Monday, September 20, 2021


Jesuits Don’t Want You To Utilize This Cipher

Decode Your False Reality 113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes (113/103 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest (113/211 Broadcasting, Foretellable) (Org/ROrg 237/357=79/119 Society Of Jesus)

We're Fucked 74/88/196 Daring Truthers (Org/ROrg 113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes)

Flat Earther 114/111 Psychological Operation (Org/ROrg 151/146 Jesus Christ)

Flat Earth 53/91/152 Deception (Org/ROrg 124/119 Society Of Jesus)

Sun Rays 36/117/72 Tyranny (Org/ROrg 81/108=81/81 Ritual)

Touch Screen 58/131/166 Programming (Org/ROrg 119/178 Society Of Jesus)

They Live 38/43/110/106 Hoaxster (Org/ROrg 103/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation)

We Sleep 85/104 Nondemonstrability (Org/ROrg 70/119 Society Of Jesus)

Government 52/65/133/137 Its Not Real (Org/ROrg 126/144 Excrements)

Forty Seven 49/50/121/149 Staged Prop (Org/ROrg 137/133 Government)

Vaccine 51/57/132/138 Operations, Controller (Org/ROrg 65/124 Society Of Jesus)

Coronavirus 70/65//155 Does Not Exist (Org/ROrg 119/178 Society Of Jesus)

Organic Cipher 72/81/126/225 Deceivability (Org/ROrg 152/199 Cognizability)

Bible 24/30/33/102 Farce, Magic (Org/ROrg 79/56 Society Of Jesus)

Jesus Christ 52/74/146 Mesmeriser (Org/ROrg 121/176 Capitalizes)

Dinosaur 38/52/101/115 Bodyless (Org/ROrg 97/119 Society Of Jesus)

This Organic//Reverse Organic Cipher was conceived when I thought if they can have a cipher in forward and reverse then why can’t they have a cipher that’s in a continuous cycle as found in nature.

The WE’RE FUCKED decode is to revealing for the Jesuits which is why you should use the Organic /Reverse Organic cipher. The other decodes are also so awakening to who run this world and how they do deceiving you!!!

Any truther wanting to use the Organic/Reverse Organic Cipher will have to download the software from the Jesuit operated GEMATRINATOR on their web site. You’ll need a PC laptop then load the software, click NEW SEARCH then click SELECT CIPHER then click EDIT then click ADD NEW. From here you can add whatever cipher you want, name the cipher then click SAVE.

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