Monday, December 26, 2022

Flying & Exploding In Your TV Sets Are The Patriot Missiles???

Being A Patriot Means Being A Pussy???

Patriot 36/45/99/90 (36/45/99/90 Mockery, Duncery, Duppies) (54/99 Crisis Actress) (45/63/99 Female Actor) (54/45 Pussies) (Org/ROrg 98/91 Dubious, Overexcitability, Amphitheatrically, Nonresistiveness, Nonprovocatively, Supereffectiveness, Instructiveness (89/91 Sheeples, Deceptive Hyperspeculatively, Stereotypography))

Patriots 37/53/118/98 (44/46/98/118 Ignorant, Shunners) (46/53/118 Controlled, Subhumans) (62/118 Scaremonger) (62/118/206 Confident Man) (37/44/118 Mockfully) (62/73/181 Intentionally) (98/181 Amphitheatrically) (44/46/62/181 Obedience) (Org/ROrg 104/112 Unargumentativeness, Moonwalk (41/121 Mindless) (41/112 Theatre, Revered)

Patriot Missiles 69/102/204/201 (87/66/204/201 Overmonopolized, Thankworthiness) (87/102/204 Overinflationary ,Improvidentially, Unperformability, Counternarrative) (69/204/120 Presumptuous, Supersuspicion, Nondangerousness) (87/204 Nonattitudinal) (69/210 Unlaunchable) (Org/ROrg 167/238 Imaginativeness, Superartificial (283/176 Untrustworthiness) (88/119 Overexaggerating, Perceivableness (88/191 Superstatesman, Villainousness)

I’ve often wonder what being a patriot in America means to THEM. If this decode is accurate then THEY coded patriots as pussies with sheepfulness abilities. The patriot missiles may be coded 204/201 which rendered a 6/3 numerlogical value and thus is in line with 111/114-a Psychological Operation and 114/147-a Mainstream Media Operation which is assured that the missiles are unlaunchable and inoperable.

THEY Call ME....Mr. 201???

Grow Lights Useful And Decoded???

Grow Light 56/43/119/124 (Org/ROrg 111/132 Monetized)

Grow Lights 57/51/138/132 (51/57/132/138 Operations, Controller) (Org/ROrg 117/153=135/117 Healthy Eating)

Health Choice 61/56/97/119 (Org/ROrg 120/204 (201/204 Grow Light Plants)

Promote Health 66/60/123/156/195 (75/213/165 Grow It Your Self) (Org/ROrg 167/184)

Wintertime Grown 87/84/120/213/192 (Org/ROrg 206/199)

Wintertime Plants 74/97/218/214 (Org/ROrg 221/201)

Indoor Grown Marijuana 105/120/240/300 (Org/ROrg 249/291)

Mr. 201 (Zach Hubbard) will be envious of this decode> A long, long time ago in a video blog on Youtube Zach explained that he had a marijuana business. According to Zach, it was lucrative and he made a comfortable living at growing and selling medical marijuana.

In order to grow the marijuana....Zach had to use numerous grow lights to grow the plants. What is the degree of difficulties when growing plants indoors? How organic is this when you have a marijuana grower who has the organic numbers 201,102 and 120 coded into his job description as decoded above and he claims to be a 201 contagion.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

America Lands On The Moon?

Appeal To The Sheeples-Man On The Moon

First Man On The Moon 84/87/114/219/240 (84/96/114 Made For Television)(42/84/114/210 Unlaunchable) (69/48/114 Boondoggler, Sheephearted, Inconceivable, Choreograph, Performance) (48/69/129/114 Scripture) (114/129 Psychological Operation) (69/84/141/291 Feeblemindedness) (69/84/141 Theatricalized, Newsrooms) ( 78/66/141 Fictionizing) (48/87/129/141 Questioned) (Org/ROrg 233/226 Uncorroboratively, Transcriptionally) (166/113=131/166 Moviemakers, Sizableness, Rubberizing, Televiewing, Laughterful, Unrealistic, Programming))

Neil Armstrong First Man 103/131/265/302 (103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (103/203/256 Nonauthentication) (131/112/265 Unargumentativeness, Condescensiveness) (113/103/248/265 Nonconversationally) (103/113/211/302 Superbelievableness) (Org/ROrg 292/275=229/257 Overemotionalizing, Semigovernmentally)

Neil Armstrong Moon Man 97/110/250/290 (110/106 Hoaxster, Follower) (110/106/191 Theatricalization) (110/106/218 Miniaturizations) (110/106/218 Teletranscription) (Su/RSu `1500/1740=51/147 Conspiracy) (150/147 Dishonestly, Transformer) (174/150 Perpetuators, Scripturally) (Org/ROrg 257/283=582/832=143=208=13/4/82 Crisis Actor, Boob Tube (134/208 Fictionization)

Neil Armstrong 66/78/165/186 (66/78/186 Sheepherder, Misdirection) (66/78/165/186 Orchestration, Nefariousness) (Org/ROrg 174/177 Senselessness, Extemporising (177/147 Mainstream Media Operation))

Mini Moon Set 56/61/146/151 (70/65/151/146 Improvising) (Org/ROrg 131/166 Moviemakers, Sizableness, Rubberizing, Televiewing, Laughterful, Unrealistic, Programming)

Area Five One 56/61/101/196 (61/65/169 Does Not Exist) (70/74/169 Pretendingness) (74/79/182/169 Improvisatize) (61/83/196/182 Movie Studio Set) (Org/ROrg 115/182 Deceivingly, Preconceive (115/128 Scripting, Diversion))

A made for television event that shaped US history as AMERICA’S Greatest Achievement....but is it???

