Saturday, December 1, 2018

False American Flags Decoded

False Flag, The 13 Colonies Flag and The American Flag Decoded

False Flag 33/48/69/174 Laughable, Checkmate (69/48/96/147 Engineers) (42/66/96/174 Facsimiles) (66/174/204 Intentionalism) (57/69/174 Perpetuators) (42/48/96/147 Freemason) (33/48/75 Untruths) (57/69/147 Improvisate, Transformer) (24/48 Hoax) (48/69 Illuminati, Pretender, Robotized, This Is A Lie, Propaganda) (69/57/147 Conspiracy, Dishonestly, Questioning) (69/48/147 Duplifying) (48/33/66/96 Fakery) (33/48/96 Shammers) (69/66/96/174 Characters) (66/174/204 Intentionalism)
(Org/ROrg 92/151 Conspirative, Malassociation, Improbability, Doublethinking)

Thirteen Stars And Thirteen Stripes 400/437=400/374=200/187/178=Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters (157/311 Mainstream, Not Factual) (184/311 Green Screen, Debatefully) (122/148 Fraudulent) (122/175 Deceitfully) (175/203 Misinformation) (166/239 Sensationalised, Preconceptional) (131/166 Programming, Humiliation) (Org/ROrg 449/388=944/388=236/97=263/79 Conceptualizations)

Fifty Stars And Thirteen Stripes 367/389=763/938=109/134 Puppetize, Mockingly, Programmatic (133/137 Government) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (133/218 Deliberations, Fictionalized) (142/128 Disloyalty, Tricksters, Unworshipful) (142/209 Deceitfulness) (151/173 Conspirative, Compromising) (200/151 Improvisatory) (151/227 Doublethinking, Malassociation) (119/151 Dupability) (160/191 Assassination) (184/194 Orchestrations) (128/169 Crookedness, Nonsensible) (169/209 Pretendingness) (182/169 Improvisatize) (Org/ROrg 406/350=203/175 Misinformation) (58/50 Profiteer, Operation, Dishonest, Inventable))

Interestingly that the FALSE FLAG carries a LAUGHABLE and CHECKMATE coding. Noteworthy is the 13 colonies flag decode with rendered the 311/113 numerical code which strongly suggest to me that the American Revolution was a fictional historical account of events that happened.

The American fifty stars flag is coded as a government that’s puppetized as it is with the present and all other people voted or chosen into the governments. The other word that stands out is UNWORSHIPFUL which the American people should be keen to not worship those in office.

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