Operation SUNSHINE Or Make S.H.I.T. Smell Agreeable
Expose Jesus as The SUN OF GOD 114/120/336 Psychological Operation (69/114/201 Truth Frees YOU) (69/123/147 Conspiracy, Divinizing) (96/201 Predeceived) (96/201 Glorifiable) (96/147 Engineers) (96/174 Sublimable) (96/120 Dumb Down) (123/192 Successful Campaign) (93/123 Crucifix) (Org/ROrg 246/402=123/201 Foreshadowed, Spellbinding (123/120 Conjurers)
This is an ORDER....Truthers will be dispatched to carry out a Psychological Operation whereby a campaign of emails, messaged T-SHIRTS/HOODIES, social media memes and deliverable notes will be done to expose Jesus as the SUN OF GOD. Judging by the numerbetics above the TRUTH should free the Jesus Believers.
We will conspire with the predeceived plan to expose the SUN OF GOD by pointing out the mockery of going to Church every SUNdays worshipping Jesus when they should really be worshipping The SON OF GOD every SONdays. Truthers will be their own masters of this PSYOP and will use any or all suggested mechanisms at their disposal. One metaphor would be the SUN displayed with the CRUCIFIX and other that you can dream up with effectiveness. Emails sent to public institutions such as libraries and community centres are a definite YES. Messaged notes with sort but concise points of understandableness can and will be delivered door to door or posted on public places.
The TRUTH will set THEM free or they are completely brainwashed but at least the effort to get the message out will shine light on the SHIT gang which should be a spell binding experience to THE JESUIT ORDER.
A sample of an E-Mail sent to one community centre:
If you can THINK and not believe then a more colossal scam has been perpetrated on all Church going people. THEY have them going to church on a SUNDAY but shouldn't it be on a SONDAY. There's a reason why the words SUN and SON exist in the English language and that is to mock the church going folks.
SO.. if you can THINK then it is obvious that worshipping on a SUNDAY is worshipping the SUN and not the SON of God.
Thanks and stop believing everything in TV-land.
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