Did Anyone Die On The Twin Tower Attacks?
No one died on Nine Eleven attacks 123/147/294/462 (123/147 Conspiracy, Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 351/405=135/45 Ridicule)
No one died on Six One One attacks 120/147/141/213/309/420 (114/120 Psychological Operation (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation) (Org/ROrg 308/421=83/124 False Flag Operation)
Mainstream media deceptions 111/150/231/255/420 (111/123 Psychological Operation) (Org/ROrg 290/385=58/77 Laughingstocks (77/85 Scriptwriting, Hustle)
No one died on attacks 72/90/99/135/189/297 90/99 Mockery (Org/ROrg 211/275 Inapprehensibility, Supergratification, Six Hundred Sixty Six)
Controlled Demolition 99/108/234/306 (90/108/234 Improvisatorially) (63/108/189/243 Sensationalistic) (Org/ROrg 257/283=572/382=286/191=191/268 Theatricalization, Preacknowledging)
Plane Crashing into Two Tower 126/135135/180/324/351 (180//135=81/135 Ridicule) (Org/ROrg 312/363=123/336 Psychological Operation)
The numbers don’t lie….9/11 or 6/11 was a massive Psychological Operation as well as a largely successful Mainstream Media Operation perpetrated by the major News Outlets. That faithful day made the American Public look dumbfounded as the Television reports people jumping from the carnage but it was all mainstream deceptions. No one died but American freedom.
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