Saturday, December 22, 2018

Wag The Ebola Test Tubes In Hollywood?

560 Cases Of Ebola In Congo

Ebola 53/100/170 Connivance (71/100 Supersalesmanship) (28/53/82 Doubtable) (28/53/100/143 Falseness) (46/53/107 Trickery) (Su/RSu 210/600=21/60 Hoax) (46/71 Manufactured) (37/107 Revenues) (37/53 Unhuntable) (37/71 Unreal) (Org/ROrg 48/87 Fixed, Manufacturable, Misguide)

Ebola Outbreak 74/88/128/223 Artificialize (56/97/146 Imaginary) (74/115 Baloney) (65/88/128/223 Characteriser) (79/223 The Synagogue Of Satan) (223=48p Hoax) (Org/ROrg 142/209=142/290=71/145 Reinvention, Deceiver, MoneyGrubber)

Five Six Zero cases 97/92/205/227 Superdubiousness (92/61/119/205 Hoodwinkable) (88/110/205/281 Commericalizations) (79/101/205/281 Overemphaticalness) (79/92/227 Unfeasibleness) (79/110/106 Hoaxster) (97/92 Control) (119/124 Duplicity) (Org/ROrg 148/284=148/248 Preconceivable (74/142 Fakeries))

Congo (Org/ROrg 40/95 Make Up (40/59 Theatrics, Fraudster, Delusional)

life threatening illness 243/351=243/135 Characterising ( 72/81/198/207 Nonauthenticity) (18/27/27/108 Faked) (108/189/243 Sensationalistic) (108/243/243 Overoptimistically) (135/117/180 Inconceivabilities) (117/153 Deceptious) (126/144 Excrements) (198/126 Untruthfully) (27/108 Acting) (Org/ROrg 292/302=146/151 Improvising, Revivifying, Jesus Christ)

Orange Surgical Masked 86/175/203 Misinformation (68/121/203 Programmable) (112/104/166 Inventable) (31/41/103/104 Not Real) (103/104/130 Preconceivable) (121/68/139 False Knowledge) (113/157 Mainstream) (86/157 Chicanery) (Org/ROrg 193/347=121/113 Superartificiality)

Details can be viewed at The picture decode is fairly accurate but the color of the mask looks orange to me but the decode yields a 113 coding and a 113/157 Mainstream coding. I wanted to think that Ebola was a real virus but my decodes say otherwise. Decode CONGO and you’ll know why they chose that area for their setting if they were really in the Congo….to begin with. They could set up a studio in Hollywood and you’d never know the difference. The mainstream reporting is very deceptious so they could lie thru their teeths with reports of Ebola outbreaks and if you don’t know the codes then it believable to the masses.

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