Tuesday, January 22, 2019

J.F.Kennedy.....TRANSFORM And....???

Is JFK A Real Life Transformer????

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 107/136/163 Nonfactual, Portrayer, Disneyland (163/161 Impersonator) (100/116 Bioelectrogenetically) (109/107 Trickery) (116/154 Fictionize, Untalented, Shameproof) (116/181 Underacting) (100/170 Connivance) (181/170 Extemporizing) (170/127 Imposterous) (154/170 Drollishness, Impersonates, Revivability) (136/161 Counterfeit) (161/217 Preidentifying) (109/161 Bamboozler) (Org/ROg 309/258=103/86/68 Theatrics, Conjure, Phonies, Fantasy, Superartificial, Manipulatability, Unoriginativeness (130/86/68 Preconceivable, Dishonest, Fraudulency, Crookfingered))

John F. Kennedy 131/193/139 Illusionable, Fictitiously, Ridiculous (113/139 Overintellectualized, Superimprobableness, Conceptualistically) (131/49/94 Fraudster, Unrealistic Inconvincible) (131/193 Dichotomized, Scandalizers, Manufactural) (Org/ROg 193/131=193/113 Plastic Surgery)

James Earl Carter, Jr 96/102/177/282 Preidentification (120/177 Fictionized) (174/177 Extemporising) (69/120 Conjurers, Fictionized) (69/138 Pretender) (69/147 Divinizing, Conspiracy) (96/147 Freemason) (69/165 Mythicalism) (78/102/201 Hypnotisability) (78/174 Scripturally) (96/174 Characters) (Org/ROg 197/262 Conceptualisation, Nonhereditariness)

Jimmy Carter 54/72/135/162 Dermatology, Subvertible, Preassembly (54/81/135/216 Athletic Actor) (54/81/135 Ridicule, Knockoff) (54/72/108/162 Hoodwinked
(72/90/207 Questionability(72/90/135 Characterising) (54/72/90/126 Schemers) (54/90 Mockery) (Org/ROg 137/160=137/61 Preposterous, Government, Puppetry, Its Not Real, Laughing) (137/160 Entitlement, Reinventing)

In my very first blog I decoded JFK on the premise that he and Jimmy Carter are the same person with resources seen on the internet. In this decode I expose the fact that JFK had plastic surgery and transformed himself into Jimmy Carter. With numbers that correspond to PLASTIC SURGERY, DERMATOLOGY, ATHLETIC ACTOR, KNOCKOFF and REINVENTING and other words I am certain that Jfk transformed himself into Jimmy Carter. This is my thinking and you will have to form your own opinions base on the decodes above.

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