Did Joe Biden Kill His Wife, Daughter And Son?
wife daughter son killed 228/339=76/113 Mainstream, DisInfo, Green Screen, Not Factual (111/114 Psychological Operation) (102/150/228 Improbableness, Propagandising) (57/123/228 Choreographed, Prefabricates) (123/120 Conjurers, Collusion, Trickster) (120/177 Fictionized, Premeditatedness, Noiselessness) (51/111 Mocked) (Org/ROrg 262/305=226/350=113/175 Mainstream (113/157 Not Factual Hypnotizes))
wife daughter and son killed 112/185/247 Implausibilities (113/103/130 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (31/103/140 Unbuyable, Bloodless) (103/140 Theatrics) (113/211/194 Transcriptively) (130/194 Misleadingly) (113/194 Condescensiveness) (Org/ROrg 312/336=156/168 Fictitiously)
POTUS-to-be Joe Biden is said to have killed his wife and children in the mainstream media’s narrative but the numbers encoded into his murderous rampage reveals that the mainstream medias did all the bloodless butchery. It’s all a fairy tale with Joe Biden soon to be KING of the U.S. sacrificing his wife and children in a fictitious tale of murder by the mainstream medias. Good Luck Puppets Joe and Kamala.
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