Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Scripted History By The Numbers

Rothchild Funded Both Sides Of The Napoleonic War

Mayer Anschel Rothschild 240/354=120/177 Fictionized (123/147 Conspiracy, Divinizing, Duplifying) (120/150 Illuminati) (105/138 Pretender) (105/183 Mischaracterizing) (129/114 Scripture) (Org/ROrg 266/328=133/164 This is A Hoax, Intentional)

Arthur Wellesley 204/201=42/201 Fabricated (120/204 Superdiabolicalness) (42/120 Conjurers) (69/120 Illuminati) (69/93 Invented, Characterizable) (78/84 Superscripts) (96/147 Skeptical) (Org/ROrg 180/225 Distractibility (81/225 Deceivability) (108/225 Improvisatorially) (81/252 Unauthoritativeness))

The story of Mayer Anschel Rothschild funding the Duke of Wellington during the Battle of Waterloo is a fictional account when both Rothchild and Wellesley are fictional characters scripted to make history as real as they can make it. The other narrative is that Rothchild had a relative stationed in London to buy up the stocks that investors were dumping because of the news of the battle of Waterloo was loss to England which Rothchild had foreknowledge.

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