Friday, February 1, 2019

Earthquakes...Fear Mongering Entities?

Earthquakes…..Are They Real???

Earthquake 44/55/107/163 Disneyland (53/55/107/163 Predevised, Zombielike) (55/53/136/107 Improviso) (35/55/107/163 Nonfactual) (46/53/100/170 Connivance) (71/91/163 Scriptitiously) (55/71/136 Orchestrated) (71/100/170 Conspiratorial) (73/71/170 Enterprising) (71/100 Supersalesmanship) (46/71 Manufactured) (64/71 Bogus) (Org/ROrg 96/174 Scripturally, Sublimable, Boondoggle (96/147 Heaveless, Skeptical, Concocter, Fairylike, Freemason)

Ring Of Fire 71/55/107/163 Disneyland (71/55/107/163 Predevised, Zombielike) (55/71/136/107 Improviso) (35/55/107/163 Nonfactual) (46/71/100/170 Connivance) (71/163 Scriptitiously) (55/71/136 Orchestrated) (71/170 Conspiratorial) (73/71/170 Enterprising) (46/71 Manufactured) (64/71 Bogus) (Org/ROrg 144/126 Shockproof, Excrements, Lifelessness (144/261 Amphitheatrical))

Underground Nuclear Explosion 344/385=344/358=172/179=127/197 Manufactured (137/214 Collaboration) (137/241 Prefabrication) (Su/RSu 2064/2310=264/231=246/213 Irreproducibility)
(187/137 Preposterous) (173/205 Misinformative) (151/173 Conspirative) (124/173 Inauthentic) (124/146 Skepticism, Illusional) (151/146 Improvising, Jesus Christ) (Org/ROrg 357/372=119/124 Duplicity, Con Artist, Mythicism, Vaporware, Deceitfulness, Tricksters)

There are no UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSION as Jesus Christ so accurately points 
out. If they don’t exist...maybe minor explosions to shake the earth a bit so as to demonstrate that a earthquakes had occurred in your area….then what does that tell you about the BIG ONE.

The Organic/Reverse Organic Cipher gives me….the decoder….an extra layer of undeniability when words such as HEAVELESS, BOONDOGGLE and SHOCKPROOF are synced up with the coded words. I can say that earthquakes exist in the minds of the perpetrators wanting to instill fear into your mind.

I am reminded of a Youtube video that I happened to view about a Geologist talking about the Alaska earthquake complete with footage of staged destruction and the mockery is shown in his interview and he was damn proud of the fact that he was duping the people.

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