Gematria...Conspiracy To Make SUCKERS Out Of TRUTHERS?
Gatrinator 51/66/123/147 Conspiracy (66/123/174/150 Perpetuators) (66/105/174 Intentionalism) (FB 149/130=194/130 Corporational, Dumbfounding, Condescensiveness) (Org/ROrg 130/140=130/41 Dishonest (103/140 Scallywag) (104/103 Controlled Opposition))
em 18/27/63 Plot (27/36/63/126 Heckles) (36/81/90/126 Schemers) (36/72/90 Mockery) (Su/RSu 108/216 Superfinanced, Conceitedness, Coachability, Collaborated (81/261 Blindfoldedness, Uncreditableness) (Org/ROrg 18/36=108/36 Puppetism)
Gem FB 51 Conspiracy (11/61 Jesus) (25/56/52 Shit) (29/52/65 Mocker) (29/52/101 Shameless) (56/52/110/160 Programmed) (56/61/205 All Seeing Eye) (52/200 Brainwashees) (Org/ROrg 25/56 Shit (52/56/ Fingerable, Disloyalty, Pretenders, Newsteller)
atrinator 44/64/127 Sheeples (Org/ROrg 123/120 NewsHound, Conjurers, Collusion (123/201 Spellbinding))
Gematria 25/38/61/74 Trick (52/74/142 Tricksters) (52/38/106 Follower) (Virus reports 74/83/106/142) (Clever Decode 74/61) (Org/ROrg 78/138 News Sucker, Shamelessly, Gullibility, Deceptivity, Pamphleteers, Freethinkers, Spurious, Misdirection (87/138 Deliberateness, Preknowing, Blameworthiness))
Since it was introduced...I’ve been using the Gematrinator software and after I exposed the GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS in my previous blogs...I’ve never looked into decoding the software’s title. This decode is an exposee of the real reason Gematria was introduced to truthers.This revelation came about when I heard truthers that started learning about Gematria and their more awareness to the news which entails watching more TV and News Reports The word Gematria is coded as a TRICK to get truthers involved in the practice of coding numbers into words and it was a success.
How many truthers are using the internet and/or TV for their source of information.
Note the word PAMPHLETEERS in which I stated that truthers should make their own pamphlets and hand deliver them. So...I’m just a suckers to the SHIT Gang just as any other truthers are. It’s even coded to mock the FREETHINKERS when you call into TFR’s Live Broadcast and present the host with a CLEVER DECODE.
On to Derick the mouthpiece that supposedly invented the Gematrinator software. How many truthers believe that ROOKIE decoder Derick can code his software with the above decodes. Remember that the Jesuits were exposed recently as the owner of the Gematrintor and this decode crystallizes them when the EM is highlighted in the LOGO which is coded as 54 JESUIT ORDER.
I recently tuned into the TV expecting NFL payoff football but they haven’t started so I watched a game show called...get this....GAME CAB!!! It doesn’t take much thinking to figure out the scenarios.
I watched that along with some commercials which are dull but when a smart and witty one that make you laugh is shown...I ‘d say...very creative.
So...what’s to decide on this decode. I...being fully awaken and noting that there’s not much that THEY can do to us but to deceive the public and hope that they buy THEIR LIES and DECEPTIONS.
Will HELL break lose when the dollar fully implodes and you’re left with no money in which to buy stuff? That scenario could happen so it’s best to be self supporting. My sister waited until there are vegetable shortages to begin to create her own garden. I told her 3 years ago to she has to wait 3-5years for her fruit trees to bear fruits. If you can start a garden....START NOW...DON’T WAIT!!!
I will continue to use the Gematrinator Software which is offline so I have no worries about THEM recording my actions.
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