Blonde Vs Brunette Hair By The Numbers
Blonde Hair 52/56/88/182 (47/61/182 Fake Death) (52/74/88/182 Artificial) (25/47/88/128 Nameless) (52/56/128 Scripting, Diversion) (25/38/61/128 Dupable) (Org/ROrg 147/123 Conspiracy, Duplifying (174/231 Superbelievably)
Brunette Hair 60/75/141/183 (48/60/183 Faked Name) (69/48/114/183 Choreograph) (69/93//183 Transcriptions) (78/66/141/183 Fictionizing) (51/48/105/138 Pretender) (Org/ROrg 182/142 Unworshipful (142/128 Disloyalty, Tricksters) (110/142/236/412 Mainstream Media Deception))
Which color hair would you pick as your news victim’s expanding storyline to gain the most audience viewers regarding the news networks ratings. A compelling testament and accuracy of the Organic/ Reverse Organic ciphers.
The Organic/Reverse Organic is available for all truthers to use and make use of in your decoding. You can download the NUMERBETIC DECODER from the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.