Saturday, March 19, 2022

Attention...Truth Soldiers...IT's TIME!

Operation SUNSHINE Or Make S.H.I.T. Smell Agreeable

Expose Jesus as The SUN OF GOD 114/120/336 Psychological Operation (69/114/201 Truth Frees YOU) (69/123/147 Conspiracy, Divinizing) (96/201 Predeceived) (96/201 Glorifiable) (96/147 Engineers) (96/174 Sublimable) (96/120 Dumb Down) (123/192 Successful Campaign) (93/123 Crucifix) (Org/ROrg 246/402=123/201 Foreshadowed, Spellbinding (123/120 Conjurers)

This is an ORDER....Truthers will be dispatched to carry out a Psychological Operation whereby a campaign of emails, messaged T-SHIRTS/HOODIES, social media memes and deliverable notes will be done to expose Jesus as the SUN OF GOD. Judging by the numerbetics above the TRUTH should free the Jesus Believers.

We will conspire with the predeceived plan to expose the SUN OF GOD by pointing out the mockery of going to Church every SUNdays worshipping Jesus when they should really be worshipping The SON OF GOD every SONdays. Truthers will be their own masters of this PSYOP and will use any or all suggested mechanisms at their disposal. One metaphor would be the SUN displayed with the CRUCIFIX and other that you can dream up with effectiveness. Emails sent to public institutions such as libraries and community centres are a definite YES. Messaged notes with sort but concise points of understandableness can and will be delivered door to door or posted on public places.

The TRUTH will set THEM free or they are completely brainwashed but at least the effort to get the message out will shine light on the SHIT gang which should be a spell binding experience to THE JESUIT ORDER.

A sample of an E-Mail sent to one community centre:

If you can THINK and not believe then a more colossal scam has been perpetrated on all Church going people. THEY have them going to church on a SUNDAY but shouldn't it be on a SONDAY. There's a reason why the words SUN and SON exist in the English language and that is to mock the church going folks.

SO.. if you can THINK then it is obvious that worshipping on a SUNDAY is worshipping the SUN and not the SON of God.

Thanks and stop believing everything in TV-land.


Friday, March 18, 2022

One Hour Back & Forth..All For Debt!!!

Society Of Jesus Jolly Time???

Daylight Saving Time 97/110/205/281 Commericalizations, Astrochronological, Predeterminability, Microdetermination, Unobjectionableness, Psychopathological (61/101/205 Taunt Truthers, Predeterminations) (101/88/182 Daring Truthers) (101/79 Pharmaceutics) (115/128 Diversion) (101/61/128 Nonsensible, Crookedness) (88/128 Moneychanger) (61/101 Ponzi Scheme) (38/79/137 Laughing) (Org/ROrg 220/266 Pharmacopsychology, Circumstantialness, Hypersophisticated, Microenvironmental (110/133 Contrived, Marketers))

Six months and it’s during the cold months and the SHIT Gang has a belly laugh at our expense. It was all a predetermined plot to get people to buy their Pharmaceuticals and it’s coded into the words as decoded. In other words...this is a Debt Based Plot to fuel their Ponzi Scheme.

Friday, March 11, 2022

What Else Is The Number 34 Coded As?

NUMBER 34 Revealed???

Thirty Four 56/52/110/160 Programmed (61/110/160/191 Assassination, Bloodlessness) (Org/ROrg 155/115 The Great Deceiver, Theatricalising, Novelisation, Dramatizer, Schemingly)

ThiRTy fOur FB 264 THIRTY FOUR FB 420 (264/420=132/210 (123/201 The Jesuit Order, Spellbinding) (201/231 Unconvincibility)

Thirty For 58/50/139/104 Provokers (Org/ROrg 147/96 Freemason, Concocter (69/147 Conspiracy)

Thirty For FB 191 THIrty FOR FB 295 (191/295 Preacknowledgement)

Three Four 53/55/116/127 Misinform (Org/ROrg 124/119 Duplicity, Con Artist, Wrongdoer)

Three For FB 147 THREE FOR FB 303 (147/303=147/312 Chuckleheadedness (147/123 Conspiracy)

The numerbetics behind the number 34 reveals the Jesuit Order’s abilities to create chaos and have a big CHUCKLE about their acheivements.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Deadliest Strain Of BOWLERVIRUS...Wear Your Mask!

The Latest COVID Strain Unleashes In A BOWLING ALLEY?

Veronika Khomyn 118/71 Controlled, Conspires (71/118/179 Not Real Name, Truthlessly) (37/118 Mockfully) (181/71 Underacting) (82/71/181/170 Extemporizing, Intentionally)(80/91/197/181 Corruptibility) (73/107/181 Anatomicosurgical) (71/91/197 Counterfactually, Questionableness) (80/91/197/181 Corruptibility) (73/71/127/197 Preagreement) (73/80/233 Superinfluenced) (91/71/233 Hyperconfidently) (82/107/233 Transcriptionally) (89/73/233 Stereotypography) (Org/ROrg 177/201 The Jesuit Order, Misadventurous (120/177 Fictionized, Nonstudiousness)

Sean McVay 40/59/103/140 Theatrics (49/59/130/140 Television) (59/140 Scriptorial) (Org/ROrg 85/158 Stage Name, Uninfluential, Unstudiousness, Vitalization, Followership, Ridiculed (85/185 Corporationism, Teletypewriters, Scriptwriting, Greenbacks)

Sean McVay's Fiancee 96/48/105/165 Preplanned, Directorial (66/96/165 Orchestration) (96/66/165 Superendorse) (51/84/165 Distraction) (48/96/156 Brainlessness, Exploitage) (69/75/156 Fictitiously, Perceivability) (66/105/156 Brainless Vaccine) (Org/ROrg 161/298 Knuckleheadedness)

