Sunday, November 25, 2018

Albert Pike And His THIRD WORLD WAR OPERA Complete With MORALS AND DOGMA Orchestra Of Mirth

Albert Pike

Albert Pike 54/63/99/171 Conceiting (45/63/99/90 Mockery) (72/81/180/171 Improvisation) (36/45/99/117 Delusion, Hoodwink) (45/63/117/180 Undoubtable) (18/27/27/108 Faked) (72/81/207 Nonauthenticity) (27/36/72 Scam) (45/54/81 Ridicule) (F 151=36p Mockery) (RF 223=48p Hoax, The Synagogue Of Satan) (Org/ROrg 137/133 Government, Its Not Real)

the oldest of six children 254/340=127/170=Imposterous (110/133 Contrived) (119/187 Characteristically) (182/142 Unworshipful) (182/169 Improvisatize) (Org/ROrg 291/303=192/33 Substanceless)

Pike published the Eight Six One page Masonic handbook 478/764=785/764=187/191=178/119 Star Of David (226/233=226/332=113/166 Superimprobableness) (226/260=113/130/103 Dishonest, Operation, Bull Shit) (226/314=113/157 Mainstream, Not Factual) (Org/ROrg 557/685=755/685=151/137=151/173 Conspirative, Compromising)

Pike worked out a blueprint for three world wars 519/561=195/156 Brainlessness (204/228 Surrealistically) (213/246 Irreproducibility) (204/309 Superdiabolicalness) (204/255 Superartificially) (Org/ROrg 534/546=354/456=118/152 Controlled, Unhuntable)

Pike died in Washington, D.C 115/119/223/371 Overmystification (119/223 Conceptualizations) (133/137 Its Not Real, Government) (128/223 Artificialize) (115/119/223 The Synagogue Of Satan) (119/151/173 Conspirative) (124/173 Inauthentic) (Org/ROrg 296/298=148/149 Duplicitous, Provocation (184/194 Orchestrations, Condescensiveness))

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars 372/519=124/173 Inauthentic (165/195=156/195 Brainlessness (159/165 Manipulators, Conjurations) (Org/ROrg 453/438=151/146 Improvising, Jesus Christ)

The numbers peg Albert Pike as a fictional character and coded as a mockable person for anyone that choose to believe that he’s a real person. His exploits and predictions are a sham but that doesn’t mean that they are unbelieveable. The two world wars that has been completed is an indication of a third world war that’s predicted is a script so we should expect a scripted affair.

The prediction of a war between Christianity and Islam has been building up since 9/11. The narrative of this third world war that has Christians facing off against Muslims will need a spark to ignite the war which could be as soon as August 11, 2019. Be forewarned that all religions have be created to keep the human race divided so if this war where to start….I know who to blame….history’s greatest scriptors….ALBERT PIKE’S creators.

I’m certain that they won’t be using nuclear weapons to decimate the planet with deadly radiations but what could been as catastrophic as a nuclear exchange is the denial of the money supply. If nobody has access to their money to buy foods...well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to calculate the chaos that will follow. Let hope that day doesn’t come to the surface but everyone should be prepared if it does.

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