What’ll Truthers DO Being Called IDIOTS By The Turds?
Vegan 22/23/49/86 Laugh (22/32/49/86 Fears) (31/32/49/86 Mired) (Org/ROrg 57/78 Steal, Idiot (75/87 Aborts))
Vegans the world over have been conned into thinking that a plant based diet is a healthy diet. It is very healthy for the perpetrators of this vegan lifestyle because it makes vegans less able to fight back against them. If all vegans were left on their own with no proper guidance...they’d be MIRED in health problems and consequently less able stand their grounds. They were conditioned to FEAR meat and fish but no one told the vegans that animal and fish proteins weren’t present in plants and chose to rely on vegan agents sent in to tell a falsehood while eating non-vegan themselves.
The Perpetrators knew what would happen to the body within a vegan diet....that it would STEAL nutrients from the body if that nutrient was found in lesser amounts. They would have a jolly grand time LAUGHING at their poor unfortunate IDIOTs with health complications from eating a vegan diet.
If you are vaccine free then a vegan diet would have been their non-pharmaceutical ace-in a hole to take down the UNVACCINATED. Admit that you were duped and move on and hopefully there’s still fighting spirits inside of you and eat a BALANCED DIET.
A note about the ORGANIC/REVERSE ORGANIC cypher.....the word STEAL and IDIOT are words that synced with 57/78 out of all words scanned. The words brought to light the undeniable conspiracy to dupe and to mock the population with an unbalanced diet.
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