstream, Not True, DisInfo, Broadcasting, Green Screen, Superbelievableness (76/131 Illusionable, Miseducative)

OBEY NASA 28/44/82/134 (28/44/82/134 Boob Tube) (62/73/134 Programmatic) (Org/ROrg 78/138 Misdirection, Terrorized, Deceptivity, News Sucker, Dishonesty (78/183 Fictionizing))

Flamingos in New York 95/94/230/256 (77/94/203/256 Nonauthentication) (67/77/230 Dumbfounderment) (67/86//203 Tetrafluouride) (95/94/230 Hypervitalization) (67/77/121/230 Characterized, Decarbonation) (94/59 Depopulation) (Org/ROrg 223/263 Conceptualizations (223/236 Psychotropic Drugs, Overmystification))

COMMODUS 31/41/103/113 (31/50/103/113 Bull Shit) (50/49/113/130 Operation, Dishonest) (50/131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous) (40/59/130/113 Illusions, TV Program) (Org/ROrg 70/146 MisInforming, Improvising, Taunt Truthers (70/164 Intentional, This is A Hoax, Ponzi Scheme)

Sorry Truthers but you’re not going to win the battle for the MINDS of the Sheeples cuz they’ve been programmed by pharmaceuticals and TV programmings. As the above decodes indicates that there’s an unobtainable goal of reaching out to the dumbdowned masses that can’t be achieved in my mind.

The COMMODUS decode is rather enlightening cuz of the 113 coding and it’s implications. I find it disturbing that THE PROGRAMMING targeted a wealthy family able to afford the cost of installing a COMMODUS bomb shelter and yet it didn’t protect the family and a CHILD can gain access to the shelter. If I was a millionaire/billionaire, I would think--why BUY and INSTALL a shelter that’s not going to protect you as the manufacturers guarantees the shelter’s assured safety.

I don’t know how many of the shelters have been sold but I can estimate that MANY wealthy families have been suckered by the mainstream programming that nuclear weapons will rain down and destroy the U.S. of A. The movie OPPENHEIMER re-indoctrinates the masses that nuclear weapons are real.

I can only guess that wealthy people are going to purchase a bomb shelter….but don’t buy a COMMODUS.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

America:Home Of The Jesuit(s) Order!!!

 America: Land Of The Federal Reserve???

Home Of The Brave 71/64/143/235 (71/82/143/235 Federal Reserve) (62/91/143/235 Falsifications) (53/73/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (46/53/100/143 Inflation) (100/125/181/413 Media Created Propaganda) (28/44/82/134 Boob Tube) (55/53/136/134 Tyrannized) (64/53/127/134 Preprogram) (62/73/134/190 Programmatic) (Org/ROrg 177/201 The Jesuit Order, Unprofoundness (120/177 Fictionized, Premeditatedness) (102/177 Preidentification, Injectionalizing))

Land Of The Free 65/61/119/232 (97/232 Indoctrinization) (65/79/232 Depersonalised, Automanipulative) (88/232 Cabalistical) (65/79/232 Misachievement) (56/79/223 Choicelessness) (79/223 Establismentarianism) (61/56/124/119 Jesuitize) (97/119 Nonrepresentativeness) (61/119 Dupability) (61/119/124 Duplicity)(56/61/119 Hoodwinkable, All Seeing Eye) (56/79/191 Society Of Jesus) (79/65/160/191 Hydrofluoride, Virologically) (65/88/191/160 Scripturality) (65/106/191/214 Ritualistically) (61/56/79/191 Fingerable) (Org/ROrg 185/166 Scripturalist, Thought Crimes, Superconfused(158/166 Followership, Transformers)

Freedom 39/33/66/123 (39/42/93/123 Invented) (51/66/123 Conspiracy) (42/66/123 Trickster) (39/60/132 News Sucker) (51/132 Distraction) (39/51/132 Amusement) (69/93/132 Propagandize) (66/60/132 Terrorized) (42/93/132 Mindlessly) (Org/ROrg 91/98 Dubious (89/109 Demasculinisation, Commercialisation) (89/91 Deceptive, Sheeples)

Decoded are the three word groups and it does not look pretty for the America people. The words in red personifies how the American public has been a victim of the Society Of Jesus’s Tyranny.