The Number 32 Isn’t Just O.J. Simpson’s Number
Why did the Society of Jesus aka the Society of Turd use the number 32 in the sun/smell symbol?
The thought occurred to me when the symbol used two shapes which further infers a mathematical sequence of numbers. Here’s my findings:
2x16=32 which looks suspiciously like 216 which is 6x6x6
1x32=32 and when rescrambled looks like 312 broken down to 3x12=36 which is 666 when you sum 1-36
1x32 when rescrambled =123 which is the CONSPIRACY number. Add 2+3 and join it with the number 1=51 which is the other CONSPIRACY number
32 is 4x8 which is 48 and 3x2=6, add a zero is 60 and 48/60 is the HOAX numerical pairings
48 can broken down to 2x8x3 which is 283 which is the 61 Prime which is the 18TH Prime which is 6+6+6
However the number 32 is broken down....the number 666 belongs to the Banksters which are the ultimate perpetrators of the COVID-19 scam. Without their approval...the vaccine would not be funded and the masks would not have been duped onto the public as it has been. The real intentions of this scamdemic was to generate money to fuel their debt based economic model as a world masked populace is the proof of their success. What sold at a store that you can buy 10 masks for $1.00 now sells indivdually for a $1.00 as mask producing companies cash in on the scam. People thinking that the vaccine will rid this virus should think....if the virus is made up then why take the vaccine. Sadly most of the masked populace will embrace Big Pharama for a cure to the COVID-19 scam. Top marks to the Banksters for duping the world.