Friday, July 19, 2019

Stop Worrying....Nuclear Bombs Are Non-Existence

Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

NUCLEAR WARHEAD 62/73/134/190 Programmatic (82/134/217 Fictioneering, Inconceivably) (28/62/134 Awlessness) (28/62/100/143 Falseness) (62/82/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (Org/ROrg 161/217 Preidentifying (116/127 Misinform) (116/172 Inconceivability, Superimprobable)

HANDLE WITH CARE 68/85/131/247 Indeterminable (86/103/130/113 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest) (68/67/113 Mainstream) (113/76 Not True) (86/94/247 Supercoincidently) (68/112/131 Fraudster) (Org/ROrg 178/200 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters)

NUCLEAR WARHEAD HANDLE WITH CARE 265/491=194/265 Condescensiveness (130/194 Misleadingly, Misdirecting, Dumbfounding) (103/130/194 Orchestrations, Prepostorship, Transcriptively) (103/149 Staged Prop) (Org/ROrg 339/417=113/139 Overintellectualized, Superimprobableness, Conceptualistically (131/193 Illusionable) (131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous)

HI THERE 37/53/82/161 Concocted (62/64/116 Condescending) (62/64/116 Fictionize, Shameproof) (55/62/161 Counterfeit) (46/53/161 Doubtable) (89/73/161 Preidentifying) (46/53/161 Bamboozler) (Org/ROrg 99/90 Mockery, Hyperintellectually, Conspiratorially, Inconceivableness)

DEAR JOHN 60/75/141 Militarizes, Tribulation (75/51/141 Extemporize) (57/141 Superscripts) (57/51/141 Divinized) (60/75/114 Inconceivable) (75/60/114 Scripture) (Org/ROrg 115/101 Bodyless, Artfully, Overimaginativeness (151/101 Conspirative, Improvising, Unfeasibleness)

Dr Strangelove is a great movie worthy of the 8.4 rating on The cast of characters are a mockery of the plot of the movie. The actors were all chosen brilliantly by the director Stanley Kubrick as well as their performances. You want to be entertained….Watch this movie.

I thought about this movie when my B-52 Bomber rendered a 113 coding and if you think the B52 Bomber is real then this movie will change your mind. The decodes above are words plastered on the two nuclear bombs. All the numbers coded into the words written on the bombs amounts to a mockery. With dual 113 decodings...this movie is as real as The Wizard Of Oz and the Hydrogen Bombs mentioned are a complete fictional entity so the movie is telling you to STOP WORRYING. I think they made this movie knowing that there’s no such weapons system that can annihilate the world. It’s all fear driven propaganda but with all of the news reports of mass extinction if the bombs were to be dropped…..anyone without the knowledge would be fearful.

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