Saturday, November 17, 2018

Suicide Nets....Mainstream Hype???

Are Chinese Workers Systematically Used As Slaves?

Suicide Nets 47/70/128/169 Nonsensible, Crookedness (74/79/182/169 Improvisatize) (70/74/169 Pretendingness) (65/70/196 Misconception) (Org/ROrg 120/177 Fictionized)

One Six Seven cases of attempted or completed suicide 519/696=173/232 Unpragmatically (159/246 Improbabilities) (204/255 Superartificially) (246/240=123/120 Trickster, Collusion) (Org/ROrg 496/719=469/917=67/131 Fraudster, Humiliation, Programming (67/113 Mainstream, DisInfo))

Thirteen employees died in apparent suicides 439/614=394/164=197/82 Distrustingly, Corruptionist (128/223 Artificialize, Characteriser) (223/263 Conceptualizations) (223/236 Overmystification) (227/232 Overdescriptively) (227/205 Superdubiousness) (196/209 Sensationalists) (169/209 Pretendingness) (182/169 Improvisatize) (Org/ROrg 500/553=500/535=100/107/170 Ritual Sacrifice, Connivance)

like robots 45/63/126/144 Excrements (27/18/72/63 Money) (63/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (54/81/108/162 Hoodwinked) (54/63/144 Purpose Plan) (27/45/72/144 Culpable) (72/81/180 Improvisation) (45/72/81 Ridicule) (63/63 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 117/171/153 Deceptious, Extemporised)

Are suicide net needed to stop people from dying in a desperate attempt to end their misery from working slave hours or is it a hoax???? The numbers reveals that it all fiction and sensationalism. As for the workers working their tails off and LIKE ROBOTS….the numbers tell me that it all hype to deceive the unsuspecting public.

In conclusion it’s all mainstream hype to generate sympathy and to sell their products which is fake news.

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