Friday, December 10, 2021

5 Month Old Baby Dies???

Nick Cannon's Photoshopped Son..Zen???

Nick Cannon's Son 78/66/132/165 Mythicalism, Orchestrate (78/84/165 Invisibility) (75/78/213 Choregraphic) (123/84/231 Nonphysiologically) (57/78/123 Invented) (Su 990/FB 243 Characterising, Nonvegetativeness) (Org/ROrg 173/205 Misinformative (173/52 Theatrical, Distracting, Inauthentic) (137/52 Its Not Real, Scriptured))

Zen Cannon 43/56/137 Newsteller, Scriptured, Its Not Real (56/137/160 Mind Control) (43/65/173 Theatrical) (61/74/173 Conspirative, Inauthentic) (43/47/173 Chosen Name) (61/65/173 Distracting, Contrivance) (Org/ROrg 114/129 Scripture, Psychological Operation (129/141 Parentless, Questioned)

Five month old 46/62/73/170 Sacrifice (52/73/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (46/71/143 Narratives) (Org/ROrg 173/151 Compromising, Conspirative, Arrogantness (137/115 Preposterous, Characteristic))

With words coded into Nick Cannon's son, Zen such as PARENTLESS, NONVEGETATIVENESS, and INVISIBILITY...the 5 month old baby is a fictional character contrived by the mainstream medias.

Zen’s five month old age is clearly a sign that the character was a sacrifice for the sake of fabricating a news story.

People that are slaves to the mainstream narrative will believe that this is a real death but the perpetrators know the opposite is true and are laughing at them for their successful psyop.

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