Thursday, February 27, 2020

An Invisible Contrivable Virus TO Collaspe The Stock Market??

Coronavirus To Blame For Economic Collaspe

Coronavirus Scapegoat 89/118/242/298 (Org/ROrg 188/352=94/176 Impossibleness, Militarization, Fraternization, Conspiratress (49/176 Contrivable) (94/167 Conspirators, Newsworthiness) (49/167 Gullability, Culpability)

Stock Market Meltdown 89/118/242/271 (Org/ROrg 228/285=76/95 Transcriptively, Improvisational (59/76 Misinformation, Taunt, Scriptorial, Illusionable, Inexhaustible, Uninfluential, Conspirators, Slave) (67/95 Unexplainableness, Parasiticidic, Automanipulation)

Using the EXCEPTION’S where you add 9 more to the reductions.....the phrases CORONAVIRUS SCAPEGOAT syncs with STOCK MARKET MELTDOWN in 3 of 4 cyphers. As stated in multiple blogs thoughout the truth community.....the Coronavirus is a hoax but the mainstream have the power to make a word CORONAVIRUS into a PANDEMIC and why would they want it to be???? It’ll make the vaccine manufacturers to produce a bogus vaccine which will in turn create more money to be lent out for the pharmacuetical companies to conjure a vaccine.

Note the words TAUNT and SLAVE in the phrase STOCK MARKET MELTDOWN which is a direct mockery of the public and we will be further in debt when the stock market crashes and your wealth is stolen from you making you a slave to their DEBT BASED ECONOMIC MODEL.

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