Monday, September 16, 2019

Billionaire Plans Space Utopia?

Russian Billionaire Plans A Garden In Space

Igor Ashurbeyli 79/83/169/209 Pretendingness (79/83/169 Does Not Exist) (29/79/101 Bodyless) (Org/ROrg 162/216 Premanufacture, Unluminousness)

Noah’s Ark 42/48/87/129 Misguide (87/129/204 Superartificially) (48/87//240 Manufacturable) (84/87/219/240 Phototherapeutics) (33/84/192 Substanceless) (Org/ROrg 88/128 Artificialize (88//281 Commericalizations) (88/182 Overseriousness, Proportionality))

garden of gods 83/115/209 Overcapitalisation (29/70/115 Bodyless) (61/74/151 Conspirative) (70/92/151 Improbability, Unfeasibleness) (47/61/151 Dupability, Impossible) (70/92/209 Artificiality) (61/65/115/209 Flimflamming) (Org/ROrg 145/179 Immortalized, MoneyGrubber, Ununiqueness (197/154 Corruptionist))

This decode clearly points out that the billionaire’s proposed project is UNFEASIBLE and is a way to put the mainstream media’s delusional propaganda reports within the public’s preception no matter how bogus or unrealistic the plot is. The billionaire is according to the numbers a made up person to sell the narrative of a rich person dreams to somehow and someday deliver a spa ce colony to save humanity.

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