Ukraine Fiancee 77/58/122 Staged Event (77/85/122/256 Insignificance, Nondialectical) (122/121 Invention, Amusingly) (68/94/122 Scripted, Distract, Soulless, Admirableness) (Org/ROrg 152/226 Propagandistic, Mainstream Operation (125/226 Transcriptionally) (76/113 Mainstream, Hypnotize)

Los Angles Rams 47/79/155/196 (Org/ROrg 125/226)

A beauty contestant who didn’t win a much famous beauty pageant from the little known town of FUVILLE, Washbrainapolis got an offer that she couldn’t refuse. The mainstream decepticons dreamt up the advertisement whereby she would play the role of the Ukraine fiancee of Sean McVay....Coach of the Los Angles Rams....Veronika Khomyn. Her role as Sean’s wife is to be a cheerleader and promote the NFL which is going for the female markets.

After the successful campaign of luring in the female market....she contacts the latest variant strain of COVID coined BOWLERVIRUS. This super deadly strain was discovered when Veronika was taken ill to Mount Sinus Hospitalization Cottage and was quarantined to determine the cause. Three months of intense testing and diagnosis had concluded that a stray fly somehow got into the 9/11 Bowling Empire and co-incidently wandered into the Bowling Ball’s finger hole just as the unsuspecting Veronika bowled her 56th game. Her passion was to be her downfall.

After contacting the BOWLERVIRUS...the pharmaceutical companies rushed out their vaccine to counter the virus’s super-duper mutating speed. People...the world over were dropping like FLIES because IF VERONIKA GOT BOWLERVIRUS then I HAVE IT TOO and they too thought they had the virus and wished to be vaccinated as the brave innocent Veronika had her vaccination and was saved from impending DOOM.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Seahawks Must Be Hailed To Win In The NFL

The Scripted HAIL MARY As Decoded

Fail Mary 31/50/85/131 Escapism (50/58/131 Arrogantly, Laughterful) (59/85/131 Pharmaceutical) (50/85/113 Broadcasting) (85/113 Hyperhilariously, Overaggressiveness, Choreographical, Superinfluencing, Hyperridiculous, Impossibleness. Deliberatively, Conceivability) (58/113/131 Idioticalness, Condescension, Programming, Profiteer, Hypnotizes, Not Factual, Melodramatised, Sensationalised, Unfathomableness, Superconfused) (50/58 Staged Event, Deceivable) (Org/ROrg 94/122 Staged Event, Scripted, Soulless, Unchallengeable, Overobedience, Distract (49/122 Amusingly, Nonwonder))

faiL maRy FB 137 FAIL MarY FB 241 (137/214/241 Collaboration. Prefabrication, Characteristic, Pharmaceutics, Satanicalness, Teletranscription, Unblameworthiness) (124/173 Distracting, Contrivance, Inauthentic, Condescendingness

Choreographed to the script...the FAIL MARY as decoded show more of the football follies that transpired on the final play. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

False Flag Operation Against The UNSUSPECTING?

Military And Mainstream Contrived DRIBBLES?

Nisqually 40/59/130/113 Illusions (40/50/103/113 Bull Shit) (50/49/113/130 Operation, Dishonest) (32/49/113/103 Masterly, Forgerys) (50/131/193 Illusionable) (Org/ROrg 96/147 Freemason, Concocter, Fairylike, Engineers, Skeptical, Shunnable, Heaveless (69/147 Duplifying) (96/174 Facsimiles, Improvisate, Superbelievably, Extemporizer, Intentionalism, Scripturally) (69/174 False Flag, Perpetuators)

Intraslab 33/48/69/174 False Flag (42/66/96/147 Freemason, Shunnable, Heaveless, Improvisate, Concocter) (66/147 Conspiracy, Dishonestly) (96/69/66/147 Divinizing, Fairylike, Engineers) (66/96/69/174 Perpetuators, Superbelievably, Extemporizer, Intentionalism, Scripturally) (Org/ROrg 125/118 Conspires, Mockfully, Hoaxproof, Foolproof, Delusions, Thwartman, Masterminded (118/152 Unhuntable, Controlled, Propagandistic, Instructible) (181/125 Extemporizing))

Intraslab earthquake 77/103/203/310 Disacknowledgements (68/121/203 Camouflagers, Displacement) (77/148/203 Fictionalizes) (68/121/203 Programmable) (68/121/230/175 Supersuspicious) (86/121/230 Incapacitates) (95/230 Automanipulation) (32/86/130 Suckered) (Org/ROrg 221/292=212/292=106/146 Disagreeability, Improvising, Blankmindedness (61/164 Ponzi Scheme, Free Thought, Intentional, This is A Hoax) (160/146 Bloodlessness) (61/65/106/164 Ridiculing, Malidentification)

NIne One ONe Sacrifice FB 339 NIne ONE ONE Sacrifice FB 417 (339/417=113/131/139 Arrogantly, Fictitiously, Ridiculous, False Knowledge, Deceptibility) (113/193 Nondisfigurement) (131/193 Miseducative, Ostracizable, Illusionable) (Org/ROrg 211/302=121/203 Programmable, Hyperridiculous, Desiccations, Camouflagers, Displacement)

TNT's Buried 42/66/132/138 (Org/ROrg 164/106)

TNT Exploded 49/50/139/158 (Org/ROrg 179/118)

I believe that this incident was done as a 9/11 ritual but what was sacrificed??? The setup was to plant TNT and then explode them to stimulate an earthquake which was a success as witnessed by the video maker. It’s the one and only proven method cuz a natural earthquake will not happen. So...The BIG ONE will also be contrived and mainstreamed to scare the public into thinking that the plates underneath the sea shifted which then caused the earth to shake....baloney!!!