Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Charles Levin Found In Limelight City

Charles Levin Reported Died In LA And Found In Oregon

died in Los Angeles found in Oregon 311/472=131/113/247 Indeterminable, Implausibilities, Supercoincidently (113/274 Controlled Opposition) (113/157 Mainstream, Not Factual) (113/184 Debatefully) (113/211 Semianimated) (113/220 Conceptualistically) (112/131 Fraudster) (193/139/131 Illusionable, Fictitiously, Ridiculous, Motiveless) (131/220 Imaginability) (149/121 Purposeful, Staged Prop) (149/148 Duplicitous) (149/175 Controllably) (158/166 Doubtfulness) (139/193/158 Controlling, Freemasonry, Assassinative) (211/167 Newsworthiness) (167/157 Conspirators) (Org/ROrg 362/421=236/142 Noninjuriousness, Characterizing (142/263 Authenticatable, Conceptualizations)

Charles Levin 65/70/128/196 Nonbelieving (70/128/196 Confabulator) (74/97/196 Noninjuriousness) (70/56/115/182 Deceivingly, Preconceive) (38/70/106 Hoaxster) (61/65/106 Ridiculing) (Org/ROrg 144/180 Nonauthentic (81/144 Blindfoldedness, Excrements, Purpose Plan)

I found the reporting of Chuck Levin to be suspicious so I decoded his place of death and where his body was found and my intuitions were coreect. If he died in LA and later his body was found in Oregon then the 113 coding should make this death a hoax. Finding the 113 number in his death was grounds for me to decode his name and found the word “Noninjuriousness” insync with the news reporting.

I think Chuck escaped the limelights by faking his death and if they wanted any decoder to find his fakery then they used the right cities to do this news concoction.

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