Conspiracy theorists has always said that the Apollo Moon Missions were made on a movie studio set located on AREA 51. If they couldn’t go to the moon then they had the technologies to dupe the public into thinking that they went there and back.

Neil Armstrong or whatever...a crisis actor played his role to perfection.....a real American hero that kids look up or down to in the scripted histories that shaped AMERICA.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sun/Son Shines Humiliation Intentionally At Them Believers?

 Sun’s/Son’s Purpose Is MIND CONTROL?

Son's Birth Celebration 93/111/123/228/312 (111/123 Psychological Operation) (114/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (111/105 Monetary) (111/213 Choregraphic) (51/111 Mocked) (111/231/228 Transformationist) (111/132 Amusement) (93/123 Invented) (123/E1074 Conspiracy) (Org/ROrg 268/272=227/286 Overimaginativeness (136/134 Motivative, Testaments))

Sun's Birth Celebration 90/126/234/306 (90/99/306 Mockery) (81/135 Ridicule) (81/144/234 Mark Of The Beast) (90/90/216/234 Overpreoccupation) (90/90/216/234 Overpreoccupation) (135/162 Outlaughing) (135/216 Superfinanced, Conceitedness) (108/135 False Prop) (63/135/243 Overdependence) (Org/ROrg 274/266=137133, Monopolies, Scriptured, Extinction, Worshipped, God Praying)

Sun's Purpose 48/60/183/114 (48/60 HOAX) (183/114 Psychological Operation) (114/183 Boondoggler) (Org/ROrg 137/160 Mind Control)

Son's Purpose 51/57/177/120 (51/57 Conspiracy) (48/51/93/177 Propaganda) (69/84/177/201 The Jesuit Order) (66/60/120/177 Fictionized) (Org/ROrg 131/166 Humiliation, Laughterful, Crucifixion, Programming)

It’s just two letters U and O but when combined with 24 letters to form phrases that are meaningful and decoded as shown get a true sense of what THEY’ve accompolished. They have been laughing at the worshippers of the SUN OF GOD birth since they’ve invented the Bible and the story of Jesus. I believe that they invented the SON OF GOD to sell people on a lie thinking that the public buys their narratives and sell their merchandise to fuel their debt base economic currency.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

A Successful Psychological And Mainstream Media Operation Equals Laugh Tracks By THEM!!

Did Anyone Die On The Twin Tower Attacks?

No one died on Nine Eleven attacks 123/147/294/462 (123/147 Conspiracy, Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 351/405=135/45 Ridicule)

No one died on Six One One attacks 120/147/141/213/309/420 (114/120 Psychological Operation (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 308/421=83/124 False Flag Operation)

Mainstream media deceptions 111/150/231/255/420 (111/123 Psychological Operation) (Org/ROrg 290/385=58/77 Laughingstocks (77/85 Scriptwriting, Hustle)

No one died on attacks 72/90/99/135/189/297 90/99 Mockery (Org/ROrg 211/275 Inapprehensibility, Supergratification, Six Hundred Sixty Six)

Controlled Demolition 99/108/234/306 (90/108/234 Improvisatorially) (63/108/189/243 Sensationalistic) (Org/ROrg 257/283=572/382=286/191=191/268 Theatricalization, Preacknowledging)

Plane Crashing into Two Tower 126/135135/180/324/351 (180//135=81/135 Ridicule) (Org/ROrg 312/363=123/336 Psychological Operation)

The numbers don’t lie….9/11 or 6/11 was a massive Psychological Operation as well as a largely successful Mainstream Media Operation perpetrated by the major News Outlets. That faithful day made the American Public look dumbfounded as the Television reports people jumping from the carnage but it was all mainstream deceptions. No one died but American freedom.

Friday, December 2, 2022

They Are Mirrored Images Of You And I?

Was 9/11 Really 6/11???

A Inside Job 43/52/65/83/88/182 (Org/ROrg 123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying, Mainstream Media Operation, Predeterminable (147/231 Conceptualised) (147/312 Chuckleheadedness)

Nine One One 56/43/88/160 (Org/ROrg 132/138 Dishonesty, Operations, Controller, Followings)

An Inside Job 48/69/102/195 (Org/ROrg 149/148 Duplicitous, Provocation (184/194 Orchestrations, Scripturalness))

Nine Eleven 51/38/102/105/165 (Su/RSu 630/990=36/99 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 140/130 Television, Submission (41/130 Suckered, Dishonest) (31/41/104 Not Rea, Fakerl)

Nine One One Inverted 90/90/180/207/279 (99/108 Controlled Demolition) (99/90 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 260/226 Contradistinctions (226/206 Nonresistiveness, Nonprovocatively, Superconfidently, Predemonstration) (130/113 Dishonest, Operation, Bull Shit, Superbelievableness))

Leave it to the creators of 9/11 to conjure a mainstream operation whereby they dupe the American people into thinking that terrorists hiding in caves masterminded the plot. The event was preplanned decades ago and set into motion with a controlled demolition. The real question is did they use 6/11, the inverse of 9/11, as the numbers to determine their Psychological Operation??? The numbers tell me that they uses 6/11 based on the undeniable decode revealing a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION which is deceptively use to dupe the public.